Consonants English Vowels Classification of English Sounds


2.1.1 Consonants

English has 24 consonants. They are [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g ], [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [ ʃ], [ʒ], [h], [t], [tʃ], [dʒ], [m], [n], [ŋ], [l], [r], [w] Ramelan, 1999:12. Further, Ramelan 2003:100 classifies consonants into three types as follows: a. Based on the place where the optimum obstruction takes place: bilabial consonants, labio-dental consonants, apico-dental or just dental consonants, alveolar consonants, palatal, velar, and glottal. b. Based on the way in which the air is obstructed by the articulators: plosive or stop consonants, affricate consonants, fricative consonants, nasal consonants, lateral consonants, rolled consonants, and semi-vowel or glide consonants. c. Based on the activity of the vocal cords: voiced and voiceless consonants. In classifying consonants, some linguists have different opinions, but more or less they are the same. Source: Ramelan 2003:108 8 Table 2. 2 Classification of English Consonants Source: Jackson 1982:19

2.1.2 English Vowels

English has 12 twelve pure vowels. They are [i:], [I], [ ε], [æ], [a:], [ ɔ], [ɔ:], [U], [u:], [ Λ], [ə], [ə:] Ramelan, 1999:57. Jackson 1980: 20 classifies vowels into three kinds: front vowels, central vowels, and back vowels. a. Front vowel English has four vowels in the front area; all are made with spread lips. They are close front spread vowel [i:], lowered and centralized close front spread vowel [I], mid front spread vowel [ ε], and open front spread vowel [æ]. b. Back vowels There are five vowels in the back area of the mouth. They are close back rounded vowel [u:], lowered and centralized close back rounded vowel [U], 9 mid back rounded vowel [ ɔ:], open back rounded vowel [ɔ], and open back spread vowel [a:]. c. Central vowels There are three vowels produced in the central area of the mouth. They are open central spread vowel [ Λ], mid central spread vowels [ə:] [ə], and schwa vowel in unstressed syllable.

2.1.3 Diphthong

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