Weighting Based on Pairwise Comparison Matrix PCM

4.2.4 Suitability of Oil Palm Plantation

Value of the weight given to suitability of palm oil plantation is also one deciding factors in spatial analysis for the development of plantations. The result from several expert assessments for suitability of palm oil plantation factor is shown in Table 9. Table 9 Pairwise comparisons matrix on suitability of oil palm plantation factor Criteria Climate Land condition Accessibility Priority Climate 1 1.57 4.58 0.530 Land condition 11.57 1 3.55 0.360 Accessibility 14.58 13.55 1 0.110 Table 9 shows that the criteria for climate to be the top priority in the development of Plantations with the highest eigenvector 0.530, then followed by the criteria of land condition 0.360 and the lowest value eigenvector value is the accessibility with a value 0.110.

4.3 GIS-Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation

GIS have capability to store and analyze spatial data effectively, and it could spatial modeling to support decision analysis. GIS has long experience in decision making and map design, and it can integrate with SMCE system to support decision maker’s Zhao and Garner, 2009. In this research, GIS-SMCE capabilities need to simulate different criteria to making suitability map. The concept spatial analysis based on weighted sum using grid system cell based modeling. The step one is prepared the spatial data to input as an attribute spatial data. The value of attribute spatial data was transformed into value between values 0 to 1. The advantages of using standardized data will facilitate the calculation of each attribute value is very varied. The step two was transform all vector data into raster based or grid system before weighted sum process. The step three was run spatial model by used weighted sum in ILWIS software Figure 18. Figure 18 Schematic diagram of SMCE suitability modeling

4.3.1 Suitability Assessment

Suitability analysis for the development of oil palm plantations in Musi Banyuasin regency in this study is based on an assessment of the factors that have a high value on the influence of other factors. It make the three scenarios alternative with weighting based on the opinions of expert, local knowledge, and giving value to the weights same for each criteria. Assessment based on expert Alternative 1 Based on the expert assessment for the criteria of climate, rainfall is a factor that considered more important than temperature. For the criteria of land conditions, the slope is considered less important than soil type and distance from the river, soil type is considered more important than the distance from the river. Distance From Factory Rainfall Temperature Soil Type Distance From River Slope Distance From Road Standartdized Criterion Standartdized Criterion Standartdized Criterion Convert to Grid System Convert to Grid System Convert to Grid System Weighted Sum W1 Weighted Sum W2 Weighted Sum W3 Weighted Sum W1,W2,W3 Reclassification: S1, S2, S3, N Suitability Map Climate Land Condition Accessibility For the criteria of accessibility, distance from palm oil factory is considered quite more important than the distance from the road. The weights based on expert assessments shown in Table 10. Table 10 Weight value based on expert Assessment CriteriaSub Criteria Weight Value Climate 0.530 1. Rainfall 0.890 2. Temperature 0.110 Land Condition 0.360 1. Soil Type 0.650 2. Distance From River 0.230 3. Slope 0.120 Accessibility 0.110 1. Distance From Road 0.420 2. Distance From Factory 0.580 The calculation of the matrix pairwise comparison method for the weight of each criterion would be used as input weighting values in the process model in SMCE module. Input data in ILWIS Module for each factor and constrains based on expert assessment is show in Figure 19. Figure 19 Criteria tree in the SMCE module