Hasil pengolahan data dalam SPSS

5.6 Hasil pengolahan data dalam SPSS

Tabel 5.1 Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Angka_kelahiran 3.6253 .44317 15 Psangan_usia_subur 4.97E4 20962.556 15 Pengguna_alat_KB 3.17E4 18732.596 15 Table 5.2 Correlations Correlations Angka_kelahiran Psangan_usia_ subur Pengguna_al at_KB Pearson Correlation Angka_kelahiran 1.000 .908 .844 Psangan_usia_subur .908 1.000 .948 Pengguna_alat_KB .844 .948 1.000 Sig. 1-tailed Angka_kelahiran . .000 .000 Psangan_usia_subur .000 . .000 Pengguna_alat_KB .000 .000 . N Angka_kelahiran 15 15 15 Psangan_usia_subur 15 15 15 Pengguna_alat_KB 15 15 15 Table 5.3 Variables EnteredRemoved b Variables EnteredRemoved b Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 Pengguna_alat_K B, Psangan_usia_sub ur a . Enter a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Angka_kelahiran Universitas Sumatera Utara Tabel 5.4 Model Summary b Tabel 5.5 ANOVA b ANOVA b Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 2.277 2 1.139 28.911 .000 a Residual .473 12 .039 Total 2.750 14 a. Predictors: Constant, Pengguna_alat_KB, Psangan_usia_subur b. Dependent Variable: Angka_kelahiran Model Summary b Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .910 a .828 .799 .19844 a. Predictors: Constant, Pengguna_alat_KB, Psangan_usia_subur b. Dependent Variable: Angka_kelahiran Tabel 5.6 Coefficients a Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1Constant 2.629 .164 15.998 .000 Psangan_usia_subu r 2.266E-5 .000 1.072 2.840 .015 Pengguna_alat_KB -4.083E-6 .000 -.173 -.457 .656 a. Dependent Variable: Angka_kelahiran Universitas Sumatera Utara Tabel 5.7 Casewise Diagnostics a Casewise Diagnostics a Case Number Std. Residual Angka_kelahiran Predicted Value Residual 1 -.748 4.34 4.4884 -.14839 2 -.301 4.23 4.2898 -.05980 3 .243 4.12 4.0718 .04822 4 .813 4.01 3.8487 .16125 5 .663 3.90 3.7685 .13147 6 .803 3.82 3.6606 .15938 7 .570 3.70 3.5868 .11320 8 -.374 3.60 3.6743 -.07430 9 1.424 3.54 3.2574 .28256 10 .973 3.48 3.2870 .19302 11 .222 3.30 3.2558 .04415 12 -.301 3.24 3.2997 -.05971 13 -.790 3.14 3.2969 -.15686 14 -1.254 3.05 3.2989 -.24890 15 -1.942 2.91 3.2953 -.38529 a. Dependent Variable: Angka_kelahiran Universitas Sumatera Utara Tabel 5.8 Residuals Statistics a Residuals Statistics a Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N Predicted Value 3.2558 4.4884 3.6253 .40329 15 Std. Predicted Value -.916 2.140 .000 1.000 15 Standard Error of Predicted Value .055 .176 .082 .034 15 Adjusted Predicted Value 3.2121 4.6653 3.6251 .42261 15 Residual -.38529 .28256 .00000 .18372 15 Std. Residual -1.942 1.424 .000 .926 15 Stud. Residual -2.065 1.534 -.004 1.016 15 Deleted Residual -.43601 .32792 .00019 .22936 15 Stud. Deleted Residual -2.463 1.638 -.030 1.089 15 Mahal. Distance .134 10.033 1.867 2.792 15 Cooks Distance .003 .487 .094 .140 15 Centered Leverage Value .010 .717 .133 .199 15 a. Dependent Variable: Angka_kelahiran Universitas Sumatera Utara Grafik 5.1 Histogram Charts Universitas Sumatera Utara Grafik 5.2 Scatterplot 1 Grafik 5.3 Scatterplot 2 Universitas Sumatera Utara BAB 6 KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN

6.1 Kesimpulan