Significance of the Study

more complex than that. Being able to recognize the words and also comprehending the text at the same time while we are reading is the indicator of fluency in reading. This statement is supported by Kristin Lems in the book Teaching Reading to English Language Learner. Lems stated that fluency is about being able to recognize words and at the same time construct meaning from the text. In another term, we can also define fluency as the ability to decode and comprehend a written text simultaneously. Furthermore, Lems added that the core of fluency is the ability of comprehending a text. 10 If fluency in reading has a close meaning to reading comprehension, then we have to know that the core of reading comprehension is understanding and getting the message of what a writer tries to deliver. Pamela J. Farris in her book Teaching Reading defined reading comprehension as a skill that enables us in getting a message from a text. The essence of reading is a transaction, between the words of an author and the mind of a reader, during which a meaning is constructed 11 .

2. The Purpose of Reading

As we read a text, we actually have an intention in our mind of what we want to get by reading. For Instance, by reading texts in advertisement board telling about a brand new of iPhone that are going to be released, we actually want to get an information when the iPhone is going to be released, what features that the iPhone has, and etc. Another purpose may come along while we are reading a Hunger Games Novel. Instead of getting an important information inside the novel, we may want to get ourselves enjoyed by reading the novel. According to the stated illustrations, we 10 Kristin Lems, Leah D.Miller, and Tenena M.Soro. Teaching Reading to English Language Learner New York: The Guildford Press, 2010. Pg.148 11 Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, and Maria P. Walther, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classroom, New York: McGrawHill:2004Pg.234 clearly acknowledge that the purpose of reading are vary; it is based on the reader‟s intention from reading. American philosopher and educator, Mortimer J. Adler with his friend Charles Van Doren in How to Read a Book proposed the purpose of reading into two: reading for information and reading for understanding 12 . Reading for information is a reading activity at which by reading a text we can gain the quantity of our information store. In the other way, reading for information seems not to deepen our understanding toward topic that we read. For instance, while we are reading about the information telling the release of a brand new iPhone product in the advertisement board, we can clearly catch the information about when it will be released but we can get enough information to understand about the detail of that brand new phone. Reading for understanding gives the idea that the reader starts to read a book that he does not really or completely understand. The material written in the text is usually higher than the reader‟s background knowledge. The activity of reading enables a reader a chance to gain knowledge from a text and at last it will gain the reading‟s understanding. Furthermore, Mortimer J. Adler appended the information that reading to understand only possible under two conditions which are there must be initial inequality in understanding. It means that the writer knowledge is superior that the reader‟s and the second is there must be the reader’s ability to overcome that inequality. It means that with his pervious knowledge or background knowledge, the reader can facilitate himself in understanding the new topic he reads in a book.

3. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is an ability of a reader to comprehend the text that they are reading. There are six types of reading comprehension according to Richard R. . 12 Mortimer J. Adler, and Charles Van Doren, How to Read a Book, Boca Grande, Simon Schuster.Inc, 1972 Revised Edition. Pg.8

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