Marine or Aqua Cultivation

Table 3.3. Weighting and scoring of zone classification No Variables Minimal Score Maximal Score Weight Total of Minimal score Total of Maximal score 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Distance from Beach Vegetation Slope Substrate Distribution Population Pressuring Sea Surface Temperature Salinity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 8 4 4 4 16 4 4 Total 11 44 3.7. Coastal Ecosystem Development 3.7.1. Resort Tourism Area Land suitability for resort tourism area is based on tourism suitability criteria. Land suitability matrix used was referring to criteria that have been done by Bakosurtanal 1996, in which resort tourism was related to activities on the beach building, such as: swimming pool, garden, sunrisesunset and other activities to see of beauty of the sea. Table 3.4 is shown requirement of land suitability for resort tourism activities. These requirement is not absolutely can be implemented to any location, but it is depend of location natural characteristics. For this case, the resort tourism requirement above is suitable for location in Indonesia.

3.7.2. Marine or Aqua Cultivation

Marine or aqua cultivation that will be developed are “keramba jaring apung”, seaweed, and fishpond cultivation. Tables 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 showed the condition that have to be considered for marine aqua cultivation. 34 Table 3.4. Matrix of suitability for resort tourism activities Categorize and scoring No Variable unit weighting S1 Highly Suitable Score S2 Suitable Score S3 Marginally Suitable Score N Not Suitable Score Marine 1. Depth Bottom Sea m 10 2 9 2 - 6 7 6 – 10 5 10 3 2. Current velocity Msec 6 0 – 0,10 8 0,11 – 0,40 6 0,41 – 0,50 4 0,50 2 3. Brightness of water m 8 15 8 10 – 15 6 5 – 10 4 5 2 Land 4. Type of beach - 10 sand, slightly 10 Sand, small coral 8 Sand Coral, small steep 6 mud, mangrove, coral, very steep 4 5. Land cover of beach - 6 Coconut, Open land 8 brush, small grass, savanna, 6 High grass, agriculture land 4 forest, mangrove, settlement, harbor, pond 2 6. Distance from source of fresh water Km 6 0,5 8 0,5 – 1 6 1 – 2 4 2 2 7. Distance from coastline m 6 1000 8 1000 - 1500 6 1500 - 2500 4 2500 2 Source: Bakosurtanal 1996, with modification Table 3.5. Matrix of suitability for “keramba jaring apung” kajapung Categorize and scoring No Variable weighting S1 Highly Suitable Score S2 Suitable Score S3 Marginally Suitable Score N Not Suitable Score 1. Current Velocity msec 4 10 - 14 4 5 - 10 3 3 – 5 2 3 and 14 1 2. Depth water m 4 8 – 12 4 12 – 16 3 4 - 8 16 – 20 2 4 20 1 3. Sechi Disk Dept 4 75 4 50 – 75 3 25 - 50 2 25 1 4. PH 3 7,6 – 8,3 4 7 - 7,6 8,3 – 8,5 3 6,5 - 7 8,5 – 9 2 6,5 9 1 5. Oxygen Demand 4 6 4 5 – 6 3 4 – 5 2 4 1 6. Salinity 4 31 – 33 4 28 - 31 33 – 35 3 25 - 28 35 – 36 2 25 36 1 7. Surface temperature 4 25 – 31 4 23 – 25 31 – 33 3 20 - 23 33 – 36 2 20 36 1 Source: Bakosurtanal 2004, with modification 35 Table 3.6. Matrix of suitability for fishpond cultivation Categorize and scoring No Variable weighting S1 Highly Suitable Score S2 Suitable Score S3 Marginally Suitable Score N Not Suitable Score 1. Distance from coastline km 4 0 – 5 4 5 – 6 3 6 – 7 2 7 1 2. Distance from river m 3 0 – 500 4 500 – 800 3 800 – 1100 2 1100 1 3. Slope 4 0 – 2 4 2 – 3 3 - 2 3 1 4. Litho logy 4 Qac 4 Temt 3 Tme 2 Tmet, Tmcv 1 5. Soil type 4 Entisol, inceptisol 4 Entisol, inceptisol 3 Entisol, inceptisol, Ultisol 2 Oxisol 1 6. Landform 3 F7, F11, M4, M10, M14 4 F5, F12, F13 3 D4, K3 2 D1, D3, D2, D15, S1, S2, V15 1 7. Land use 3 A 4 B 3 2 C 1 Source: Bakosurtanal 2004 Where: A : Fishpond, swamp B : Forest, Agriculture Land C : Settlement, sand, coral reef, river and lake Table 3.7. Matrix of suitability for seaweed cultivation Categorize and scoring No Variable Weighting S1 Highly Suitable Score S2 Suitable Score S3 Marginally Suitable Score N Not Suitable Score 1. Current velocity Cmsec 4 20 – 30 4 30 – 40 3 - 2 20 40 1 2. Sechi Disk Depth 4 75 4 50 - 75 3 25 - 50 2 25 1 3. Oxygen Demand 4 6 4 5 – 6 3 4 – 5 2 4 1 4. PH 3 -7,6 – 8 4 7 – 7,6 8 – 8,5 3 - 2 7 8,5 1 5. Depth water m 3 1 – 2 4 2 – 4 3 4 – 10 2 1 10 1 6. Salinity ppt 4 32 – 34 4 30 – 32 3 28 – 30 2 28 34 1 7. Surface temperatu re oC 4 24 – 29 4 29 – 30 3 30 – 31 2 24 31 1 Source: Wahyuningrum at Abdul Haris, 2003 with modification 36

3.7.3. Fishing Activities