Research Type Data and Source of Data

phenomenon consecutively. The processes of data analysis were stated by the researcher in detail below: 1. the researcher read the poem script to check the correctness of the poetic utterances, word by word; 2. the researcher read and identified poetic utterances to find out the types of syntactic deviations; 3. the researcher interpreted the data into the data sheets to describe the types of syntactic deviation in The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes; 4. the researcher also conducted triangulations of the data by asking friends and lectures to check the data to support data analysis; and 5. the researcher classified the collected data into data sheet.

E. Trustworthiness

To confirm the trustworthiness of the data, a check was needed to test the data and the data analysis. One of the techniques in checking trustworthiness of the data analysis was triangulation. Triangulation is a technique to check the validity of the data by using something outside of the data and the data itself. According to Carpenter and Talbot 2003: 38, there are four main types of triangulation; they are by source, by methods, by researcher, by theories, and member checking. In this research, the type of triangulation technique that was used was the one by theory. To gain greater accuracy of the data of this research, the researcher asked the supervisors for examining the data since the researcher consulted the research continually to them. The researcher’s supervisors are: Titik Sudartinah, M. A. as the first supervisor and Niken Anggraeni, M.A. as the second supervisor. They are chosen by the researcher to gain the accuracy of research findings. This research was also triangulated by three friends of the researcher, Alfian Darmawan, Pratika Mutiara, and Khairiyah Eka Januaristi. They are students of English Language and Literature study program of Yogyakarta State University majoring in linguistics and literature.