Research Objectives Research Benefits

9 system or institution. The educational program is then developed to serve these goals. Topics are chosen for study within curriculum area or courses that are used to state the general purposes. Step 2. State the Learner Characteristics Enumerate the important characteristic of the learner for whom the instruction is to be designed. Each learner should be recognized and respected the student as an individual. Each person should be assisted in pursuing learning at his or her own pace, on his or her schedule and with his or her selection of learning experiences and material. The planner should obtain information about the learners’ capabilities, needs, and interest. Step 3. Specify the Learning Objectives Specify the learning objectives to be achieved in terms of measurable student’s behavioral outcomes. Learning objectives is concerned with learning as the outcome of instruction. Step 4. List the Subject Content List the content which has close relationship to the objectives and to the student’s needs. Subject content is the traditional starting point for teaching that is usual in subject-centered teaching. Content in most subject areas is dynamic and changing, and is being recognized as traditional courses are combined around contemporary “theme topics”. Step 5. Develop Pre-assessment Develop Pre-assessment to determine the student’s background and present level of knowledge about topic. Pre-assessment is to determine which of 10 the objectives students may already have achieved. It is called as ‘pretest’ and the final evaluation called a ‘posttest’. Step 6. Select Teaching Learning Activities and Resources Select teachinglearning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content so students will accomplish the objectives. You determine the most efficient and effective methods and then select materials to provide learning experiences that will utilize the content associated with each objective. Step 7. Coordinate Support Service These services include funds, facilities, equipment, and personal whose time must be scheduled for participation in the instructional plan. There are many interrelated elements in any instructional situation and each needs careful consideration during the appropriate planning step. Step 8. Evaluate Student’s Learning Evaluate student’s learning in terms of their accomplishment of objectives, with a view to revising and re-evaluating any phases of the plan that need improvement. Each element affects others and the process is flexible. Hence, the designer can start with which element the designer wants to begin first. The relationship of the eight plans above is illustrated in the following diagram.