This chapter deals with the structural elements and discussion. The structural elements include character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, style and theme. Those elements are closely related to each other in order to expose the structural elements of The Stars Shine Down. The second part is the discussion of the structural elements above. A. Structural Element of The Stars Shine Down. 1. Character and Characterization A character is presumably an imagined person who inhabits a story Kennedy, 1983: 45. According to Kennedy, characterization is the description of human character that includes physically, mentally, socially and morally, there are two kinds of characters; the first is major characters whose personality’s familiar to the reader, and the second is minor characters who support the identification of the major characters Kennedy, 1983: 5.

a. Major Character.

1 Lara Cameron She is the main character of the novel. She has a high desire and has a big obsession to become a successful woman. Physically, she is beautiful, has a shiny black hair swept up in a crown, a flawless complexion, and intelligent eyes like a cat grey. TSSD: 3 20 The woman was beautiful, with shiny black hair swept up in a crown, a flawless complexion, intelligent eyes, cat grey. TSSD: 3 She likes to build a party, especially for her birthday party. She is proud of being a woman who has a big and luxurious party. It was going to be a spectacular party. She would hold her head high, and face her guest as though nothing were wrong. She was Lara Cameron. TSSD: 5 Her age is not young anymore, but her body makes her like twenty- one years old. She’s got the body of a twenty- one year old , Ken thought. I’d sure love to get that into my bed . TSSD: 8 She is the only woman in real estate business. All her rival is a man, but she never cares about it. She just has one aim in her life that is she wants to become a successful business woman people say that only man can do it. Her works run successfully, and it makes her become famous in America. ‘You’re one of the most successful real estate developers in a business that’s us ually considered a man’s domain. How do you operate? How do you decide, for instance, where to put up a building?’ TSSD: 9 Lara is a smart woman; she always has a good idea to make her real estate better than others. ‘As you can see gentlemen, ‘Lara said,’ we already have a first mortgage commitment. The complex will contain seven hundred and twenty guest units, approximately thirty thousand square feet of meeting space, and a one – thousand car parking garage…..TSSD: 10 In her own way, she’s genius. She can be petty and vengeful and incredibly generous. TSSD: 14 21 She is the busiest woman. She has a lot of work to do in her business. She also has a lot of schedule that he has to fulfil. She works harder than anyone else. She is also a typical of perfectionist woman, she always wants everything in a good condition if not she will get angry. ‘I’m sorry. You wanted me to….. I wanted you to think. I don’t need stupid people around me, reschedule the appointments with the architects and the housing commission.’ ‘Right,’Kathy said stiffly. TSSD: 12 She’s drop, dead beautiful. She works harder than anyone I’ve ever known. God only knows when she sleeps. She’s perfectionist, so she makes everyone around her miserable. TSSD: 13 She has a bad childhood, because her father never gave her a care even love. She grew up without affection. Lara was hungry for affection, without knowing what the hungry was. She had no toys or dolls to cherish nor any play mates….. TSSD: 26

b. Minor Character.

1 Roger He is Lara’s private jets pilot. The pilot’s worried voice came over the speaker. ‘Is your seat belt fastened, Miss Cameron?” There was no response. ‘Miss Cameron………Miss Cameron….. “I’m fine Roger”. TSSD: 3 Mentally, he is so worried about his boss. ‘Are you alright? We should be out of this storm soon.” “I’m fine, Roger.” 22 2 Max He is Lara’s private driver in Reno. Her limousine and driver were waiting for her at the ramp. “I was getting worried about you, Miss Cameron.” We ran into some weather, Max. Let’s get to the Plaza as fast as possible.” “Yes, ma’am. TSSD: 9 3 Carlos He is the assistant manager of Cameron’s Plaza hotel. …….the large spectacular lobby. Carlos, the assistant manager, saw her and came running to her side. TSSD: 4 Ken He is Lara’s aerobic trainer. ….they did stretches for half an hour and then switched to energetic aerobics. TSSD: 8 He likes look at Lara every morning when he teaches an aerobic, so that he can near with her. ‘She’s got the body of a twenty-one year old, Ken thought. I’d sure love to get that into my bed. He enjoyed coming here every morning just to look at her, to be near her. TSSD: 8 He also likes to attract Lara but she never cares about it. When the session was finally over, Ken said, I’m going to watch you on “Good Morning America”. “What? For a moment Lara had forgotten about it. TSSD: 8 5 Joan Lunded He is the host of “Good Morning America” television program. The segment on “Good Morning America” went well. Joan Lunded did the interview and was gracious, as always. TSSD: 8 23 6 Tricia She is Lara’s assistant. Lara’s assistant, Tricia, brought in tea for the Japanese and coffee for Lara. TSSD: 10 7 Howard Keller He is Lara’s associate. He is about fifties, pale and thin, with sandy hair. TSSD: 10 Howard Keller, Lara’s associate, came into the room. He was in his fifties, pale and thin, with sandy hair, wearing a rumpled suit and managing to look as though he had just got out of bed. TSSD: 10 He is the man who for the first time gives Lara advice about how to own a building in Chicago. ‘I would suggest that, instead, you find an old hotel in a good location and remodel it. There are a lot of rundown hotel that can be bought at a low figure. Your three million dollar would be enough equity for a down payment.’ TSSD: 75 8 Jerry Townsend He is Lara’s Public Relation. Physically, he is tall enough, and has a hyper temperament. ……Lara had her meeting with Jerry Townsend. The tall, hyper, ex- Hollywood publicity man was in charge of public relation for Cameron Enterprises. TSSD: 10 9 Kathy She is Lara’s executive assistant. She is an attractive woman. Kathy, Lara’s executive assistant, came into the office. She was an attractive, neatly dressed black woman in her early thirties. TSSD: 11 She is a woman with one child. 24 ‘How’s the baby?’ The question caught the secretary by surprise. David he’s ….he’s fine.’TSSD: 11 Physically, she has cancer in her body. Lara helps her to see a doctor, and Kathy was really thankful to Lara. Kathy swallowed. ‘I haven’t seen a doctor.’ ‘Not seen one’ Lara exploded. ‘For God’s sakes, do you come from a family of ostriches? Of course you’ve got to see a doctor.’ TSSD: 164 10 Charlie Hunter He is Lara’s accounting. ……she buzzied Charlie Hunter, the ambitious young man in charge of accounting, come in, Charlie. TSSD: Unfortunately, because of his behaviour on telling about the problem of Cameron’s enterprises to the pers, he finally gets fired. ‘You talked about Cameron Enterprises and about some of the problems we’re having’ He frowned, ‘well, you know that reporter fellow probably misquoted some of my……’ ‘You’re fired.’ ‘What? Why? I….? TSSD: 14 11 Hugh Thompson He is the reporter from “The Fortune”. Physically, he has brown eyes and uses glasses. He looks like an intellectual man. The Fortune reporter, Hugh Thompson, was an intense, intellectual looking man with sharp brown eyes behind black horn – rimmed glasses. TSSD: 15 He is so curious with the problem that exists in Cameron enterprises. He will do anything to get that news. “How much trouble is your company really in?” 25 “Lara’s smile faded, I beg you pardon?” ‘Come on. You can’t keep a thing like that quiet… TSSD: 15 12 Philip He is Lara’s husband. By the way I didn’t see your husband at the opening of the new hotel. Lara sighed.’Philip wanted so much to be there, but unfortunately he had to be…… TSSD: 15 He has just been married with Lara for a year. You have been married a year now, haven’t you?’ TSSD: 16 He is a famous pianist; he does this job as a hobby. He meets Lara when Lara tries to watch him in a concert. For the first time, Lara never cares about him, because she does not like a classic music. But after she knows Philip, she feels that she has to marry him. ‘Was that Philip Adler?” Keller asked ‘Uh hhuh. I’m going to marry him. TSSD: 220 He is a busiest man; he does not have a time even for Lara. ‘Mr Adler is in Beijing…..’ ‘Mr Adler is in Paris…..’ ‘Mr Adler is in Sydney…..’ To hell with him, Lara thought. TSSD: 232 13 James Hugh Cameron He is Lara’s father. ‘That’s my father – James Hugh Cameron. Her voice was soft. He’s responsible for my success. TSSD: 17 Physically, he is a handsome man. His age is about thirty years old but his appearance shows that he is fifteen. 26 James Cameron was a once – handsome man whose face reflected fulfilled sins. He appeared to be in his early fifties. He was thirty years old….. TSSD: 21 James comes from a poor family, so that he is married wit h Peggy who comes from a wealthy family. He hopes that by marrying Peggy, he can change his life. ….he met an impressionable young American girl named Peggy Maxwell, who was there on vacation with her family. She was not attractive, but the Maxwells were very wealthy, and James Cameron was very poor. TSSD: 21 He is the manager of one of the boarding houses owned by Sean McAllister. …….and the manager of one of the boarding houses owned by Sean McAllister. TSSD: 21 In the whole of his life, he never loves Lara, his own daughter. He thinks that because of Lara his wife died and he becomes fail in all of his works. ‘A daughter? Wha’ the hell will I dae wi’ a daughter?’ TSSD: 24 ‘I dinna care wha’ the hell ye call it. Ye gie her a name.’ TSSD: 25 James Cameron was determined to have nothing to do with his daughter. The damned fates had betrayed him once again by letting her life. TSSD: 25 14 Sean McAllister He is James Cameron’s boss. He is also the owner of the boarding houses in Glace Bay. ….and the manager of one of the boarding houses owned by Sean MacAllister, the town banker. TSSD: 21 27 He is the successful business man in Glace Bay, only in two years he can build many hotels. Within two years, he had built a hotel and five boarding houses, and they were always full. TSSD: 21 He is the town banker in Glace Bay and the only man who rescues James Cameron from the failure that exists in his life. He is about fifty year’s old, pompous man and always wearing a heavy gold watch chain. Physically, he is short and fat. It was Sean MacAllister who had come to his rescue. The town banker was a man in his mid fifties, a stumpy, pompous man, a pound short of being obese, given to wearing vests adorned with a heavy gold watch chain. TSSD: 22 15 Peggy She is Lara’s mother and James Cameron’s wife. She died when she gave birth. ‘Peggy’s dead. I did everything I could. She had twins. I couldn’t save the boy.’ TSSD: 24 She comes from a wealthy family. ……young American girl named Peggy Maxwell, who was there on vacation with her family. She was not attractive, but the Maxwell’s were very wealthy….. TSSD: 21 16 Dr Patrick Duncan He is Peggy’s doctor who helps her to give a birth. Peggy lay on the bed, motionless. Dr Patrick Duncan was leaning over her. TSSD: 24 28 17 Big Bertha She is a woman who take cares of the boarding house. She does all the things in the boarding house including cooking and handles the chores. Physically, she is fat and big. The only woman around her was Bertha, the huge Swede who was hired to do the cooking and handle the chores. TSSD: 25 18 Mungo McSween He is a new boarder who moves in Glace Bay. Physically, he has a big body and fat. That year, a new boarder moved in. his name was Mungo McSween, and he was a huge bear of a man. TSSD: 26 He likes Lara for the first sight, and he wants Lara to enter school because he thinks that she needs education for her future. He felt an instant affection for the little girl. TSSD: 26 ‘You’re wrong mon. she maun have an education. She maun be gien a chance in life.’ TSSD: 27 19 Mrs Cumming She is the principal of St Anne’s Grammar School. She is in her middle – aged, she has three children and has a grey hair. The principal, Mrs Cummings, was a middle – aged grey haired widow with three children of her own. TSSD: 27 20 Miss Terkel She is Lara’s teacher in St Anne’s Grammar School. Miss Terkel, the teacher, was busily writing letters on a blackboard. TSSD: 28 29 21 Bill Rogers He is a new boarder comes from America. A new boarder moved in an American named Bill; Rogers TSSD: 45 He is about seventies years old. Physically, he is bald and fat, he is also talkative. He was in his seventies, bald and fat, an affable man who liked to talk. TSSD: 45 He works as a businessman. He has many buildings all the over the Midwest. ‘Real estate is the business I was in.’ ‘Really?’ ‘I had buildings all over the Midwest. I even had a chain of hotels once. TSSD: 45 He teaches Lara about real estate business. He makes sure that this business will give a lot of money and fun. He also gives Lara information about how to begin this business and Lara just listens, learns and tries to remember it. After that they talked about real estate almost every night. ‘The first rule in real estate.’Rogers told her, is OPM. Never forget that.’ ‘What’s OPM?’ ‘Others People’s Money… TSSD: 45 22 Charles Cohn He is a new boarder in Glace Bay. He is about sixties years old. Physically, he is small, neat and well dressed. A week later Charles Cohn moved into the boarding house. He was a small man in his sixties, neat and trim, and well dressed. TSSD: 46 30 He is an executive with Continental Supplies. He comes to Glace Bay to find a location for his new store. ‘I’m an executive with Continental Supplies. ‘It was a famous national chain. ‘I’m here to find a location for our new store. TSSD: 47 Lara likes him very much, because she thinks that he is different with the other boarder. It seems that he is smart and intelligent. So, when she has a spare time, she always makes a conversation with Cohn. Charles Cohn was a puzzle to Lara. He did not fit in with the other boarders at all. She tried to imagine what he did…….he seemed superior to the other boarders, better educated. TSSD: 46 With Lara’s intelligence, she tries to learn and understand all the things that Cohn ever said, including his purpose to find a place where he will put up a new building there. Cohn’s word makes Lara think and think to help him to find it. Finally, she finds a place where later will change her life. ‘Mr Cohn….i know a great place.\,’she blurted out. He stared at her, puzzled.’What’ ‘For the location you’re looking for.’ ‘Oh? Where?’ TSSD: 47 The land is owned by Sean MacAllister. He is a banker in Glace Bay; of course it will be hard to buy the land from that man. Lara aware that she has no money to buy the land, but she has a great idea to make her dream comes true. She makes a loan to Sean MacAllister to buy the land. But Sean MacAllister is a cunning 31 person, he will do anything to fail Lara’s plan. Without Lara’s knows he meets Cohn to make a deal with him about the land, but fortunately Cohn says that he has made a deal with someone, she is Lara. Cohn does not want Lara fail and he wants Lara to be happy because he really likes the girl. Lara was upset. ‘You mean Mr MacAllister went behind my back and …?’ ‘Don’t worry,’ Cohn assured her, he’ll make he deal with you.’ ‘Do you really think so?’ ‘He’s a banker. He’s in business to make a profit.’ ‘What about you? Why are you doing this for me?’ lara asked. He had asked himself the same question. Because you’re achingly young, he thought. Because you don’t belong in this town. Because I wish I had a daughter like you. TSSD: 52 23 Buzz Steele He is the contractor who will build a building for Lara. He is grizzled, weather – beaten man, his age is about forties. He was grizzled, weather – beaten man in his forties. TSSD: 55 He works as a contractor for Nova Scotia Construction; this company is owned by Sean MacAllister. “What’s the name of the company – Nova Scotia Construction?’ ‘That’s right.’ TSSD: 64 24 Mr Ericksen He is Steele’s assistant. Physically, he is giant, broad shouldered, and amiable. ‘Would you like to talk to Mr Ericksen, his assistant? ‘Yes please.’ 32 Ericksen was a giant of a man, broad shouldered and amiable. He radiated reassurance TSSD: 64 25 Bruce Parker He is the owner of Parker and Associates in Chicago. A moment later, a voice said, Bruce Parker speaking. TSSD: 69 26 Tom Peterson He is the vice president of one bank in La Salle Street. I would like to speak to your vice president, please.’ Five minutes later, she was in the office of Tom Peterson. TSSD: 72 Physically, he is flaccid, middle aged man with a nervous tie. Five minutes later, she was in the office of Tom Peterson, a flaccid middle aged man, with a nervous tic. He was studying her card. TSSD: 72 27 Ted Turtle He is the top architect in Chicago. Howard Keller sends him to help Lara on building her new hotel. The architect name was Ted Turtle and when he heard Lara’s plan, he grinned and said, bless you.’ TSSD: 90 28 Steve Rice He is the top contractor in Chicago. Physically he is rugged, nonsense and innocent. I’ve set up a meeting with a contractor. His name is Steve Rice. Steve Rice was one of the top contractor in Chicago……he was a rugged, non sense, down to earth type. 33 29 Steve Murchison He is one of real estate developer in Chicago. A developer named Steve Murchison was here this morning….TSSD: 93 He hates Lara very much because she has stolen his building which he has paid before. “This is Steve Murchison. I’m going to let it gone this time, bitch, because I don’t think you know that the hell you’re doing. But in the future, stay out of my way, you could get hurt” TSSD: 93 30 Pete Ryan He is a head foreman on one of Lara’s building works. Physically, he is a handsome young man and has a quick smile. But then Lara found herself attracted to Pete Ryan, the head foreman on one of Lara’s building jobs, a handsome strapping young man with an Irish brogue and a quick smile…. TSSD: 99 Lara likes him because he is an intelligent man. Her admire shows when she accepts Ryan’s invitation to have a dinner with him. ‘Are you going to have a dinner with me?’ Ryan asked. The word “dinner” was stretched out slowly. Lara felt her heart give a little jump. ‘Yes’. TSSD: 99 In fact, they never have their dinner, when the time comes; they make love in Lara’s apartment. Lara really enjoyed it, it reminds her to her first date with Sean McAllister. They undressed together, quickly, urgently. He had a lean, hard build, and Lara had a quick mental picture of Sean MacAllister’s heavy, podgy body. The next moment she was in bed and Ryan was on top of her, his hands and tongue all over her, and she cried aloud with the joy of what was happening to her. TSSD: 99- 100 34 31 The Old man He is the owner of Coffee Shop in Kedzie Avenue. Physically, he has no legs; he uses a wheel chair to walk. His age is about sixty. He appeared take in his late sixties….he was in a wheelchair. He had no legs. TSSD: 105 32 Roger Burnham He is the owner of Manhattan Central Hospital. Lara walked into the hospital and asked the name of the corporation that owned it. She was sent to the offices of a Roger Burnham on Wall Street. TSSD: 113 32 Sam Gosden He is the New York’s attorney who handed Lara contracts. Lara was having lunch wit Sam Gosden, the New York’s attorney who handed her contracts for her. TSSD: 117 33 Paul Martin He is a lawyer in Manhattan. ‘Kathy, there’s lawyer in Manhattan named Paul Martin. Get me his address’. TSSD: 120 His age is about sixty. Physically, he has deep line face, a hawk nose and white hair. He likes to wear an old fashioned pin stripe. The man behind the desk appeared to be in his early sixties. He had deeply lined face, a hawk nose, and a mane of white hair. He was wearing an old fashioned pin stripe…. TSSD: 121 There are many problems that appear in Lara’s job dealing with her new project, Lara feels confused and she tries to meet Paul Martin who she thinks he can help her. In fact, Paul Martin helps her although for the first time he refused Lara’s asks. Finally, Paul’s 35 succeeds on helping Lara, and as gratitude Lara invites him to have lunch and gives him more attention than the others. ‘I wondered if we might have lunch, Mr. Martin?’ ‘Are you having another problem of some kind?’TSSD: 142 ‘That afternoon Lara put one of the tickets in an envelope and addressed it to Paul Martin at his office. TSSD: 143 Finally, he likes Lara with her intelligent. Actually it is shown on the first time when Lara comes to Martin’s office to beg for help. But then he realizes that it is impossible for him to have Lara because he is an old man and married man. Martin had been aware of Lara Cameron by name, but he was stunned by how young and beautiful she was. She was ambitious and angrily independent, and yet she was very feminine. He found himself strongly attracted to her. No, he thought, she’s a young girl. I’m an old man. Too old. TSSD: 141 Martin gives a lot of influence for Lara. He gives many help and support for Lara to develop her business. This relation became so close and makes Lara not to be able to make a decis ion without Martin beside her. 34 Terry Hill He is Lara’s lawyer. Lara put him as her team in her project. She hired a lawyer named Terry Hill. TSSD: 151 35 Jim Belon He is Terry’s assistant. He also works for Lara in her team. She hired a lawyer named terry Hill, an assistant named Jim Belon. TSSD: 151 36 36 Tom Chriton He is the project manager in Lara’s team. 37 Tom Scott He is an advertising agency. 38 Pete Reese. He is the new project manager in Lara’s company. Unfortunately, he betrays the company and it leads Lara to fire him. She was talking to Pete Reese, the new project manager. TSSD: 155 What’s he doing here?’ Pete Reese asked. He’s come to take you away.’ TSSD: 157 39 Todd Grayson He is the architectural critic for the New York Times. Lara kept looking nervously for Todd Grayson, the architectural critic for The New York Times, who had been invited. TSSD: 160 40 Nina She is Paul Martin’s wife. Physically, she is beautiful and nice looking. Paul Martin arrived with his wife…. She was an attractive, elegant looking woman. TSSD: 160 41 Dr. Peter He is a doctor in Sloan Kettering Hospital. Lara chooses him to examine her secretary’s disease. Get over to Sloan Kettering Hospital. Dr Peter will be waiting for you.’ TSSD: 164 37 42 Mr. Andy O’Brian He is the man from City Housing Commissioner’s Office. He comes to Lara to ask about the license that Lara uses to bring all homeless in Chicago that she invites to fulfil the apartment in Dorchester Apartment. ‘There’s Mr O’Brian to see you from the City Housing Commissioner’s office, Miss Cameron.’ TSSD: 168 Physically he has a burly red face like an Irish man with a slight brogue. Andy O’Brian was a burly red – faced Irishman with a slight brogue. ‘Miss Cameron?’TSSD: 168 43 Mr Hershey He is the tenant who lives on the top floor in Dorchester Apartments. Mr Hershey, who lives on the top floor rushed outside and hurried over to the foreman TSSD: 173 He comes to meet Lara to ask about the crowded situation that Lara makes by inviting all the homeless in the apartments. He feels that their arriving make all the tenants feel disturbed. 44 Brian MacIntosh He is one of the wealthiest real estate developers in England. He invites Lara to come to England to have some partnership dealing with real estate business. Brian MacIntosh was one of the wealthiest real estate developers in England. TSSD: 187 38 He is a friend of the famous pianist, Philip Adler who later will become Lara’s husband. ‘Let’s go backistage. Philip is a friend of mine.’ ‘I really don’t…. TSSD: 190 45 Ronald Jones He is the manger of Claridge’s Hotel in London. When Lara arrived at the lobby of Claridge’s, Ronald Jones, the manger, was there to greet her. TSSD: 187 46 Bill Whitman He is Lara’s Chief Construction Supervisor. Lara took her Chief Construction Supervisor, Bill Whitman, to the meeting. TSSD: 193 47 Edith Benson She is the chairman of Community board. ‘It’s not the board so much. It’s their chairman. A lady named Edith Benson.’ TSSD: 193 She is a typical of sensitive woman. It is shown when Lara lies to her that she has a daughter who will live with her father in the new building that Lara wants to build. But it will not come true because Edith Benson does not give an approval for it. Hearing Lara’s story and lies she feels sympathize and three weeks later Lara got the approval from her to start on her new project. I have a ten year old daughter that I’m crazy about, and she’s going to live in the new building with her father. …. TSSD: 194 39 There was a sympathetic silence. ‘I must say, this…..this puts quite a different complexion on things, Miss Cameron……Three weeks later, Lara got the approval from the Community Board to go ahead with the project. TSSD: 195 48 Dr Seymour Bennet He is Howard Keller’s doctor and the Chief of Staff at Midtown Hospital. ‘Who’s your doctor Howard?’ ‘What?’ ‘Who’s your doctor?’ ‘Seymour Bennet. He’s Chief of Staff at Midtown Hospital. TSSD: 199 Lara asks him to approach the widow of George Royce to talk about the clinic that Lara wants to build in her land. ‘They’ve asked me to approach you on behalf this group, Mrs Royce. They want to build a beautiful clinic…… TSSD: 199 49 Eleanor Royce She is the widow of George Royce, the late doctor. She sells the property from her husband but she does not want the property turn into something commercial. She wants some kinds of monument for her late husband in order that she can remember him. ‘It’s owned by the doctor’s widow, Eleanor Royce…..she wants some kind of monument to her husband…….she doesn’t want her property turned into anything crass or commercial. TSSD: 198 50 Tony Wilkie He is a man in casino who tells Lara about gambling in Gaming Commission. 40 Lara and Howard Keller were being escorted through the casino man named Tony Wilkie. TSSD: 204 51 Horace Guttman He is the president of Mutual Security Insurance. His old is about sixty but he seems much older. Physically, he has stern, worn face and stubborn chin. ‘Yes. Mutual Security Insurance. The President is a man named Horace Guttman. TSSD: 209 He was in his sixties, but he seemed much older. He had a stern, worn face and a stubborn chin. TSSD: 210 He was born in Gary Indiana. ‘She’s quite woman. A little strange. Says she was born in Gary, Indiana, same as me. TSSD: 211 52 Alice Guttman She is Horace Guttman’s wife. Alice Guttman wasn’t feeling well that evening, so Horace Guttman had come to the party alone. TSSD: 210 53 Leonard Meyers He is a music professor from Manhattan School of Music. ‘I’d like to see one of the music professors, please. ………….. ‘Good morning. I’m Leonard Meyers. How may I help you? TSSD: 215 Physically, he is small with grey hair. A few minutes later, a small, grey – haired man appeared Lara’s side. TSSD: 215 41 54 Gertrude Meeks She is Lara’s new secretary; she is about thirteen years old. Gertrude Meeks was the choice of the day. She was on her thirties, bright and up – beat, and obviously in awe of Lara. TSSD: 228 She has a good job, but unfortunately she betrays Lara and works for Steve Murchinson. She tells all about the land that Lara wants to buy to Steve Murchinson so that Lara gets her ruin. Did you put in the bid on Kirkland?’ Keller shook his head. ‘Someone got there ahead of us. ’TSSD: 236 The woman with him looked familiar, also. She stopped to pick up her purse and Lara’s heart skipped a bet. Gertrude Meeks, my secretary . Bingo,’ Lara said softly. TSSD: 239 55 Raymond Duffy He is one of the construction foremen in Lara’s company. ‘Miss Cameron, Raymond Duffy, one of the construction foremen, is on the line for you.”TSSD: 229 56 William Ellerbee He is Philip’s manager. Physically, he is a heavy man. Philip turned to a short, heavy set man, standing behind him. “This is my manger, William Ellerbee. TSSD: 234 57 Marian bell She is Lara’s new secretary. Physically, she has a blonde hair and attractive features. She is about in the middle of twenty years old. Lara talked to half a dozen before Marian Bell appeared. She was in her middle twenties with soft, blonde hair, attractive features, and a warm personality. TSSD: 275 42 She is graduated from Wellesley Collage. ‘You were graduated from Wellesley College?’ ‘Yes.’ TSSD: 275 Morally, she is an intelligent woman. Lara likes her and she wants Marian to work for her at home. She liked the girl……by the end of this week; Lara knew that she had found a jewel. Marian was capable and intelligent and pleasant. TSSD: 275 58 Dr Dennis Stanton He is the doctor who examined Philip when he gets an accident in the night after he makes a concert. Two hours later Dr Dennis Stanton walked into Philip’s room and the moment Philip saw the expression on his face he knew what he was going to say. TSSD: 312 59 Lieutenant Mancini He is a detective who came to help Philip to solve the problem. Physically, he is about in the late of fifty. A detective came to see Philip at the hospital. ….he was one of the old breed, in his late fifties and tired, with eyes that had already seen it all twice. I’m Lieutenant Mancini. I’m sorry about what happened. TSSD: 313 60 Mr Rossman He is a therapist who comes to Lara’s home to help Philip. He works at Columbia hospital. The next day a young therapist appeared at the apartment. …..this is Mr Rossman. He works at Columbia Hospital. He’s going to help you Philip. TSSD: 319 43 61 Mr Tilly He is the project manager on Cameron Towers. ‘Mr Tilly is on line four, miss Cameron. Tilly was the project manager in Cameron Tower. TSSD: 341 62 Otto Karp He is the manager of the New Jersey Panel and Glass Company. Otto Karp was the manger of the New Jersey Panel and Glass Company. He comes on the phone almost immediately. TSSD: 345

2. Setting