Research Problems Problem Limitation Research Objectives Research Benefits

1.1.1 Research Problems

There are two research problems which are investigated in this research: 1. How are instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta designed? 2. What do instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta look like?

1.1.2 Problem Limitation

This research is focused on the process of designing writing materials using movies for the eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta. Movies that are used as the learning media are chosen according to the students age and level. Task-based learning approach is applied in the designed material to allow students do more practice on writing skills.

1.1.3 Research Objectives

According to the research problems, this research is conducted in order to: 1. Find out how instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta are designed.

2. Present instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade


1.1.4 Research Benefits

This research is expected to give benefits to some sides. They are: 1. Students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta This research is expected to help eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta in learning the English writing skill. Through movies and interesting writing tasks and activities, it is also expected to incre ase the student‟s motivation to practice English writing more, get better in mastering simple grammar and vocabulary, and also to achieve the indicators of the materials given by the teacher. Moreover, by using movie as the learning media, it will be easier for the students to develop the topics and ideas about what to write. 2. English Teachers of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta This research is also aimed at helping the English teachers of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta in providing an interesting and appropriate teaching writing materials to be applied in the classroom. Since the material designed is based on the students‟ needs and interests, it will be easier for the teacher to teach the whole class. Also, through the varied activities and tasks, hopefully this designed material can be used to create an interesting and fun class athmosphere while teaching English writing. 3. Other Researchers The research can be used as one of the references by other researchers who are interested in the same topic. Also, the other researchers can develop the material designed not only for the writing skill, but also for the other three skills, which are reading, listening and speaking skills.

1.1.5 Definition of Terms