Definition Aspects in Teaching English to Young Learners

g. Grammar Young learners are not mature enough in learning grammar. It is better to teach grammar when a young learner asks explanation or when learning some sort of simple grammar can give some advantages to them. h. Assessment Assessment is very beneficial for teachers to make regular notes about each child’s progress. Scott and Ytreberg, 1998: 5-7. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that teachers should understand those aspects well in teaching English to young learners, because it can help teachers in controlling teaching-learning process in the classroom.

C. Learning English to Young Learners

In some countries throughout the world, English has been taught as second language for students in the early age, because people believe that children learn better than adults. In their book entitled Teaching English to Children: From Practice to Principle, Cristopher Brumfit, Jayne Moon, and Ray Tongue give explanations about that, as follows: 1. The children’s brain is more adaptable than adults, so that their learning acquisition is spontaneous. 2. Children are more motivated in learning foreign cultures and languages than adults. 3. Learning a language for children is influenced by their surrounding environment. 4. Children have more time in language learning than adults. Cristopher Brumfit, Jayne Moon, and Ray Tongue also say about characteristic of second language learning at a young age, namely: 1. Young learners can learn a language anywhere, anytime they want. 2. They are easy going in learning language. 3. The roles of people and environment around young learners can give influence and contribution in their learning. 4. If young learners surrounded by people speaking the second language, they will be familiar with the language, so that they will learn it automatically. 5. They must achieve what their elders expect. Brumfit, Moon, and Tongue, 1995:vi-vii Moreover, there are some of the optimal conditions for helping young learners to learn, i.e.: 1. The learning atmosphere is relaxed and warm, because it can support effective teaching and learning process. 2. Learning is contextualized and part of a real event, because it helps teachers to organize the lesson well and young learners can understand the lesson briefly. 3. Learning builds on things the young learners know, because it makes sense to them. It also helps young learners to memorize the lesson easily. 4. Learning is active and experiential, because it can make young learners interest and enjoy the lesson. 5. Learning has a purpose for young learners, especially in increasing their intelligence and creativity, so that they can achieve their best academic achievement in the school. www.teachingenglishgames.com3-5.htm Briefly, it can be concluded that learning English to young learners is very beneficial for them, because their brain are more adaptable than adults in learning something. The roles of teacher, family, friends, and environment give great influence and contribution in creating optimal learning condition for young learners