Definite Demonstrative Adjectives ‘this’ and ‘these’: Definite Demonstrative Adjectives ‘that’ and ‘those’: Definite Demonstrative Adjective ‘such’:

3.2.2. Definite Demonstrative Adjectives ‘this’ and ‘these’:

 During this celebration, the animals are given great attention. From the article entitled Tumpek Kandang held to honor livestock.  This remote Internet access is possible whenever there is a solid high- speed communication link. From the article entitled Astronauts finally get Internet access in space.  These songs were inspired by a belief that no one can change the destiny of a nation but the children of the nation itself. From the article entitled President Yudhoyono release 3 rd pop music album.  Holy water and rice are sprinkled on the head of these animals at the end of the ceremony. From the article entitled Tumpek Kandang held to honor livestock. The samples above show sentences using ‘this’ and ‘these’ to explain the near objects.

3.2.3. Definite Demonstrative Adjectives ‘that’ and ‘those’:

 It has evolved into a complicated political and business collusion, that is, the “Malaysian revolving door”. From the article entitled Corruption, the country’s top enemy.  My Heart was Enlightened That Night. From the article entitled President Yudhoyono release 3 rd pop music album. Universitas Sumatera Utara  The administration has promised compensation to the families of those killed and injured. From the article entitled Developer may have building license revoked.  The competition was held based on those categories. From the article entitled Tumpek Kandang held to honor livestock. The sentences in the samples above use ‘that’ and ‘those’ to explain the far objects.

3.2.4. Definite Demonstrative Adjective ‘such’:

 Pitoyo Subandrio, said some sections, such as those at Sunter, Pahlawan Revolusi Bridge, Pondok Kopi, Rawa Bebek and Marunda in North Jakarta, were not fully dredged. From the article entitled Jakarta closing in on year-end target for East Flood Canal.  Such an overprotective practice has caused more and more blatant cooruption. From the article entitled Corruption, the country’s top enemy.

3.2.5. Indefinite Demonstrative Adjectives ‘a’ and ‘an’: