Problem Identification Limitation of the Study Formulation of the study Objective of the study Significance of the study

information into those schemata. ” 5 This assumption is related to how students comprehend the text. Based on explanation above, the writer hopes that students feel easy to apply and to practice this technique in understanding reading text, especially in recount text. Moreover, the influence of Pre-reading activity also helps students improve their achievement in English reading skill. In this research, the writer will conduct the research using pre-reading activity in teaching recount text in SMA Darussalam. Hopefully by using pre- reading activity, students can be helped to comprehend recount text easily. Therefore, based on the explanation above, the writer will conduct the research with the title: “The Effectiveness of Pre-Reading Activity in Students‟ Comprehension in Reading Recount Text A Quasi Experimental Study at Senior High School in the First Year Students of SMA Darussalam Ciputat in the Academic Year of 20132014.

B. Problem Identification

Identification of the problem: 1. The students do not involve actively in reading activity. 2. The teacher‟s method may not attract students in teaching reading. 3. The students need to activate their background knowledge before reading. 4. The students are not interested in reading. 5. The students have low motivation in reading English text. 6. There is low achievement in student‟s comprehension in reading recount text.

C. Limitation of the Study

To avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the problem, it is necessary to make the limitation of the study. The problem will be limited on the teaching recount texts using pre- reading activity to affect the student‟s reading skill that 5 Thom Hudson, Teaching Second Language Reading, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 142. applied in first year students SMA Darussalam Ciputat in academic year of 20132014.

D. Formulation of the study

The formulation of the study which is conducted “Do the Pre-Reading Activities Enhance the Students’ Comprehension in Reading Recount Text at the First Grade of SMA Darussalam Ciputat ?”

E. Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to find empirical evidence whether or not the use Pre-Reading Activities enhance student‟ comprehension in reading recount text at the first grade of SMA Darussalam Ciputat.

F. Significance of the study

The result of this research is expected to be useful for the writer, so it will broaden her knowledge in teaching reading. The research also will give information to the teacher the benefit of using pre-reading in teaching reading. In addition, by using pre-reading activity, teacher can stimulate hisher students to read recount text materials in order to improve students‟ reading comprehension in recount text. For the students, they will have better improvement in reading habits and in their achievement on reading comprehension. Then, for the readers, the research also informs them about the effectiveness of pre-reading activity in students‟ comprehension in reading recount text.

G. Hypothesis