Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study

motive for her to realize that she can do something and change her life. Yuniarti uses the same approach with what the researcher uses, that is psychological approach, to analyze the characters and the conflict within the story. In her study, Yuniarti focuses on how the main character struggles, survives, and accomplishes her dream under the bad treatment of her mother but having a support from her teacher. The treatment she has had from her young age motivates her to move forward and have a better life. In the researcher’s study, there is a slight resemblence in analyzing the personality of the main character through the characteristics given from the minor characters. The motivations that she gets become the motive for her to change.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

a. Theory of Character

Character is a description of a person with certain features or qualities that can be distinguished with the others. Roberts and Jacobs in Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing state that Character in literature generally, and in fiction specifically, is an extended verbal representation of a human being, the inner self that determines thought, speech, and behavior. Through dialogue, action, and commentary, authors capture some of the interactions of character and circumstance Roberts and Jacobs, 1987:119. Character in the novels is written by the authors from their own ideas and knowledge. However, as the readers see the characters with their point of view, they will have their own conception of the character based on what they read in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the story. The concept of character and the potrayal of the character as analogues to “story” and “discourse” Bode, 2011:99. “In good fiction, every speech, every action is not only a step in the plot, but also a manifestation of character ” Stanton, 1965:18. Through the dialogues, the movements, and the thoughts, the authors deliver their descriptions of the character to be caught by the readers with their own formation. There are two kinds of character regarding to the role they play in the novel, primary and secondary character, or other say main character and minor character. According to Eric Simpson in website, primary character drives the story and brings the story to its complexity. The primary character does the development in the story and makes the reader see the changes from the events experienced, felt, or thought by the character. In another way, the primary character is basically changeable. Different from primary character, secondary character exists to complement the primary character in developing the story. Even though the secondary character does not exist to experience the transformation, but their existence complete the story by creating the situation for the transformation in the story

b. Theory of Characterization

Other than the character itself, the characterization of each character is essential for the development of the story. Characterization is about the way authors unfold the characters. Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods Jr. in Reading and Writing about Literature state that “Characters have particular PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI