Information quality Investigation of fishery Understand- ing of Information relevance Monitoring Sufficient data continue to be

Document: MSC Pre-Assessment Reporting Template page 69 Date of issue: 15 th August 2011 © Marine Stewardship Council, 2011 NO PASS Component Ecosystem PI 2.5.3 Information monitoring There is adequate knowledge of the impacts of the fishery on the ecosystem. Scoring issues SG60 SG80 SG100

a. Information quality

Information is adequate to identify the key elements of the ecosystem e.g. trophic structure and function, community composition, productivity pattern and biodiversity. Information is adequate to broadly understand the key elements of the ecosystem.

b. Investigation of fishery

impacts Main impacts of the fishery on these key ecosystem elements can be inferred from existing information, but have not been investigated in detail. Main impacts of the fishery on these key ecosystem elements can be inferred from existing information, and some have been investigated in detail. Main interactions between the fishery and these ecosystem elements can be inferred from existing information, and have been investigated in detail.

c. Understand- ing of

component functions The main functions of the Components i.e. target, Bycatch, Retained and ETP species and Habitats in the ecosystem are known The impacts of the fishery on target, Bycatch, Retained and ETP species and Habitats are identified and the main functions of these Components in the ecosystem are understood.

d. Information relevance

Sufficient information is available on the impacts of the fishery on these Components to allow some of the main consequences for the ecosystem to be inferred. Sufficient information is available on the impacts of the fishery on the Components and elements to allow the main consequences for the ecosystem to be inferred.

e. Monitoring Sufficient data continue to be

collected to detect any increase in risk level e.g. due to changes in the outcome indicator scores or the operation of the fishery or the effectiveness of the measures. Information is sufficient to support the development of strategies to manage ecosystem impacts. JustificationRationale Some general work has been undertaken on the trophic structure in the GoT Male et al., 2005. Similarly, there appears to be some knowledge of the species and habitat interactions. This information needs to be able to specifically assess the issues of trophic impact and the likelihood of cascades from the crab fishery, which would include depletion of top predators sharks and rays, truncated sizes target and retained species, gross changes to species diversity, and changes to genetic diversity. Document: MSC Pre-Assessment Reporting Template page 70 Date of issue: 15 th August 2011 © Marine Stewardship Council, 2011 Principle 3 Component Governance and Policy PI 3.1.1 Legal andor customary framework The management system exists within an appropriate and effective legal andor customary framework which ensures that it: - Is capable of delivering sustainable fisheries in accordance with MSC Principles 1 and 2; - Observes the legal rights created explicitly or established by custom of people dependent on fishing for food or livelihood; and - Incorporates an appropriate dispute resolution framework. Scoring issues SG60 SG80 SG100

a. Consistency with laws or