Objective Outcome Location of study

2 Wayne Joku, 2015 GIS MAPPING OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ALONG KM 0-77 CITARUM RIVER Universi tas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Citarum River will continue being one of the worlds most polluted rivers and will not be able to support the millions of Indonesians who depend on the river for survival.

1.3 Objective

In regards to the aforementioned problems, the objective is to construct three thematic maps which visualize the multiple waste management problems faced by the villages in the alongside the Citarum River. This is done by integrating with survey data in regards to waste management solutions collected by BPLHD during the Penyusunan Rencana Aksi Citarum Bestari 2015 KM 0-77.

1.4 Outcome

With these maps, the user will be able to identify, prioritize and implement improved waste management solutions for the affected villages. 13 Wayne Joku, 2015 GIS MAPPING OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ALONG KM 0-77 CITARUM RIVER Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

3.1 Location of study

The Citarum Bestari Program for 2015-1018 is focused on the management of the upstream region of the Citarum River, thus the study commences for the start of the main stream of the river, a point which in this case is Posisi 0 position zero and focuses of the area surrounding the first 77 kilometers of the river. The end point is defined as Posisi KM 77 and is situated at the outlet of the main stream of the river which flows into Waduk Saguling Saguling Reservoir. Fig. 3.1: Map of KM 0-77 Citarum River 14 Wayne Joku, 2015 GIS MAPPING OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ALONG KM 0-77 CITARUM RIVER Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Penyusunan Rencana Aksi Citarum Bestari 2015 KM 0-77 was carried out during March of 2014 by several individuals employed by BPLHD acting a survey team. Data collection techniques were used to obtain data in accordance to the needs of the study and these were conducted through questionnaires, observation, interviews, and studying related existing administrative data. Observation was used to know and learn directly from the social and environmental conditions at the time. In-depth interviews were used to determine the qualitative aspects in greater depth through face-to-face interaction with the locals. A desk study was conducted to collect the data related to the already existing documents in offices and agencies in connection with the administration of Citarum. Respondents were determined using purposive sampling, ie a sampling technique conducted with consideration of the residential areas surrounding the upstream, midstream, and downstream portions of the river. Key informants were determined using snowball sampling; a technique in which the determination of key informants starts from people who have a sufficient understanding of the problem being studied then that person is requested to choose a person to serve as the next key informant.

3.2 Secondary Data Sources