Geographic Information System GIS

characteristics, spectral is the main identification characteristic; it means that other characteristics can be known after knowing the spectral characteristic.

2.5. Geographic Information System GIS

Geographic Information System GIS is a set of tools that are used for compiling, storing, manipulating, updating, analyze, and present is all data to be spatial information ESRI, 1990. Related with this meaning, this system has four 4 main capabilities to handle geographic reference data, they are: data entry, data management, data manipulate and analyze, and data output Arronoff, 1989. GIS is one information system used to working with spatial reference data or geographic coordinate Star and Ester 1990. In other words, GIS is a system of database with specific capability for spatial reference data with a set of working operation. The advantage of GIS if compared with other database processing systems is its capability to display spatial and non-spatial information at the same time. For example; land-use data will be able to be presented within polygons boundary spatial information and attributes that contain information of polygon non- spatial information. Information with different themes is represented into different layer. SIG tries to make simple real earth phenomenon, and it is expected to represent real condition for one particular application. Haris, 2003. In GIS, data storage is divided into 2 parts, they are: spatial and attribute data. For analysis need, spatial and attribute data will be stored separately, and then both will be integrated Macguire and Goodchild, 1991. Occasionally, some data derive from remote sensing image will be combined with GIS data storage 18 for implementation particularly goal. GIS must follow some rules Arronoff, 1989: 1 involving concept and geographic data that have relationship with spatial distribution, 2 information from data analyzed and related with decision making goal, 3 a system that include data entry, processing, and data output, 4 three components above are functioned based on high technology. More details about illustration of data management processing using GIS is shown in Fig 2.2. Map Table Field Survey Digital Data Remote sensing Data GIS Analysis INPUT GIS OUTPUT Textual Report Map Photography Statistic and Table Data for other GIS Digital Data Base DATABASE PROCESSING Capture Code Edit Store and finding Display and report Manipulate and analysis Fig 2.2. System Diagram for GIS illustration Meaden and Kapetsky, 1991 Generally, data sources requirement for GIS analysis process can be divided into 3 categories Khairul Jamil 2005, they are 1 Field data, 2 Map data, which information has been recorded on paper or film that are converted into digital format, and 3 Remote sensing involves airborne photo and satellite imagery. The process from data input become data output is a connecting structure that is started from real world and recorded on image and airborne photo, then by GIS facility, data are stored and processed to generate output that will be used for decision-making in the real world. 19 Procedure of GIS working system is organizing hardware, software, and geographic data to optimize the system of storing, manipulating, analysis and displaying all geographic information. Attribute and spatial data have relationship with space aspect-location that is presented as database on a map. To acquire spatial analysis result overlaying techniques from some thematic maps vector or raster are used. New spatial information is acquired based on new digital value that constitutes an integration of old digital value.

2.6. The Role of GIS and Remote Sensing for Coastal Management