Parasol Hula-Hoops Concorde Aspirin

The founder names the magazine since the magazine mainly discusses about the cosmopolitan lifestyle.

3. Meaning Classification Based on Word Borrowing Process

The writer finds there are four words which meanings are taken from word borrowing process. They are Parasol, Hula-Hoops, Aspirin, and Concorde. Below is the analysis.

a. Parasol

Parasol is a kind of umbrella that is commonly used as a protective device against intense sunlight. They are light and portable and generally made from thick fabric to provide a shade. Margaret Roe states that the word Parasol is also occasionally used to describe the large umbrellas commonly seen on beaches providing shade to several people at once According to Harper 2014, Parasol comes from Latin word para means to shield from and sole means sun.

b. Hula-Hoops

Hula-Hoops is a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist. The hula hoop is an ancient invention and no modern company and no single inventor can claim that they invented the first hula hoop. Older hoops have been made from metal, bamboo, wood, grasses, and vines. Richard Knerr and Arthur Melin founded the Wham-O company then helped popularize this ancient toy. The name Hula was taken from the Hula dance from Hawaii. The dance is similar to the movement when hooping Bellis. Hoops itself means a circular band of wood Hornby, 2000: 572.

c. Concorde

Concorde is a retired turbojet-powered supersonic passenger airliner. Concorde was jointly developed and produced by two nations; U.K. and France. According to Cambridge Dictionaries Online, Concorde comes from French word means agreement between persons, groups, nations, and harmony, goodwill, and friendship.

d. Aspirin

Aspirin is a chemical substance that is useful in the relief of headache and muscle and joint aches. The first person who created this kind of medicine was Felix Hoffman in 1899 Cheng, 2007. Aspirin is a trademark brand from Bayer Company. The name was taken from the blending process of the Latin words Acetyl Spiraea Salicylic Acid Ine .

4. Meaning Classification Based on Persons, Things, and Places Names.