Introduction MSC Pre Assessment Thailand blueswimming crab 2Feb2012 1

2 In its current state, the fishery would fall below the MSC standard for all three principles. It is expected that the results from this pre-assessment will support the development of a Fisheries Improvement Project FIP process, which would seek to improve the environmental performance of the fishery to a level consistent with the MSC standard.

2. Introduction

2.1 Aimsscope of pre-assessment This report represents a pre-assessment of the Thai blue swimming crab fishery, and covers the fishing activities in the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea Map 1. Fishing activities comprise both bottom gillnet and trap, used across a range of boat sizes ranging from small coastal to the larger commercial fleets. The major commercial fishing centres are Prachuab-Kirikhan, Surat Thani, Chumphon and Nakohn Si Thammarat, whilst coastal activities take place from almost all the Gulf of Thailand provinces, as well as Phang Nga, Trang, Satun and Ranong on the Andaman Sea Map 1. Map 1: Map of Thailand and principal coastal locations It should be noted that a pre-assessment of a fishery does not attempt to duplicate a full assessment against the MSC standard. A full assessment involves an expert assessment team and public consultation stages, which are not included in a pre-assessment. A pre-assessment provides a provisional assessment of a fishery against the MSC standard based on information provided by the client. 2.2 Constraints to the pre-assessment of the fishery The pre-assessment uses literature provided by the client, WWF Thailand, and observations interpreted from interviews with 47 stakeholde s. It also d a s f o the assesso s o k o ledge of the Thailand fishery sector and its fishery administrative system. 3 2.3 Units of certification There are potentially 4 Units of Certification UoCs. This could extend to additional units if distinct genetic differences were to be identified in the Gulf of Thailand stock. Unit of Certification The fishery assessed for MSC certification is defined as: Thailand blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus fishery Sub groups: Gulf of Thailand bottom gillnet fishery Andaman Sea bottom gillnet fishery Gulf of Thailand trap fishery Andaman Sea trap fishery Geographical Area: The Gulf of Thailand is defined as between 6° to 13.5° North latitude and 99° to 104.5° East longitude within the Western Pacific FAO zone 71. The Andaman Sea is defined as between 6° to 10° North latitude and 95° to 100° East longitude within the Eastern Indian Ocean FAO zone of 57. Methods of Capture: bottom set gillnet and trap Stock: Portunus pelagicus. Two distinct stocks in the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand with potentially other genetic distinctions within the Gulf of Thailand. Management System: The fisheries are managed by zonal delimitation but without restricted entry licensing and effective technical limits closed seasons, minimum landing sizes, etc.. Client Group: WWF US in association with WWF Thailand.

3. Description of the fishery