Background of the Problem

4 texts provided in the source books as well as follows the tasks. However, text used in the textbooks are general. The use of general input texts without supplemented with specific input texts for students of vocational schools may render students ability and familiarity related to their field. The extensive use of specific input text will make students not only comprehend the features of the texts, but they also gain some technical terms used in automotive engineering. Those technical terms will be useful for them especially when they are working at plant or workshops or other specific places. 2 the process of teaching writing. In teaching writing, teachers usually gives the tasks provided in the course book. They sometimes supplement their teaching by adopting materials from internet, but some of them are not related to automotive engineering. 3 the process of teaching grammar and vocabulary. Most teachers teach the grammar and vocabulary deductively. In grammar teaching, teachers simply provide students formulas of grammar, and have students do some exercises. In vocabulary teaching, teachers also tell students before students face a type of texts. In spite of those, teachers usually provide more exercises related to grammar exercises, and a new list of vocabulary which is not related to automotive engineering.

C. Delimitation of the Problem

This study will only focus on developing a set of written cycle learning materials. This materials will be developed based on combination between 5 Curriculum 2013 and students needs based on need analysis English for Specific Purposes.

D. Statement of the Problem

Based on identification of the problem above, it can be concluded that there are two focus of this research, namely: 1. What are the target needs and learning needs of eleventh grade students of Automotive Engineering major in SMKN 1 Seyegan? 2. What kind of written cycle materials do students of eleventh grade of Automotive Engineering major needs?

E. Objectives of the Study

Based on background of the study, identification of the problem, delimitation of the problem and statement of the problem, it can be sum up that the objectives of this study are: 1. To find out target needs and learning needs of eleventh grade students of Automotive Engineering major in SMKN 1 Seyegan? 2. To develop written cycle learning materials.

F. Significances of the Study

This study is expected to provide some contributions towardstwo issues in English teaching learning process: 1. Theoretical This research is expected to be a relevant reference for researcher who intends to conduct similar research.