The Data from the Interview

38 order to help the participants for their grammar problem, the researcher will provide an example of reading passage in each unit and then the participants will be asked to create a similar story using pictures provided. Other technique used to overcome the difficulty is arranging jumbled sentences.This way, the participants will gain both vocabulary and grammar lesson in one integrated activity. The other result from the questionnaire tells about the various topics the participants want to learn. The researcher provided eleven topics for the participants to choose, they were given four choices. The topics were Animals, Plants, Holiday, Sport, Job, Fashion, Music, Family, Food, Technology, and Fingerboard. Not all the topics were used in this design material, the researcher only chose four out of eleven of the most preferable by the participants. The topics used were Animals, Holiday, Music, and Food.

b. The Data from the Interview

Beside the questionnaire, the researcher also interviewed the English teacher of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . The purpose of this is to obtain more specific information which cannot be obtained only by form of questionnaire. There were two main questions in the interview. The first one was about asking what difficulties the teacher experienced while teaching English in Class VIIIB SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . The second question was about asking what difficulties the participants mostly had while learning English, especially reading and writing skills. The result of the interviews indicated that the skills of each individual in Class VIIIB were very varied. Because of this fact, the teacher experienced some problems teaching there. One of the problems was that the 39 teacher had difficulty to set the standard of difficulty of the materials she would like to use. The teacher told the researcher that the above average smart students usually did not pay attention to the teacher because they were confident in their ability. There was also tendency that they did not want to share their knowledge to the other students which still need to learn more. This kind of situation, as described by the teacher, was only hampering the teaching-learning activity. The other result found from the interview was that most of the students understood the meaning of sentences in reading passage provided by the teacher, but when they have to make another sentence using the words provided from the reading passage, the students had problem with it. This could be said that they only knew what the meaning of the word is but did not know how to use the word properly. The researcher concluded a conclusion that the students only guess what the sentence in reading passage means rather than understanding the meaning of the sentence. In other words, they only knew maybe few words of the sentence but it was quite enough for them to guess what the meaning of the sentence. Therefore, that fact proves out that the students had issues with vocabulary and grammar.

2. Stating Goals, Topics, and Purposes