51 10 1952 Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. September 10, 1952. 11 On an evening in early July On an evening in early July, James Cameron was in bed with one of the whores at Kristy’s bawdy House. TSSD: 38 12 At night This is the time when Lara uses to make many dinners with her relation. 13 In the afternoon This is the time when Lara uses to make many lunches with her relation. 14 1984 In 1984, Lara Cameron decided that the time had come to conquer New York. TSSD: 111 15 1980 The 1980s were a time of changes. Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States and Wall Street had the busiest day in its history…… Lara was in the right place at the right time. TSSD: 150 16 On Christmas day On chrismast day, Lara stayed at home. She had been invited to a dozen parties, but Paul Martin was going to drop by. TSSD: 201

3. Plot

Barnet 1961: 13 stated that plot is “the happening as they are selected and arranged by the author”. According to Koesnosoebroto1988: 28, plot is “a technical term to stay about a series of tied together events in a story”. While according to Rodrigues 1943: 51 the plot story is “a 52 narration a telling of a series of events that has a traditional pattern of structure. A conflict is identified at the beginning, the action builds until it reaches climax and than the story either ends or gradually tapers off to the end”. Plot is divided into exposition, complications, climax, and resolution. a. Exposition According to Kennedy1983: 28, exposition is “the opening portion that sets the scene, introduce the main characters, tell us what happened before the story opened and provides any other background information that we need in order to understand and case about the events to follow”. The story of The Stars Shine Down begins on the plane where Lara inside of it. This plane takes Lara to her birthday party in Cameron Plaza. She seems in hurry and feels worry about the party that she thinks she missed it. She also feels that the entire guests will look for her if she does not come on time. I’m going to be late for my birthday party, Lara thought. Everyone is going to be there. Two hundred guest, including the Vice President of the United States…… TSSD: 4 Lara feels surprised, because there is no one who attends to the party. Furthermore the invitation has been spread and all of the people promise to Lara that they will come to the party to celebrate her birthday. 53 She flung open the door, a smile on her face, and stopped in shock. The room was in total darkness…..there was no one there. Not one sigle person. TSSD: 6 b. Complication Complication is “temporary hindrance” Koesnosoebroto. 1988: 36. According to Kennedy complication introduces “a new conflict” Kennedy. 1983: 9. Complication is divided into two conflicts, namely, external and internal conflict. Internal conflict is conflict that happens in the major character’s personality. While, external conflict is conflict that happens between major characters with another character. The internal conflict begins when Lara is still in Nova Scotia. There, she meets with Charles Cohn, a man who later can support Lara to become a real estate developer. Charles offers Lara to find a land where his company can make up building there. Lara knows where it is, and then she shows it to Charles. Charles loves it but unfortunately the land is owned by Sean MacAllister, a banker in Nova Scotia. Lara then thinking for a dozen times how she can buy the land and make a deal with Charles’ company. Finally, she tries to approach Sean MacAllister and says her wish. Sean agrees to sell his land, but he wants Lara’s body as a bonus. If not, he will not sell the land. Lara feels confused, whether gives her virgin and owns the land or still virgin but have no land at all. Lara sat in the car, waiting, panicky. I’m selling my self, she thought. Like a whore. But it’s all I got to sell, and at least he thinks I’m worth two hundred thousand dollars. My father never saw two hundred thousand dollars in his life. He was always too….. TSSD: 57 54 No. I’m dying. They’ll take me to the hospital and I’ll die there. A virgin. ‘I’m fine, ‘she said. TSSD: 57 The second inner conflict that appears in her personality is when she meets Paul Martin, the mafia. Martin helps Lara in many things, he also spoil Lara with many beautiful things. Finally, Martin falls in love with Lara and Lara who never gets affection from father’s figure accept Paul Martin’s love. But lately, she feels confused whether she is in love with him or it is just some kind of the lost affection that she never gets from her father. ‘You don’t know him. He’s wonderful.’ ‘Are you in love with him?’ Lara thought about it. Paul Martin fulfilled a need in her life. But was she in love with him? ‘No.’ ‘Is he in love with you?’ ‘I think so.’ ‘Be careful. Be very careful.’ TSSD: 154- 155 The third conflict appears when she meets with Philip Adler, the famous pianist from England. Lara knows that she is in love with him, but she realizes that Philip is a busiest man. She knows herself that she needs a man who always beside her whenever she needs his help. She also wants a man who can go home every day and spends all over the night with her. She loves Philip and she wants him to become her husband but she realizes that they have a different world and it is impossible to make it one. 55 Finally, she decides to break with Philip and choose her own life without Philip beside her. ‘I’m not going to Paris with you Philip. He thought he misunderstood her.’ What?’ Lara took a deep breath. ‘I’m not going to see you again.’ It was like a blow to the stomach. ‘Why? I love you Lara. I…. ‘And I love you. But I’m not a groupie. I don’t want to be just another one of your of your fans, chasing you around. You can have all those you want. …… ‘No, Philip. I love you very much, but I won’t go on like this. It’s over. TSSD: 261 At last, Philip makes a decision that he cannot live without Lara and he does not want to loose her. Then he marries Lara and promises to her that he will make her happy as long as he lives. It was Philip voice. How would you like to get married in Paris? TSSD: 265 The marriage of Lara Cameron to Philip Adler made headlines around the world. When Howard Keller heard the news, …. TSSD: 265 Lara’s marriage is wonderful; she does not believe that she can pass this life with Philip. But later, the inner conflict appears again in her personality when she realizes that Philip cannot leave his world. Lara feels lonely again when she is aware that there is no Philip besides her. She always thinks of Philip whenever he goes on his tour. Lara thinks that Philip may be with another woman out of there. She found it difficult to concentrate on the meeting. She visualized Philip at the party, beautiful women handing him their hotel keys. She was consumed with jealousy, and she hated herself for it. TSSD: 297 56 The external conflicts in The Stars Shine Down firstly happen with Sean McAllister. The conflicts begin when Lara confronts with Sean about the land that she wants to buy from him. Lara realizes that she has no money to buy the land, but she has an idea that she will owe some money from Sean McAllister to buy his la nd. Sean agrees with Lara’s idea but he has a wish that he wants Lara’s body as a bonus. Lara thinks for a moment but finally she has no choice except to accept Sean’s offer. You come here to borrow money from me to buy my land? ‘That lot is worth no more than twenty thousand dollars. I checked. I’m offering you thirty. You’ll make a profit of ten thousand dollars on the land plus interest on the two hundred thousand dollars you are going to loan me to put up the building. TSSD: 49 The second external conflict happens with Andy O’Brian. This conflict appears when Lara becomes a famous real estate developer in Chicago. Andy O’Brian is the man from City Housing Commissioner’s office. He comes to see Lara to give her warn about the place that Lara uses to fulfill the homeless in it. Andy thinks that it is not a good idea to get the homeless there. Because there are a lot of tenants who live there will feel disturb. Moreover, Lara has no license to bring them in her apartment which can make the apartment more crowded. ‘I’m afraid you’re in violation of the law, Miss Cameron. ‘Really? What is this all about?’ ‘You own the Dorchester Apartments on east Fourteenth Street?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘We have a report that about a hundred homeless people have crowded into those apartments. TSSD: 168 57 The third external conflict appears between Lara and her husband, Philip Adler. After married, Lara feels so happy because her dream to have a man in her life fulfilled. But in other side after for several days, Lara realizes that Philip cannot go away from his world. He is still busy on making some concert in abroad. Lara feels lonely and hate face this problem. Then she asks Philip just to stay at home and she will give everything that he needs. Philip rejects it, he says that it is not just to make a concert but it is about his life and nobody can stop him even Lara. ‘Ellerbe’s booked me for another tour. I leave for Germany in three weeks.’ ‘You can’t Lara said. ‘The contracts have already been signed. There’s nothing I can do about it. ‘You just got back. How can you go away so soon?’ ‘It’s an important tour darling.’ ‘and our marriage isn’t important?’ ‘Lara…. ‘You don’t have to go, ‘Lara said angrily. ‘I want a husband, not a part time….TSSD: 295 Philip still goes to his concert, nowadays he will go to Denmark, Germany, Norway and England. Just like what he says that there is nobody can stop him. He is really enjoying his concert because finally all of the audiences give him a great applause. Unfortunately, when the concert is over and he wants to return to his hotel, there is a robber asks Philip to take his watch out, and when Philip get his watch out, the man grabbed Philip’s left hand, the blood comes out and finally, Philip is fainted. 58 c. Climax The complication goes to the climax, which is the moment of greatest tension. According to Koesnosoebroto 1988: 36 climax is the point of highest emotional intensity. While according to Kennedy 1983: 16 climax is “the pleasurable anxiety we fell that heightens our attention to the story, inherent in our way. The climax happens when Philip get mugged after he gives a concert in Carniege Hall. His watch was robbed by the stranger and he slashed Philip wrist. All people think that it must be Lara behind this moment, because everybody knows that Lara feels lonely after she realizes that Philip cannot leave his world. People also think that Lara must paid someone to slash one of Philip’s hand in order that he cannot play piano again. Lara feels disappointed with what people think of her. She cannot accept why there is a man who wants to kill Philip, she loves him much and she cannot bear to watch Philip in that condition. After that moment, there is a detective who always comes to Lara’s apartment and asks about the moment that happens to Philip. He also asks about all people who recognize Philip. The police are suspicious that Lara is behind this. What happened tou wasn’t an accident. He got paid fifty thousand dollars to cut you up.’ I don’t believe it, Philip said slowly. ‘Who would pay anyone fifty thousand dollars too cripple me?’ ‘He was hired by your wife.’ TSSD: 352 59 Philip still unbeliefs with the police officer said about Lara. He cannot imagine why Lara can do that thing to him. She always says that she loves him more than anything in this world, but why she does that. d. Resolution Resolution is the outcome of the conflict. It is also called as a conclusion of the story. The resolution in this novel The Stars Shine Down occurs when finally, the police find the person who paid the man to attack Philip. He is Howard Keller. Everybody is shocked with this disbelief because Howard is known as a friendly person, and always helps Lara whenever she needs his help. Police knows this from Jesse Saws, a man who attacks Philip. Jesse is Howard’s buddies in Chicago Cubs American Legion League Team. Lara hires Jesse because Howard Keller asked her. Howard does this because he cannot see Lara in sadness. He wants Lara in happiness although it is not with him. He knows that Lara is crazy of her husband and she really needs him more than anything, but Philip with his busiest time never cares of Lara and he still makes a concert all over the world. Knowing this, Howard thinks that he has to do something which can make Philip always stay at home with Lara and accompany her all the day. Finally, Howard is taken to the prison and Paul who for the first time is suspicious as the robber and the man behind Philip’s accident leaves Lara with full of pain in his heart. He loves Lara but he realizes that it is possible to continue their relation; he is aware that Lara can finds her happiness without him. 60 e. Causality The event in The Stars Shine Down shows causality. The beginning of the story tells that Lara Cameron comes from a lower class. She has no house to live. In Nova Scotia she just lives with her father who never cares of her. She never gets affection from his father. Her father works in boarding house which is owned by Sean MacAllister, a banker in Nova Scotia. Sean always mocks him and his family that he has nothing to be proud in this world. He even has no land or home to live in. It leads Lara’s father become a drunker. Finally, her father died and Lara lived alone in Nova Scotia. She continues her life by collecting the rent in a boarding house. One day, she feels that she has to change her life, she does not want to be like her father who just collecting the rent and no more activity that can make a better life. Lately, she recognizes Charles Cohn; he is the man who later will teach Lara to become a famous real estate developer. Time goes by, Lara learns and learns more about real estate and finally she becomes a famous real estate developer n Chicago. She does many things to make her dreams come true. She always makes an innovation on making a ne w building. There is no stop for Lara. After finishing one building, she always plans for the next building until she feels satisfied. Unfortunately, Lara never feels satisfied; she thinks that she will prove to her father that she can become whatever she wants. She also wants to show her father that she is not an ugly daughter who cannot be proud of. 61 f. Plausibility For the first time Lara makes a decision to become real estate developer is just to make her life better. She feels that this is the time when she has to change her life. She does not want in a poor condition always with her. She wants a better condition that can make people honor to her. Lara is known as a brave girl, in her childhood she never knows the term of giving up, she just knows how to survive. Moreover when her father dies, she becomes realized that life is complicated. Then, when she meets Charles Cohn in the boarding house she makes a decision that she has to change her life as soon as possible. She wants to make her father proud of her. In her first journey, she faces the facts that she has to sell her body to Sean McAllister, the man who owns the land that Lara wants to buy. Without thinking more, Lara agrees to sell her body to Sean because she knows that if she wants to own something, she has to sacrifice one thing, and it is her virgin. She is not virgin anymore, and she does not think of it. She just thinks how she can make more money from real estate business. Time goes by, Lara meets with another guy who helps her on solving her problem about real estate business, and he is Paul Martin. His age is same as her late father. Finally, their relation becomes closer and closer and it leads Lara to become a different woman. She changes her personality to become a woman who likes making love with an old guy; it is just because she misses affection from her father’s figure. 62 Her personality does not give a bad effect on her business. Because of it, Lara becomes a famous real estate developer who owns many building in Chicago. There is no stop for Lara and Lara always tries to make something new in her business.

4. Point of View