Langston Hughes and The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes

characters, and to show their social classes; therefore, it depicts the bitter reality of the Industrial town as well as representing a full picture of Coketown to the readers. 3. Blooms Critical Views of Langston Hughes’ Poem by Harold Bloom 2007. This research is about Bloom’s critics towards Langston Hughes’ poem entitled “Fine clothes to the Jew”, Intracaste Prejudice in “Mulatto”, Do Right to Write Right: L angston Hughes’s Aesthetics of Simplicity, and Jazz poetry. This research dealt with literature analysis which also used literature theory to analyzed Langston Hughes’ poem. This research has no relevance to the linguistic study but it can help the researcher understand some Langston Hughes’ poems.

B. Conceptual Framework and Analytical Construct

1. Conceptual Framework

This research studies the phenomenon of deviation of language that occurs in literary works, especially poems. The object of this research is The Collected Poem of Langston Hughes that sounds the heartbeat of black life in America during five decades from 1920s to 1960s. Langston Hughes’ collected poems are examined using stylistic approach. Stylistics is defined as a field of study that explores the language used in literary works. This becomes the appropriate approach to use since this research indeed focuses on how language is maintained in the research objects. In this study, the researcher focuses to describe the language used by the author. Thus, this study starts the explanation from the combination of linguistics and literary works that can be understood through stylistics. Stylistics is the bridge that is used to analyze the style of language of the author. In the analysis of the language style in this poetry, there are two elements composing a text that must be considered i.e. linguistic and stylistic categories. The linguistic categories cover lexical categories, such as nouns, adverbs, and adjectives, and grammatical categories like sentence types, clauses, and sentence complexities. Stylistic categories cover the areas of linguistic deviation that is divided into eight types, but the researcher only focuses on grammatical deviation that consists of two categories i.e. morphological and syntactic deviation. However, the researcher decided to examine only syntactic deviations because the limitation of data. There are two objectives in this research: to identify the types and to describe the functions of syntactic deviations in the Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. To answer the first question the researcher used Leech theory explores by Gary Steward Thoms, G. 2010. He classified syntactic deviations into five categories: preposition phrases displacement, noun phrases displacement, adjective phrases displacement, adverb displacement, and subject displacement. In addition, she also used theory of Miyata 2007 to complete the types of deviation; they are multiple negation and inversion. To answer the second question, the researcher uses Langston Hughes Poems Study Guide. He writes it himself to make readers understand his poems easily. He wants to critize racial discrimination and the social condition at that time especially reveals the African American life. Then, the researcher read the study guide and she also had to look up the meaning and understand the selected poems that contain the syntactic deviations. Hence, they become the focus of this research to analyze the purposes of the author wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes using syntactic deviations.