Review of Morphological and Phonological Processes on Indonesian The Study of Meaning of Suffix re-



In this chapter, the writer reviews the related study and theories. The studies and theories from previous writers are used to get deeper understanding on the present research. There are three parts on this chapter: review of related studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework. There are two related studies which are used to help this research. First, it is an undergraduate thesis entitled A Study of the English – Indonesian Phonological and Morphological Processes of Indonesian Product Naming by Isti Pratiwi. Second is from Hompuraja Frans Susego Saragihs undergraduate thesis entitled The Prefix Re-: A Study on Its Morphology and Meanings. The writer also presents and reviews some relevant theories from some experts. Those theories are helpful to answer the problem formulation. In the theoretical framework, the writer explains the contribution of those studies and theories to the present study, and why those study and theories are needed and how they are applied.

A. Review of Related Studies

1. Review of Morphological and Phonological Processes on Indonesian

Branding Names Isti Pratiwi wrote similar topic to the present writer’s topic. On her thesis entitled A Study of the English – Indonesian Phonological and Morphological Processes of Indonesian Product Naming, Pratiwi focused on the study of English – Indonesian phonological and morphological analysis of Indonesian product names. The main objective of her study was to investigate the phonological and morphological process of Indonesian product names. In her study, she concluded that Indonesian product names appeared with monosyllable, disyllable, trisyllable, and polysyllable. She also concluded that there were phonological processes on Indonesian product names such as assimilation, segment deletion, metathesis, mediate sounds, free variation, etc. She also found that morphological processes occurred in Indonesian product names such as compounding, derivation, shortening, other sources, inflection, and reduplication. Pratiwi‘s study is similar to the present study. The analysis of the word coinage found in Reader’s Digest magazine on February 2014 edition is also analyzing the morphological and phonological process of the data. However, this study is different from Pratiwi’s study. The present study focuses only on the data found in the magazine while Pratiwi gathered the data from ALFA Department Store. This present research is more detail since this research also talks about the meaning brought by the data.

2. The Study of Meaning of Suffix re-

Hompuraja Frans Susego Saragih wrote an undergraduate thesis entitled The Prefix re-: A Study on Its Morphology and Meaning. One objective of his study is to identify the meaning of prefix re-. In order to accomplish his objective, he used the documentation of the origins and meanings of the English verbs with the prefix re- from two etymology dictionaries: The New Oxford American Dictionary and The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language to collect the data. On his analysis, he found out that the origin of words with prefix re – are English, Latin, French, Norse, and Greek. He also found that there are six meanings that are brought by the suffix re-. They are: 1 ‘again’, 2 ‘redo something differently in order to change’, 3 ‘again or redo something differently in order to change,’ 4 ‘back or again’, 5 ‘back against’, and 6 ‘back or away’. Other than those six extra meanings, the prefix re- can also function to emphasize or shift the meaning of a root. This present study is also analyzing the meaning of the data. However this study is different from Saragih’s thesis. The data which are analyzed on the meaning in this study is the brand names which are found in the magazine. The data collection is also different from thesis which was written by Saragih. The data are taken from Readers Digest magazine February 2014 edition.

B. Review of Related Theories