Research Questions Aims of The Study Scope of The Study Significance of The Study

Zahara Ramadani, 2014 Assessment Techniques Used By Teachers In Assessing Students’ Speaking Skill Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 2007 and often avoided to assess are some of the reasons. Therefore, because assessment plays an important role in teaching learning process, this research is intended to discover, describe and collect deep information about assessment techniques used by teachers at a senior high schools in Tasikmalaya especially in assessing speaking skill along with the revelation of teachers’ reason to use those techniques and some obstacles that teachers might found in implementing those techniques.

1.2 Research Questions

Based on the background of the study that has been mentioned before, this research is conducted in order to answer the following questions: 1. What assessment techniques are used by the teachers in assessing students ’ speaking skill? 2. Why do the teachers use those assessment techniques in assessing student s’ speaking skill? 3. What are the difficulties in implementing those assessment techniques?

1.3 Aims of The Study

The aims of this research are: 1. To discover the assessment techniques used by teachers in assessing speaking skill. 2. To determine teachers’ reasons in choosing those assessment techniques. 3. To reveal the difficulties in implementing those assessment techniques.

1.4 Scope of The Study

The research attempts to describe the assessment techniques used by English teachers in Senior High School in Tasikmalaya in assessing speaking skill. It also investigates teachers’ reasons and difficulties in implementing the Zahara Ramadani, 2014 Assessment Techniques Used By Teachers In Assessing Students’ Speaking Skill Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | assessment technique. Thus, it is limited to get the information from several English teachers who teach at ten grade.

1.5 Significance of The Study

This study is expected to provide both theoretical and practical significances. From theoretical perspective, it is expected to enrich the literature through providing references related to various kinds of assessment techniques that can be used by English teachers in assessing their students ’ speaking skill. It is provided to overcome the phenomena of avoiding assessing speaking skill among teachers, because speaking plays an important role in learning language as the first skill that learners learn and as the basis of language literacy. Meanwhile, from practical perspective, it is ecpected to provide i nformation about teachers’ reason and difficulties in implementing assessment techniques to assess students’ speaking skill revealed in this study is expected to increase teachers’ creativity and help them to overcome their problems in choosing and using assessment techniques that are appropriate with students needs and characteristics.

1.6 Clarification of Terms