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Hoang, TH. 2010. An Analysis of the Use of Inverrsion in English and Vietnamese Literature. Accessed from http:tailieuso.udn.vnbitstreamTTHL_12513962Summary.pdf. on September 1 st 2015. Hughes, L. Study Guide of Langston Hughes’ Poems. Accessed from http:www.gradesaver.comlangston-hughes-poemsstudy- guidesummary-theme-for-english-b on May 2015. 104 Appendix 01. Types and T he Author’s Purposes Wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes Edited by Arnold Rampersad and David Roessel Using Syntactic Deviations List of abbreviations : 03PP01 : number of poemtype of syntactic deviationsnumber of chapter 1 : Preposition phrases a : to show jazz music that express sorrow and loneliness 2 : Noun phrases or NPs b : to portray American’s dreams 3 : Adjectival phrases APs c : to show African- American’s struggle 4 : Adverb displacement d : to depict racism in America 5 : Subject displacement e : to face difficulty wisely 6 : Multiple negation f : to show self-actualization 7 : Inversion g : to show the other problems faced by African-American 105 NO CODE DATA CONTEXT TYPES OF SYNTACTIC DEVIATIONS THE AUTHOR’S PURPOSES EXPLANATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a b c d e f g 1. 06MN03 Looks like what drives me crazy Dont have no effect on you The poem entitled ‘Evil’. It tells about evil intent since nobody cares about what he went trough. √ √ Multiple negation is marked by two words i.e. don’t and no. In standard rule, for negative sentence, there must be only one of them because using both of them means it becomes positive sentence semantically. 2. 07MN03 Just aint got no heart. The poem entitled ‘Southern Mammy Sings’. It tells about the different life of whites and blacks where whites can enjoy their own life while the blacks always suffer. √ √ Multiple negation is marked by two words i.e. ain’t and no. In standard rule, for negative sentence, there must be only one of them because using both of them means it becomes positive sentence semantically. 3. 11AP03 Kid sleepy said, I dont care. The poem entitled ‘Kid Sleepy’. It tells about a sleepy kid who does not care about anything around himher even though he is under the hot sun, he will not make a move to where the √ √ This sentence is categorized as adjective displacement because in the standard structure, adjective i.e. sleepy must come first before the noun i.e. kid. It describes