Data Presentation based on the Noun Categories: Count or



This chapter deals with the presentation of research findings. There are three problems that are discussed in this chapter. The problems that are discussed are the forms of brand names, the change of pronunciations of brand names, and the meaning of brand names.

A. Forms of Brand Names

1. Data Presentation based on the Noun Categories: Count or

Uncountable Nouns The present data are taken from Reader’s Digest magazine February 2014 edition. The samples are the brand names that are found in the magazine. There are 27 brand names that are analyzed. The data are shown in the table below: No Coined Words No. Coined Words No. Coined Words 1. Parasol p.5 10. Polo p. 59 19. NASA p. 93 2. Facebook p.7 11. i – Pad p. 59 20. Actifed p. 93 3. Twitter p. 7 12. New York Times p. 59 21. Apollo 7 p. 93 4. Reader’s Digest p. 7 13. Lacoste p. 59 22. Dumpster p. 95 5. Blackberry p. 19 14. Winnie the Pooh p. 78 23. Concorde p. 96 6. Aspirin p.20 15. Wham – O p. 81 24. Cosmopolitan p. 107 7. Time p. 30 16. Hula-Hoops p. 81 25. Armani p. 128 8. Shaun the Sheep p. 44 17. Frisbee p. 81 26. Prada p. 128 9. Instagram p. 44 18. Flyin – Saucer p. 81 27. Thai cover page Table. 1 Data of Brand Names Thomas et. al 2014: 2 stated that most proper nouns are generally uncountable noun. Quirk et. al 1980: 76 stated that proper noun itself is the name of place, people, items, and certain things. It is different from common noun which is the name of general item, such as book, table, ladder, and chair. In order to differentiate proper nouns and common nouns, the writer makes the table below. No. Common Nouns Proper Nouns 1 Person Johannes P. Situmorang 2. Toy Frisbee, Wham-O, Flyin-Saucer, Hula-Hoops 3. Magazine Cosmopolitan, Time, New York Times, Readers Digest 4. Website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 5. Phone Gadget Blackberry, i-Pad 6. Medicine Aspirin, Actifed 7. Movie Character Shaun the Sheep, Winnie the Pooh 8. Umbrella Parasol 9. Organization NASA 10. Clothes Prada, Armani, Polo, Lacoste 11 Transportation Concorde, Thai, Apollo 7. Table 2. Common vs. Proper Noun The proper noun has two distinctive features: 1 It will name a specific items, 2 It will begin with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in the sentences. Proper nouns are uncountable with the exception on the family names and territory names, for example, “There are three Williams in the room” or ”The Virgin Islands have a very beautiful scenery”. Facebook is a proper noun of a company name as well as a website name. As we know, there is only one Facebook in this world. Facebook refers only to a social media website founded Mark Zuckerberg. Therefore it makes Facebook as a uncountable noun. It also occurs with all data which are the name of company. Aspirin is the proper noun and chemical term of pain killers, Frisbee is the name of toy, Concorde is the name of an aircraft, Shaun the Sheep and Winnie the Pooh are the names of movie characters. Based on the explanation above, the writer finds out that the whole data are the proper nouns and concludes that whole data are uncountable nouns.

2. Data Presentation Based on the Morphological Forms