Hyperbole Metaphor Kinds of Figurative Expression

2. Majas pertentangan terdiri dari hiperbola, litotes, ironi, oksimoron, paronomasia, paralipsis, dan zeugma. Contrast consist of hyperbole, litotes, irony, oxymoron, paronomasia, paralipsis, and zeugma. 3. Majas pertautan terdiri dari metonimia, sinekdoke, alusi, eufedimisme, elipsis, inversi, dan gradasi. linkage consist of metonymy, synecdoche, allusion, euphemism, ellipsis, enversion and gradasion. 4. Majas perulangan terdiri dari aliterasi, autanaklasis, kiasmus, dan repetisi. repetition consist of alliteration, autanaklasis, chiasmus, and repetition. In this thesis, I analyze seven types of figurative expression that it base on Tarigan theory. They are Hyperbole, Metaphor, Personification, Metonymy, Synecdoche, Simile, Euphemism, and Oxymoron that exist in Enrique Iglessias’ songs lyrics.

3.2.1 Hyperbole

The word hyperbole derives from Greek words; ‘hyper’ means over and ‘ballien’ means to throw, so hyperbole means an exaggerated form that is used to achieve an effect and figurative expression that consist of non-literal truth. Tarigan 1995: 129 says, “Hiperbola adalah sejenis majas yang mengandung pernyataan yang berlebih-lebihan, jumlahnya, ukurannya, atau sifatnya dengan maksud memberi penekanan pada suatu pernyataan atau situasi untuk memperhebat, meningkatkan kesan dan pengaruhnya hyperbole is a kind of figurative expressions that containing a statement that it exaggerates the quality, Universitas Sumatera Utara size, or number of something, sometimes for a fantastic degree in order to emphasizes the point more.” Consider the following example: Cause when you around me everything’s right In this sentence, the hyperbole is everything’s right. It is impossible everything become right if someone always beside us, nobody perfect. It is show the exaggeration which means he wants the girl you always beside him.

3.2.2 Metaphor

Metaphor expresses a kind of figurative expression, which a comparison is made between two objects by identifying one with the other. Etymologically, metaphor is derived from Greek word metaphora that it consists of ‘meta’ means over and ‘phrein’ means to carry. Metaphora simply means carrying from one place to another. Tarigan 1995: 121 says, “Metapora adalah sejenis majas perbandingan yang paling singkat, padat, dan tersusun rapi. Didalam nya terlibat dua ide; yang satu adalah suatu kenyataan, sesuatu yang dipikirkan, yang menjadi objek, dan yang satu lagi merupakan perbandingan terhadap kenyataan tadi, dan kita menggantikan yang belakang ini menjadi yang terdahulu tadi. Metaphor is the most concise, condensed, well ordered kind of comparative figurative expression. Two ideals are involved inside; the one is the reality or the object, something thought, and the other is the comparison to the reality, we substitute the latter with the former. Considering the example below: Ronaldo is a playboy Universitas Sumatera Utara In this sentence, Ronaldo is directly compared with playboy. Ronaldo is human being who is status is male. Playboy is used to describe Ronaldo as male characteristic that not satisfied with one woman. He always cheats his girlfriend.

3.2.3 Personification The word personification derives from Latin words; ‘persona’ means