Types of Written Language

17 needs into three aspects: necessities, lacks, and wants.

1. Necessities

Necessities are the learners’ needs to know the knowledge demanded by target situations where learners are involved.

2. Lacks

Every learner have problems in the English learning such as the lack of proficiency, vocabulary, grammar, and it is possible that the problem varies depend on the each student. Lacks are defined as the gap occurs between the difficulties and the necessities by Hutchinson Waters 1987: 55-56. When learners cannot achieve the necessities that concern demanded knowledge, lacks are things that need to be solved.

3. Wants

ESP learners also can determine the needs by their own out of the necessities. This refers to Wants in which learners are also given an opportunity to be active in deciding the needs because people can have their own thought that may be different from what the students are supposed to do. As stressed by Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 55 about target needs, it can be concluded that to determine target needs, the course planner should take three categories related to target needs analysis into account.

b. Learning needs

After getting the whole picture of learners’ needs, there is an aspect that should be considered in planning an ESP course is learning needs. Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 60 imply that learning needs is the route to achieve the goals 18 and objectives set by the developer from the starting points. Tahir 2011: 16-17 states that learning needs importance is equal to need analysis. Furthermore, he suggest that learning needs should be considered more important than need analysis by future ESP teachers. In summary, learning needs is also as important as learners’ needs. Because its nature is a “route”, ESP teachers need to take learning needs seriously in planning and developing an ESP course in order to make ESP course become enjoyable, while still able to achieve its goals and objectives.

c. Materials Development

The next step after getting information of learners’ needs and learning needs is to develop the materials. Tomlinson 1998: 2 states that materials are anything used by teachers and learners to achieve the learning goals. Related to materials development, Nunan 1991: 216 states that material development is basically dealing with selection, adaptation,and creation of teaching materials. According to Richards 2001: 86 teaching materials in the process of teaching and learning has functions as the language input for learners, and ideas for teachers in planning and teaching lessons. In line with this, Dudley-Evans and St. John 1998 suggest that for teachers of ESP courses, teaching materials function as a source of language, learning support, for motivation and stimulation, and for reference.