




Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Indras Metisa Raharjani C9307129






Knowledge is power



I would like to dedicate this final project report to:

Ir. Suhardjono and Sumarni, S.E., M.M., my beloved parents

Diaswari Dewi Raharjanti, my beloved sister


First of all, I would like to express my highest gratitude to Allah SWT, who always gives me blessing to finish this final project report. This final project report

is entitled “Teaching English to the Fourth Grade Students of SD N VII Wonogiri.”

It is submitted as a partial requirement in obtaining degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. The purposes of this final project report are to describe the English teaching process to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri and to find out the problems and the solutions of the English teaching.

Finally, the writer is grateful to all people who have contributed to the making of this final project report and hoped that it will be useful to all readers.

Surakarta, June, 2010



Alhamdulillahirobbilallamin. All praise is only for Allah SWT. In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the followings:

1. Drs. Sudarno, M.A., the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S., M.A., the Head of English Diploma Program, Sebelas Maret University and my supervisor at once, for your time and your guidance in the making of this final project report.

3. Fitria Akhmerti Primasita, S.S., M.A., my academic supervisor, for your guidance and your direction during my study.

4. All of the English Diploma lecturers.

5. Drs. Warso Emnur, the Headmaster of SD N VII Wonogiri, for giving me the opportunity and permission to have my job training in your school.

6. Tri Wahyuni, S.S., the English teacher of SDN VII Wonogiri, for giving me the opportunity to handle your English class during my job training.

7. All teachers of SDN VII Wonogiri, for your kindness and friendliness. 8. My beloved parents, for your love, care, support and everything given to me

in my life. I will always do my best for you.

9. My beloved sister. Your funny face always makes me smile.

10.ReIsTa, Reri, Ismi, Geta, my best friends, for your care and cheerfulness given to me every day.


Indras Metisa Raharjani. 2010. Teaching English to the Fourth Grade Students of SD N VII Wonogiri. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project report is written based on the writer’s job training as an

English teacher from January 26th until March 13th, 2010 in SD N VII Wonogiri. The purposes of the report are to describe the process, the problems, and the solutions in teaching English to the fourth grade students of SD N VII Wonogiri.

In writing this final project report, the writer collected the data by observing the class, interviewing SD N VII Wonogiri teachers, doing library study, and teaching in the classroom directly. In English teaching process, the writer used Grammar Translation Method and taught the students systematically based on the lesson plan.

The writer found some problems faced both by the students and the writer in English teaching process. The process of English teaching was divided into several procedures, namely brainstorming, explanation, exercise, and ending the lesson. Brainstorming was the beginning activity of the lesson. Explanation was the main

teacher’s duty in explaining the materials. Exercise was the students’ opportunity in

practicing the material taught by the teacher. Ending the lesson was closing activity and giving the assessment to the students about the lesson objective.

Based on the job training experience, it can be concluded that the students’ problems were short attention, low self confidence, and less memory. Meanwhile,

the writer’s problems were no teaching aids, handling the students, and limited time. To handle the students’ problems, the writer used interesting and challenging games, gave motivation and encouragements, and used pictures, games, and songs in

explaining the materials. While in solving the writer’s problems, the writer provided













A. Background………..1

B. Objectives……….3

C. Benefits………4


A. Young Learners………5

B. Teaching English to Young Learners………...7

C. Learning English to Young Learners………...9

D. Method of Language Teaching………...12


A. History of SD N VII Wonogiri………...15

1.General Description of SD N VII Wonogiri………..15


B. Activities During the Job Training……….22

1.Class Observation………..22

2.Making the Lesson Plan……….24

C. The English Teaching Process to the Fourth Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri……….25

1.Brainstorming………27 2.Explanation………28


4.Ending the Lesson………..32

D. The Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri……….32

1.The Students’ Problems……….32

2.The Teacher’s Problems……….33

E. The Solutions to the Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiiri………34

1.The Solution of the Students’ Problems………....34

2.The Solution of the Teacher’s Problems………34


A. Conclusion………..35

B. Suggestion………..39 BIBLIOGRAPHY



A. Background

In the globalization era, English has become one of the international languages for business, education, science, technology, tourism, etc. Most of those professional fields require English skill as one of the major requirements in job vacancy. It makes people realize that having ability in speaking English is very important, but not all people have such ability in understanding and mastering it. For that reason, many countries apply teaching English for young generation in early age in their education program. The use of English is different in each country throughout the world. People speak English as the first or second language. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language introduced to students at school, not only in elementary schools, but also in kindergartens. It means that English is also the second language in Indonesia. Now, learning English in early age for young learners is very beneficial for them, because mastering English is one of the ways to succeed in worldwide communication and to face global challenge in the future.

Mastering English for young learners is not easy, because English is something new for them. They need special treatment in learning English, for example in handling their behavior and in giving high motivation to them. It makes teachers active and creative in order to create conducive condition in


the class. Teachers and students should cooperate well in teaching and

learning activities. The cooperation depends on teachers’ ways in giving the lesson, because it plays important roles to make students interested and pay attention to the lesson. If they can play their roles effectively, it can create successful teaching and learning process.

In fact, teaching English to young learners, in this case elementary school students, is unpredictable, because the condition in each class is different. Students have several difficulties in accepting the materials and handling their attitudes. It makes teachers have to prepare their lesson well before going to the class. Teachers should make lesson plans, so that the lesson can be done well.

In the real teaching English, handling young learners’ behaviors are

very challenging. It happens when the teachers came to the class, the students were hyperactive, i.e.: they walked in the class, they spoke loudly with their friends, and they were busy with their own activities. It shows that they were

bored fast in the class. For that reasons, teachers’ creativity in giving the

lesson is very important. Teachers have to do something to make students focus to the lesson. Moreover, teachers can use games, songs, role plays, flash cards or pictures in teaching and learning English.

Based on the explanation above, the writer was interested to take the job training in the elementary school, particularly in SD N VII Wonogiri. The writer taught the first grade to the sixth grade students, focusing in the fourth grade students, because only the fourth grade students that are divided into



three classes based on their intelligence, i.e.: A, B, and C. The writer only focused in class A, because it has the highest intelligence and the fewest students, so that the observation could be done objectively. Based on the job

training experience, the writer presents a report entitled “TEACHING ENGLISH TO THE FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD N VII


B. Objectives

The objectives of this final project report are:

1. To describe the English teaching process to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri

2. To find out the problems of the English teaching to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri

3. To find the solutions to the problems of the English teaching to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri


C. Benefits

It is expected that this final project report will give advantages to: 1. SD N VII Wonogiri

This final project report is expected to give valuable contribution to the institution in improving English quality and capability of the students.

2. English teachers in SD N VII Wonogiri

It is expected that this final project can be an additional reference to the teacher, especially the variety in giving English lesson to the students.

3. The Readers

Hopefully, this final project report will be useful for the readers to improve their knowledge about teaching English to the fourth grade elementary school students. The report could also give some information to the readers of how the English teaching and learning is conducted in SD N VII Wonogiri.



A. Background

In the globalization era, English has become one of the international languages for business, education, science, technology, tourism, etc. Most of those professional fields require English skill as one of the major requirements in job vacancy. It makes people realize that having ability in speaking English is very important, but not all people have such ability in understanding and mastering it. For that reason, many countries apply teaching English for young generation in early age in their education program. The use of English is different in each country throughout the world. People speak English as the first or second language. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language introduced to students at school, not only in elementary schools, but also in kindergartens. It means that English is also the second language in Indonesia. Now, learning English in early age for young learners is very beneficial for them, because mastering English is one of the ways to succeed in worldwide communication and to face global challenge in the future.

Mastering English for young learners is not easy, because English is something new for them. They need special treatment in learning English, for example in handling their behavior and in giving high motivation to them. It makes teachers active and creative in order to create conducive condition in


3. They are enthusiastic and diligent in learning.

4. Their learning activities in the formal schooling can influence the development of their ideas and concepts.

5. Physical movement and activity are the best stimulation for young learners to increase their intelligence and creativity. (Brumfit, Moon, and Tongue, 1995:v)

In their book entitled Teaching English to Children, Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg say that young learners are divided into two groups based on their learning ability. They are five to seven years old and eight to ten years old. The characteristics of eight to ten years old children are as follows:

1. They understand abstracts.

2. They have a big curiosity about something.

3. They have sense of responsibility about their own learning. 4. They can tell their opinions logically.

5. Their optimal thinking can develop by pair work or group work. (Scott and Ytreberg, 1998: 1-4)

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that young learners are elementary school students aging 6-12 years old who have specific characteristic in their learning ability and need physical movement and activity as the best stimulation for their thinking.



B. Teaching English to Young Learners 1. Definition

Teaching English to young learners is different from teaching English to adult. Young learners love fun and interesting activities in teaching-learning process.

The term “teaching” and “young learners” should be known first before making conclusion about the definition of teaching English to young learners. The term

“teaching” according to Brown is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the

learners to learn, setting the condition for learning, (Brown, 2000: 7). While, Suyanto says that young learners in the term teaching English to young learners mean elementary school students who learn English as local contents subject in their school (Suyanto, 2007: 14).

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that teaching English to young learners is guiding and facilitating elementary school students aging 6-12 years old to learn English in optimal condition.

2. Aspects in Teaching English to Young Learners

There are several important aspects to teachers in teaching English to young learners as stated by Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg, i.e.:

a. Words are not enough

Young learners also need sense, movements, pictures, objects, and environments around them in teaching and learning activity in the school.


b. Play with the language

Playing with the language like make up rhymes, sing songs, arrange puzzles, tell stories, etc are very beneficial for young learners in their first stage development of learning English as the foreign language.

c. Language as language

It takes patience to learn language. Young learners need reading and writing exercises in learning English, because it can make them familiar to think and improve their language.

d. Variety in the classroom

Teachers need variation in teaching English to young learners in the

classroom, because it can increase young learners’ concentration and

attention, for example, variety of activity, variety of pace, variety of organization, and variety of voice.

e. Routines

Classroom routines like rules, activities, and situations can make teachers and young learners know their own roles to create an optimal condition in teaching and learning process.

f. Cooperation not competition

Competition can be stressful for young learners. Encouragements and cooperation are more effective to them, for example work in groups can encourage cooperation among young learners.



g. Grammar

Young learners are not mature enough in learning grammar. It is better to teach grammar when a young learner asks explanation or when learning some sort of simple grammar can give some advantages to them.

h. Assessment

Assessment is very beneficial for teachers to make regular notes about

each child’s progress. (Scott and Ytreberg, 1998: 5-7).

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that teachers should understand those aspects well in teaching English to young learners, because it can help teachers in controlling teaching-learning process in the classroom.

C. Learning English to Young Learners

In some countries throughout the world, English has been taught as second language for students in the early age, because people believe that children learn better than adults. In their book entitled Teaching English to Children: From Practice to Principle, Cristopher Brumfit, Jayne Moon, and Ray Tongue give explanations about that, as follows:

1. The children’s brain is more adaptable than adults, so that their learning acquisition is spontaneous.

2. Children are more motivated in learning foreign cultures and languages than adults.


3. Learning a language for children is influenced by their surrounding environment.

4. Children have more time in language learning than adults.

Cristopher Brumfit, Jayne Moon, and Ray Tongue also say about characteristic of second language learning at a young age, namely:

1. Young learners can learn a language anywhere, anytime they want. 2. They are easy going in learning language.

3. The roles of people and environment around young learners can give influence and contribution in their learning.

4. If young learners surrounded by people speaking the second language, they will be familiar with the language, so that they will learn it automatically.

5. They must achieve what their elders expect. (Brumfit, Moon, and Tongue, 1995:vi-vii)

Moreover, there are some of the optimal conditions for helping young learners to learn, i.e.:

1. The learning atmosphere is relaxed and warm, because it can support effective teaching and learning process.

2. Learning is contextualized and part of a real event, because it helps teachers to organize the lesson well and young learners can understand the lesson briefly.



3. Learning builds on things the young learners know, because it makes sense to them. It also helps young learners to memorize the lesson easily.

4. Learning is active and experiential, because it can make young learners interest and enjoy the lesson.

5. Learning has a purpose for young learners, especially in increasing their intelligence and creativity, so that they can achieve their best

academic achievement in the school.


Briefly, it can be concluded that learning English to young learners is very beneficial for them, because their brain are more adaptable than adults in learning something. The roles of teacher, family, friends, and environment give great influence and contribution in creating optimal learning condition for young learners


D. Method of Language Teaching 1. Definition of Method

Edward Anthony cited by Douglas Brown (2001:14), “method is the second

of three hierarchical elements, namely approach, method, and technique.” An approach, according to Anthony, is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning, and teaching. Method is described as an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach. Techniques are the specific activities manifested in the classroom that are consistent with a method and therefore are in harmony with an approach as well.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that method is a system used by a teacher in teaching second or foreign language to students. A teacher has to decide the most appropriate method in teaching and learning process, so that the lesson can be done well.

2. Kinds of Method

There are some methods of language teaching methodology according to Douglas Brown, i.e.:

1. Grammar Translation Method

This method is used for gaining a reading proficiency in a foreign language. This method is focused on grammatical rules as the basis for translating from the second to the native language. The characteristics of this method are:

a. Most of languages used in the class are the mother tongue. b. Students are introduced to read difficult English texts early. c. In grammatical analysis, the content of texts has little attention.



d. Teachers teach translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue with drills.

e. Pronunciation is not given high priority. 2. Direct Method

The direct method has basic premise that second language learning should be more like first language learning, especially learning how to communicate in foreign language. The characteristics of this method are:

a. Classes were taught in the target language all the time. b. Only daily vocabulary and conversation were taught.

c. Oral communication skills were conducted in small, intensive classes by exchanging question-and-answer between teachers and students. d. Grammar was taught intensively.

e. Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.

f. Correct pronunciation and grammar became the major priority. 3. The Audio Lingual Method

The Audio Lingual Method is focused on oral skills. The method concerns in oral activity: pronunciation, pattern drills, and conversation practice. The characteristics of this method are:

a. The material is taught by dialogue

b. Teachers only make students being familiar with grammar, because they does not always explain it, so that students do not really master in the language.


c. Tapes, language labs, and visual aids are very important to support teaching and learning activity using this method. (Brown, 2001:18-23)

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the most appropriate language teaching method, used to teach Elementary school students is Grammar Translation Method. It is used because this method uses both the mother tongue and the target language in teaching and learning process. It will help students in understanding the English subject easily, because English is something new to them.




A. History of SD N VII Wonogiri 1. General Description of SD N VII Wonogiri

SD N VII Wonogiri is one of the government educational institutions in Wonogiri. It is located at Kapten Pierre Tendean Street 23 Wonogiri. This school was built on September 19th, 1955. At that time, the name was Sekolah Rakyat/ Public School (SR) VII Wonogiri. Coincidentally, the school name had correlation with its history, because the school location moved until seven times. It happened because the school did not have permanent place and had to join with the other schools. On December 22nd, 1990, the school had permanent places used until now, so that the name was changed into SD N VII Wonogiri.

In its development, SD N VII Wonogiri has become one of high-quality elementary schools in Wonogiri with A accreditation. This school has many achievements in local and national level. It also becomes model school in Gugus Anggrek (Orchid Group). Gugus or group is a grouping elementary schools system consist of eight schools, one schools as model school and the others as imitator schools based on nearness location, so that the teachers in those schools can study together to improve their teaching capability easily. The activity is called KKG (Teachers Group Work). In April 2010, Orchid group is chosen to represent Central Java province in National Competition of Elementary School Groups.


The building consists of a headmaster’s room, a teachers’ room, and a school guard’s room. SD N VII Wonogiri has 13 classrooms, i.e.: two classrooms for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th grade, and three classrooms for 4th grade. There are

also some other rooms which support students’ activities, such as a library, a

computer laboratory, an arts room, an equipments room, some bathrooms, a rest room, a mushola, a canteen, an UKS (school health unit room), and a Christian and Catholic room.

In school year 2009/2010, SD N VII Wonogiri had 450 students, 214 students were male and 236 students were female. In this school, there were 25 teachers and officials, such as a headmaster, 13 class teachers, two sport teachers, two Islamic teachers, a Christian teacher, a Catholic teacher, an English teacher, a librarian, a school guard and two Drum Band extracurricular teachers. The curriculum used in SD N VII Wonogiri is KTSP (Curriculum of Education Unit Level). The application of this curriculum was taken from the National Education Curriculum.

In improving the education systems and also being the motivation to the teachers and students, SD N VII Wonogiri has vision, missions, and objectives, as follows:

a. Vision

Creating faithful, devout, excellence, global perspective, and cultured students.



b. Missions

1. Creating professional school and class management.

2. Implementing effective learning and guiding to maximize students’ potential.

3. Developing full religious experience to create noble character. 4. Giving priority to cooperate in conducting education duties.

5. Developing spirit of excellence and increasing professionalism to all school society.

6. Preserving and developing sports, arts, and cultures. 7. Motivating to increase the discipline awareness. 8. Developing responsible and love fatherland individual. c. Objectives

1. Giving the best school administration service.

2. Implementing the religion lesson as the result of learning and habit process.

3. Achieving academic and non-academic achievements, minimal in regency level.

4. Mastering the basic science and technology to prepare students in the next level of education.

5. Becoming the pioneer and activator school in the society. 6. Becoming an interesting school to the society.


2. The Organization Structure of SD N VII Wonogiri

The organization structure of SD N VII Wonogiri can be described as follows:





The explanation of the diagram a. Headmaster

Headmaster is a person who leads the school. He has authority to decide all school policies.

b. School Committee

School Committee is a group of people who becomes school partner in searching fund for all school need. School Committee is also as facilitator



between government and society in supporting all school society need (education facilities).

c. Librarian

Librarian is a person who has responsibility to manage the library. d. School Guard

School Guard is a person who has responsibility to keep the cleanness and safety of the school. He is also a school courier.

e. Class Teacher

Class Teacher is a person who has responsibility to teach subjects to the students, except sports, English, and religion subjects. Each of class teachers teaches one class.

f. Sports Teacher

Sports teacher is a person who has responsibility to teach sports to the students. SD N VII Wonogiri has two sports teachers.

g. English Teacher

English teacher is a person who has responsibility to teach English to the students. SD N VII Wonogiri has an English teacher who teaches the whole classes.

h. Religion Teacher

Religion teacher is a person who has responsibility to teach a religion lesson to the students. This school has four religion teachers, i.e.: two Islamic teachers, a Christian teacher, and a Catholic teacher.


i. Drum Band Extracurricular Teachers

Drum Band extracurricular teacher is a person who has responsibility to teach Drum Band extracurricular activity on Wednesdays at 2.00 p.m. until 3.00 p.m. in this school. There are two honorary Drum Band extracurricular teachers.

j. Students

A student is a person who studies at school. k. Society

The society is the people who live around the school. 3. Extracurricular Activities

SD N VII Wonogiri has five extracurricular activities to maximize

students’ non-academic potentials, i.e.: a. Boy Scout

Boy Scout is held on Fridays at 02.00 p.m. - 03.00 p.m. followed by fourth grader and fifth grader.

b. Drum Band

Drum Band is held on Wednesdays at 02.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. for fourth grader (junior team) and fifth grader (senior team).

c. Sports

Sports extracurricular activities are divided into four types, such as football, volleyball, athletic, and swimming followed by second grader until sixth grader. The activity schedules are:



1. Volleyball, football, and athletic is held on Tuesdays at 02.30 p.m. - 04.00 p.m. in Pringgondani field.

2. Swimming is held on Fridays at 02.00 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. in Pelangi swimming pool.

3. Guiding achievements for volleyball, football, and athletics is held on Sundays at 07.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m., while the swimming schedule is not sure.

d. Arts

There are two arts extracurricular activities, i.e.: choir and vocal. Choir is held on Mondays at 02.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. and vocal is held on Saturdays at 02.30 p.m. - 04.00 p.m.

e. Islamic Religion

The activities are TPQ (reading Qur’an) and praying dzuhur together at 12.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. followed by fourth grader until sixth grader. The schedules are: fourth grader on Mondays, fifth grader on Tuesdays, and sixth grader on Wednesdays.


B. Activities During the Job Training 1. Class Observation

In the job training in SD N VII Wonogiri, the writer taught English to the first grade until sixth grade students, focusing in the fourth grade, because only the fourth grade students that were divided into three classes based on their intelligence, i.e.: A, B, and C. The writer only focused in class A, because it had the highest intelligence and the fewest students.

Teaching the whole classes made the writer knew the situations and facilities in each class. There are 13 classes with similar conditions and facilities. The facilities are good enough, because all the classes have a door, some windows, some ventilations, a white board, a cupboard, some pictures, some handmade, some teaching tools, a hanging clock, a van, some lamps, cleaning equipments (i.e.: some brooms, a duster, and a waste basket). There are also a blackboard, a stick board, and a book shelf in the first grade and second grade classes. Most of the classes have enough conducive classes to create effective teaching and learning activities.

In the class 4A, there are 23 students consisting of 8 boys and 15 girls. There are 23 desks and chairs for students and one desk and chair for teacher. In the wall, there are some pictures hanging, i.e.: President, Vice-President, and governmental cabinet structure of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila (the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia), two paintings, traditional dance, house, and music equipments of Indonesian provinces, human tongue and ear structures, and Raden Ongko Wijoyo painting (one of the figures of Javanese puppet). In the classroom,



Wonogiri data board (the contents are lesson schedule, education calendar of 2009/2010, class sketch, list of cleaning groups and learning groups, standard minimum of pass mark in every lesson, teacher regulations, and school vision, missions, objectives, and regulations). Meanwhile, individual portfolios, calendar, a hanging clock, and cleaning equipments were also good setting in the wall. The classroom was also completed with a door, some curtains, ventilations, and windows.

In teaching and learning activities, students were enthusiastic. They had a big curiosity in learning English. They could also accept the material fast. Unfortunately, they were also bored fast. If they were bored, they talked with the other students, they walked around in the class, they asked permission to go to the toilet or they were busy with their own activities. Meanwhile, the writer explained the material by using white board and teaching aids. The writer also walked around in the class during the

lesson to check students’ understanding or to check their work.

The materials were taken from English handbook. Class 4A used English handbook entitled Grow with English Book 4: An English Course for Elementary School Students published by Erlangga. In giving the material, the writer should

create interesting activities to increase students’ attention and concentration. The writer used games and songs. It was very effective, because students became more motivated and enthusiastic in learning English, so that they could give their attention fully to the lesson. From the observation, the writer should be active and creative in delivering the materials to the students, because young learners love fun and interesting activities in learning English.


2. Making the Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is very beneficial for teachers, because it can help a teacher prepare the lesson well before teaching the materials in the class. By using lesson plan, teacher can determine the topic, the objectives, the activities, and time allocated that should be reached in teaching and learning process. Lesson plan also minimize

teachers’ mistakes in teaching, especially the teachers can give the materials to the students on time and appropriate with the syllabus.

During the job training, the writer prepared the lesson plan based on the materials given by the teacher of the fourth grade in SD N VII Wonogiri. The lesson plan should be based on the English syllabus of KTSP (Curriculum of Education Unit Level). This curriculum contains the four language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In the lesson plan, a topic can be presented more than one meeting. It depends on the difficulty level, students understanding of the material, and length of time. For that reason, the writer should make lesson plan in every meeting. The steps of writing lesson plan are determining the topic and the objectives of the lesson first, and then managing the time allocated. In making the lesson plan, the writer divided it into four parts, i.e.:

a. Motivating Strategies

The first step is giving warming up for introducing the topic. The writer should become a motivator for students. The activities are asking questions related to the topic, introducing some new vocabularies, and explaining the objectives of the lesson.



b. Presentation Strategies

In this stage, the writer had roles as resource, motivator, and facilitator for students. She presented the material first by using teaching aids, games or songs. It was used to make students easy in accepting the material and to make them focus to the lesson. The writer also gave examples and chance to ask for students if they found difficulties.

c. Skills Practice

In this step, the writer gave instructions to the students to do some exercises related to the topic individually, in pairs or in groups. Doing exercises could help students to develop their understanding about the material that has been taught by the writer.

d. Assessment

In the last step, the writer gave assessment to the students. The form could be homework or a test. It was very beneficial for the writer to check each

student’s progress.

C. The English Teaching Process to the Fourth Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri

The English teaching process in SD N VII Wonogiri was held for 70 minutes in a week. It was applied for first grade until sixth grade. The writer taught class 4A on Tuesdays at 08.40 a.m. – 09.50 a.m. In this school, English still became local content subject. It had not been main lesson yet like mathematics, Indonesian language, or science.


From the explanation above, it is necessary to the writer to discuss the English teaching and learning activities to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri. Firstly, the writer prepared the lesson plan, the material, and the teaching aids before teaching and learning process. It could make the writer easy in conducting effective teaching and learning process. When she taught in the

class, the writer should control the students’ behavior, because they did not

always pay attention in the class. The writer should remind them to pay attention or asked questions about the material to them, so they did not do the other activities, i.e.: speaking with the other students, walking around in the class, and busy with their own activities, etc. In explaining the material, the writer always changed her movement in the class. It was one of teaching variations that could

make students focus and help teachers check students’ difficulties. Secondly, the

writer applied Grammar Translation Method in teaching English to the fourth grade students, in this case class 4A, because it is the appropriate method used to teach English to the Elementary school students. The method also was suggested by the English teacher of SD N VII Wonogiri. The writer gave explanation in Indonesian to make students understand the material easily. The writer also combined English and Indonesian to make students more familiar in English, because English is a new language for them.

The process of English teaching and learning to the fourth grade students of SD N VII Wonogiri could be presented into several steps. The writer had some procedures in order to make English teaching and learning run well. Those procedures were brainstorming, explanation, exercises, and ending the lesson.



1. Brainstorming

In this step, the writer guided the students to the topic. It could motivate and develop students’ thinking, especially the idea about the new material. The writer brainstormed students by greeting, reviewing the previous material, and attracting them to the new material.

a. Greeting

Greeting is used to start the lesson. Familiarizing greeting to students is good for them, because they can apply their English skill directly. It also can be their daily habit. The writer greeted students after entering the classroom, as follows:

Teacher : “Good morning, students?” Students : “Good morning, miss.” Teacher : “How are you today?”

Students : “I am fine. Thank you, and you?” Teacher : “I am fine too. Thank you.”

The students always said greeting enthusiastically and loudly. It made the writer and the students have high spirit and motivation to start the lesson. After that, the writer checked students attendance one by one based on the

name list. By checking students’ attendance, the writer could know and memorize each student’s name.


b. Reviewing

After greeting, the writer reviewed the previous lesson by asking some questions about the previous topic. It helped the writer to check whether the students remember the previous lesson and had difficulties or not.

c. Warming Up

In introducing the new materials, the writer gave ideas about the topic to the students by asking some questions while showing pictures. The topic was about clothes. The sample questions are as follows:

Teacher : “What are you wearing?” Students : “I am wearing uniform.” Teacher : “What the color is it?” Students : “Red and white, miss.” Teacher : “Ok. Good!”

“You are clever students.”

After giving the questions, the writer told the students that the topic for that day was about clothes. The writer also informed about the lesson objectives. After that, the writer asked students to mention kinds of clothes in Indonesian first, and then in English. By asking some questions like this, the writer could make students interested to know more about the topic.

2. Explanation

The next step is explaining the material. The writer used both English and the mother tongue. Most of language used was Indonesian with little English, because it helped students accepting the material fast. The writer



showed clothes flash cards to explain the material, so that the students interested and understood the lesson deeply. The writer also repeated the material more than once to improve their memory. After giving the explanation, the writer gave opportunity to students to ask questions, if they found difficulties in accepting the material.

3. Exercises

This step is the time for students to apply and practice the material taught by the teacher. The students had to do some exercises based on the

writer’s instructions. The writer gave the instructions clearly and checked students’ work one by one. The exercises given was taken from students’

English handbook or made by the writer. The exercises were also divided into several activities, such as:

a. Listening activity Listen and repeat

In the listening activities, the writer said words or sentences first, and then students repeated what the writer said. The writer said words and sentence once or twice until the students could say it correctly.

For example: T-shirt – T-shirt


b. Writing activity Describing Pictures

In this exercise, the writer divided students into six groups. Each group got one picture. The students had to describe what the people in the picture were wearing including the clothes name and color. They could discuss with their friends about it, but they had to write it down in a piece of paper individually.

Arranging Puzzle

The students were asked to arrange a dialogue puzzle in a good order.

c. Speaking activity Practice the dialogue

In this activity, the writer asked students to practice the dialogue in pairs in front of the class. The other students, who did not get turn to practice, asked to pay attention, so that they did not repeat the mistake again if they got turn. The writer also listened to every word said by students and corrected if they made any mistake.

d. Reading activity Matching Pictures

In this reading activity, the students had to match a sentence with the correct picture by giving checklist in the picture.



Reading Simple Text

The writer read a simple text loudly, so the students could hear clearly, and then the writer asked them to read the text together. The writer also gave correction if the students made mistakes in reading the text. After that, the writer and the students translated the text together.

During the lesson, the writer gave some various activities to increase students’ interest, attention, and motivation. The activities also could help students to understand the material easily. Moreover, it could prevent students bored fast. The activities could be described as follows:


The writer used games to teach English to the students. Playing games could make students paying attention fully to the lesson and help them accepting the material fast. Games also could motivate them in learning English. The games were guessing word, describing pictures, arranging puzzle, etc. The writer also gave motivation and encouragements when students played the games. It could create fun activities for them.


Singing songs is very beneficial for students to improve their vocabularies and pronunciation. Firstly, the writer wrote the lyrics in the white board, and then translated it together with the students. After that, the writer and the students sang the song together until the students could sing the song correctly by themselves.


4. Ending the lesson

Before ending the lesson, the writer reviewed all the materials that have been taught, so that the students could refresh their memory. The writer also gave opportunity to students, if they had any question about the materials. After that, the writer gave homework to the students, so they could learn more

the materials at home. Finally, the writer closed the lesson by saying “Thank you for your attention and see you” to the students.

D. The Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri

During the job training in SD N VII Wonogiri, the writer found some problems faced both by the students and the teacher in English teaching process. The problems of the English teaching could be described as follows:

1. The Students’ Problems a. Attention

Their attention span is short, so sometimes they did other activities during the lesson, i.e.: speaking with their friends, walking around in the class, busy on their own activities, and asking permission to go to toilet or to throw the waste in the waste basket outside the class.

b. Self Confidence

Their self confidence in English is low. It made them afraid in



were also scared if they made mistakes, although they knew the correct answer.

c. Memory

Their memory is less. They often forgot the material that has been taught by the teacher in that time, so that they just imitated their

friends’ answers, if the writer gave questions orally.

2. The Teacher’s Problems a. Teaching Aids

There were no English teaching aids in the classroom, so that

the teaching and learning activities only depended on students’

English handbook. b. Handling the Students

The students like playing than studying in the classroom. They did something that was unrelated with the lesson. It was difficult for teacher to make them focus and concentrate during the lesson.

c. Limited Time

Teaching English to elementary school students in the class was the first experience to the writer. It made the writer difficult to manage

the time, because the writer faced different students’ characteristic and


E. The Solutions to the Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri

1. The Solutions of the Students’ Problems

To solve the problem of short attention, the writer used interesting and challenging games in teaching English that could make them busy with the activity in the games, i.e.: guessing words, describing pictures, arranging puzzles, etc. Games could help students learning English easily in fun activities, so that they could concentrate and enjoy to the lesson automatically. To solve the problem of low self confidence, the writer always gave motivation and encouragements to the students, so that they had high self confidence in expressing their opinion in English. The writer also tried to

increase students’ courage to practice English in the class every meeting.

To solve the problem of less memory, the writer repeated the material more than once until students really understood it and reviewed the material again before ending the lesson. The writer also used games, pictures, flash cards, and songs to improve their memory.

2. The Solutions of the Teacher’s Problems

To solve the problem of no teaching aids, the writer bought or made the teaching aids by herself, i.e.: flash cards, pictures taken from magazine or newspapers, and puzzles. Teaching aids were very important for the writer and the students, because it could help her in explaining the materials and help them in developing their thinking.



To solve the problem of handling the students, the writer created interesting teaching and learning activities for students. One of the ways was by using games, so the students could focus in learning English by playing the games. It also decreased unrelated activities that might be done by the students during the lesson.

To solve the problem of limited time, the writer made lesson plan before teaching in the class. Lesson plan was very useful for the writer in managing the time, so that all materials could be taught to students well.




A. Conclusion

Based on the explanation in the previous chapter, there are some conclusions that can be concluded from this final project report, as follows:

1. The English teaching process to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri

The English teaching process in SD N VII Wonogiri is conducted once a week. The lesson is taught from first grade up to sixth grade students for 70 minutes per meeting. There are 13 classes in SD N VII Wonogiri. The fourth grade is divided into three classes, i.e.: A, B, and C, but only class 4A that becomes the focus of this observation. The English lesson for class 4A is held on Tuesdays at 08.40 a.m. – 09.50 a.m. In this school, English still becomes local content subject. It has not been the main lesson yet like Mathematics, Indonesian language, or Science.

In the English teaching process, the writer and the students did several steps in order to make the English teaching and learning activities run well. The steps are as follows:

a. Brainstorming b. Explanation



c. Exercises

d. Ending the lesson

The application of the four basic language skills in teaching English to the fourth grade students are as follows:

a. Listening activities

The students learnt to pronounce words and sentences by listening and

repeating what the writer said. They also tried to answer the writer’s

oral questions. b. Writing activities

The students did writing activities by describing pictures and

arranging dialogue puzzle.. They also tried to answer the writer’s

questions by writing. c. Speaking activities

The students practiced the dialogue in front of the class to improve their speaking skills and to increase their self confidence in English. d. Reading activities

The students improved their reading skills through matching pictures and reading the dialogue and simple text.

In increasing students’ interest, attention, and motivation, the

writer did some activities in teaching English to the fourth grade students. These activities could make them enjoy the lesson and accepting the material fast, such as sang songs and played games. The games example were guessing words, describing pictures, and arranging puzzles.


2. The problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri

a. The students’ problems 1. Short attention 2. Low self confidence 3. Less memory b. The teacher’s problems

1. No teaching aids 2. Handling the students 3. Limited time

3. The solutions to the problems of the English teaching to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri

a. The solutions of the students’ problems

1. The teacher taught English by using interesting and chalenging games, so that the students kept focus to the lesson while playing the games.

2. The teacher always gave motivation and encouragements to the students, because it can increase their self confidence in practicing and learning English.

3. The teacher explained the material with drills by using pictures, games, and songs, so that the students could improve their memory easily.



b. The solutions of the teacher’s problems

1. The teacher provided the English teaching aids by herself, such as flash cards, pictures taken from magazines or newspapers, and puzzles.

2. The teacher created fun activities in teaching English by playing games, because it could decrease unrelated activities that might be done by the students.

3. The teacher made lesson plan before teaching in the class, because it helped the teacher in managing the material and allocated time well.

B. Suggestion

Based on the job training experience in SD N VII Wonogiri, the writer had some suggestion to the school and the English teacher of SD N VII Wonogiri. It is hoped that the suggestions gave valuable contribution for them.

1. For SD N VII Wonogiri

Although English still became local content subject, it is necessary for the school to give serious attention as much as the main subjects, especially about the English teaching aids and the facilities. Both of them are very beneficial to the teachers and the students in conducting optimal English teaching and learning activities.


Hopefully, the school can provide various English teaching aids first, and then English laboratory soon, because it can improve the capability and

the quality of students’ English skills.

It is also expected that the school always maintains and improves

students’ academic and non-academic achievements that have been or will be achieved.

2. For the English teachers of SD N VII Wonogiri

Although the fourth grade students are older than first up to third grade students, they still need teaching aids like objects, pictures, flash cards, etc to help them accepting the material fast. They also still like playing than studying, so that interesting activities like playing games and singing songs can make them enjoy the lesson, give more attention, and prevent bored fast in English teaching and learning activities. It is hoped that the English teachers of SD N VII Wonogiri also give variation in teaching English to the fourth grader like teaching English to the first up to third grade students.



Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Fourth Edition. New York: Longman.

---, 2001. Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Second Edition. New York: Longman.

Brumfit, Cristopher, Jayne Moon, and Ray Tongue. 1995. Teaching English to Children: From Practice to Principle. New York: Longman.

Mukarto (dkk). 2007. Grow with English Book 4: An English Course for Elementary School Students. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Scott, Wendy. A, and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. 1998. Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman.

Suyanto, Kasihani K.E. 2007. English For Young Learners: Melejitkan Potensi Anak Melalui English Class yang Fun, Asyik, dan Menarik. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. http://www.teachingenglishgames.com/3-5.htm (it was accessed at December 1,







Hopefully, the school can provide various English teaching aids first, and then English laboratory soon, because it can improve the capability and the quality of students’ English skills.

It is also expected that the school always maintains and improves students’ academic and non-academic achievements that have been or will be achieved.

2. For the English teachers of SD N VII Wonogiri

Although the fourth grade students are older than first up to third grade students, they still need teaching aids like objects, pictures, flash cards, etc to help them accepting the material fast. They also still like playing than studying, so that interesting activities like playing games and singing songs can make them enjoy the lesson, give more attention, and prevent bored fast in English teaching and learning activities. It is hoped that the English teachers of SD N VII Wonogiri also give variation in teaching English to the fourth grader like teaching English to the first up to third grade students.



Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Fourth Edition. New York: Longman.

---, 2001. Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Second Edition. New York: Longman.

Brumfit, Cristopher, Jayne Moon, and Ray Tongue. 1995. Teaching English to Children: From Practice to Principle. New York: Longman.

Mukarto (dkk). 2007. Grow with English Book 4: An English Course for Elementary School Students. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Scott, Wendy. A, and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. 1998. Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman.

Suyanto, Kasihani K.E. 2007. English For Young Learners: Melejitkan Potensi Anak Melalui English Class yang Fun, Asyik, dan Menarik. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. http://www.teachingenglishgames.com/3-5.htm (it was accessed at December 1,



