Normality Test The Technique of Data Analysis

3. Hypothesis Test

The hypothesis test are conducted to answer the question: 1. Is there any significance difference on students‟ reading comprehension achievement after they are taught by using Think-Aloud? 2. Does Think-Aloud enhance the awareness of students toward their reading strategy? Analyzing the obtained data from pre-test and post-test is conducted to answer the question number 1. The data is analyzed by using SPSS 20. The result of the analysis will be used to answer the hypothesis .The hypothesis are described as below:  H : There is a s ignificant difference of students‟ reading achievement after they are taught using Think-Aloud.  H 1 : There is no a significant difference of students‟ reading achievement after they are taught using Think-Aloud. To decide which of the mentioned hypothesis that is accepted, the writer analyzes the data by using independent t test. The value of significant p shown by Sig. 2 tailed score will show whether the hypothesis is accepted or not. The criteria is shown as below  If the value of significant p 0.05, H is rejected. It means that There is no a significant difference of students‟ reading achievement after they are taught using Think-Aloud  If the value of significant p 0.05, H is accepted. It means that there is a significant difference o f students‟ reading achievement after they are taught using Think-Aloud The answer of question number two is obtain by analyzing the questionnaire that is given to the experiment class. The questionnaire, namely, Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategy Inventory MARSI, is going to be distributed before and after the students are given the treatment. The questionnaire that is developed by Koider Mohtari and Carla Reichard consists of 30 question related to reading strategy. To determine the level of reading strategy, the writer use the MARSI score level. There are three levels score which are:  3.5 or higher means reading strategy  2.5-3.4 means medium Reading Strategy  2.4 or lower means low reading strategy To know the level of the students, the writer has to find the average score of the questionnaire result of the experiment class. If there is an improvement of the mean of the result, it indicates Think-Aloud enhance the students‟ awareness of their reading strategy.

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