According to Nybaken 1992, about 90 of the world’s fisheries products come from the sea area 2 – 3 , most of them identified as upwelling areas. Fishing activities do not require specifically the criteria of determining land suitability area. In fact, most marine areas can be used for fishing activities area. This is the last alternative to be done.

2.3.3. Tourism Potencies

Basically, marine tourism development is aimed at using marine objects such as coastal natural resources, flora and fauna diversity to increase local advantages. Some of areas in Maros has good coastal landform and high natural resources potencies. Therefore, this area is able to be a product of marine tourism development. Kusumastanto 2002 states some of marine tourism products can be developed in coastal areas such as; beach, business, resort, sport and culture tourisms. Tourism development will bring direct effect to local people and government. The goal of tourism development is to promote an environmental friendly business and to generate local income. Such development must also protect cultural values and the rights of local people.

2.4. Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is the science and art to obtain information about object, area or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device without contact with the object, area, or phenomenon under investigation Lilesand and Kiefer 1994. Satellite data are remotely obtained based on concept of the 15 interaction between electromagnetic radiation and the objects within various ranges of spectrum or bands depending on the sensors Dowreand and Disbunchong 1992. The reasons for the increase of the use of remote sensing are that remote sensing image represent objects, phenomenon in surface of the earth with 1 shape and location of objects similar with earth surface, 2 completely, 3 large area coverage, 4 permanent Sutanto, 1986. These reasons may be implemented in some sectors, such as hydrology, oceanography, geography, biology, forestry and agriculture, and also for coastal and marine management. Landsat TM is one type of remote sensing imagery that is often used for natural resources inventory. Landsat TM have many spectral that makes easier to identify objects in earth surface, hence this type of images has often been used for natural resources inventory. More details about Landsat TM spectral electromagnetic can be seen in Table 2.4 Table 2.4. Landsat TM Spectral electromagnetic Channel Wave Length μm Spatial Resolution m Spectrum Name 1 0,45 – 0,52 30 Blue 2 0,52 – 0,60 30 Green 3 0,63 – 0,690 30 Red 4 0,76 – 0,90 30 Near Infrared 5 1,55 – 1,75 30 Middle Infrared I 6 10,40 – 12,50 120 Thermal Infrared 7 2,08 – 2,35 30 Middle Infrared II For the application of Landsat TM remote sensing algorithms to coastal zone, it needs some understanding of spectral properties, both of targeted 16 parameters and surrounding surface materials. An understanding of the properties of marine and coastal materials and their interaction to produce a complex signal on the satellite sensor is required to properly analyze the processed imagery. Every channel on Landsat TM has particular functions, hence it can be implemented to some aspects Mika, 1997. Application of channels is shown in Table 2.5. Table 2.5. Landast TM electromagnetic for specific application Channel Application 1 Vegetation and soil differentiation, clean water bathymetry 2 Indication of vegetation fertility, sedimentation, dirty water bathymetry 3 Vegetation classification, snow and ice mapping 4 Biomass, and water body boundary 5. Vegetation water content, snow and cloud differentiation 6 Thermal, settlement, and non settlement mapping 7 Hydrothermal, geology and soil type differentiation One way of easier identification process is making composite image to derive new image. From composite image, object view may produce more contrast and be easier to be identified. Basically, image- processing principal is arranging picture on digital image including spatial and spectral aspects. Therefore, this image is divided into 2 spaces; they are spatial and spectral aspects. Spatial is three 3 dimentional space that are represented by coordinate x, y, and z, while spectral shows spectral value distribution in every channel inside coordinate Danoedoro, 1996. Through spectral space, characteristics of an object can be known and differentiated from the other objects. Characteristic of identification of object is called image interpretation. Identification includes the following characteristics such as spectral, spatial, and temporal Lilesand and Kiefer, 1979. Among these 17 characteristics, spectral is the main identification characteristic; it means that other characteristics can be known after knowing the spectral characteristic.

2.5. Geographic Information System GIS