Social Interest Style of Life

80 man. One night as a striving for her superiority and to show how big she loves him, again she makes love with an old man. Her lips were on his and they were in bed, and he experienced something that had never happened to him before in his life. He felt as though his body were on fire. They were making love and it was without beginning or an ending, a river that swept him along faster and faster, and the tide began to pull……….. TSSD: 150 Lara enjoys it and she feels that she becomes a wonderful woman right now.

4. Social Interest

Humans are social creatures that live in society. So, they have to interact with others if they want to get a better life in society. Social interest develops in the context of family relationships and other formative experiences. Lara is a friendly person; to make her dream comes true she tries to approach all of the men who know well about real estate. She is also nice to everyone that she meets. So, all of her dreams will be easily got. In her first experience, she recognizes with Sean MacAllister, he is a man who owns a boarding house where Lara’s father work, and he is also a man who later will get Lara’s virgin. With him, she can learn how to be an intelligent person in the real estate business. The second person that Lara knows well is Bill Rogers, he is a new comer in Glace Bay. He comes to this town just to look for a land that can become a good land to build something. Lara gets a lot of knowledge from this man. He teaches Lara how to be a good person in real estate business. The next man is Charles 81 Cohn, he is a man who also teaches Lara how to become a successful in real estate business. Lara gets a lot of knowledge and experience by knowing all of the men who are involved in the real estate business. After she becomes successful woman in her business, she also keeps her kindness and careless to all of her employee. It is shown when one of her employee gets a serious ill, Lara then sends her to the hospital to be examined. ‘Everything will be taken care of Dr. Peters is going to see that you have one more examination. If it verifies his diagnosis, you should have the operation right away. Now go home and get some rest.’ Kathy’s eyes filled with tears again. ‘I ….thank you.’ As Kathy walked out of the office she thought, no one really knows that lady . TSSD: 167

5. Style of Life

The style of life is originally called the life plan or guiding image, which refers to the unique ways in which people pursue their goal. It developes from unity of the individual’s feeling behavior, attitude and the influence of social environment. There are some styles of life done by the major character. There are four types in style of life that the major character uses to reach her goal.

a. Ruling Type

This type explains how the major character tries to reach his her goal by dominate all the things, work or anything that can support his her way to reach the desire. Lara as the major character in this novel uses this type. She always tries to dominate all the things that 82 can support her to reach her goal for example, when she wants to build a new building in Kedzie Avenue. She says to Howard Keller that he has to persuade all of the tenants to sell out. ….’yeah but the problem is you’d have to persuade everyone of these tenants to sell out….. ‘We can buy them out,’ lara declared. ‘Lara, if even one tenant refuses to sell, you could be stuck for a bundle. You’ll have bought a lot of little shops you don’t want and you won’t be able to put up your building….. TSSD: 102 – 103

b. Getting Type

This type explains how the major character tries to get everything that he she wants, including with what way that the character use to get his her desire. In this novel, Lara is a smart girl although she has not adult enough but she always tries to make herself perfect and confident in front of her colleagues. With her smart mind and beautiful appearances she makes all of her partner in business respect to her. She is also tries to make a new innovation in her building. Although she is the only woman in real estate business, but she can prove to all of the people around her that she can do the best not only for herself but also for all of the people that she thinks they need a nice, good and luxurious place to stay, to live and to do all the things in just one place. So that she always tries to make a new innovation in her business. On getting her wish, she always tries to make it comes true, it is shown when Lara wants to buy one side in Kedzie Avenue but there 83 is still another tenants who do not want to sell it, then Lara invite all of the homeless in Chicago to live in that apartment. She does this to make all people in another side of the building feel annoyed with their noise, and in fact it is successful.

c. Avoiding Type

This type explains how the major character tries to avoid all the things that can make him her in danger or unsatisfied. In this novel, Lara is known as a bravery woman. She knows that she is the only one woman in the real estate business; she is also realizing that her position in this business is not safe like the other businessman. All of the men in this business always underestimate her. But Lara with her own characteristic can give a different ways to make her become acceptable in it. One time, Lara is faced with a complicated problem; it deals with the building that she will buy from the government. The building takes place in Kedzie Avenue, it is an apartment with full of tenants. Part of those tenants agrees to sell their apartment and move to the other place, but a half disagrees with it. They think that they have been lived there for a long time, and it is hard to leave that place easily, furthermore that apartment will be built a huge mall. Lara does not care about it, she still runs with her plan to build a beautiful mall in that place. So, to make the other tenants leave their apartment, Lara invites all of the homeless in Chicago to live in that apartment to make it noisy. Lately, the City Housing Commissioner’s 84 officer comes to Lara’s office to ask for her responsibility for the coming of many homeless that create a noisy in that apartment. He asks Lara to throw them out from that building, if not; Lara will take to the prison. Again, Lara can solve the problem easily; she uses many ways to make her dreams come true and makes her feel safe in her own business. The second situation that Lara creates to avoid all the things that makes her unsatisfied is when she has a contract with one of the owner of the land in New York, she will builds ‘Cameron Tower’ there, but unfortunately there is Steve Murchinson who always disturbs her in every single thing dealing with real estate business. He feels that Lara steals his dreams and idea, so that he tries to make Lara ruin. But, fortunately, Lara is too clever to be lied, she always knows if there is danger in front of her. With Paul Martin and Howard Keller she can do this right away.

d. Socially Useful Type

This type explains how the major character tries to be useful around her environment in order that she can easily get her wish. In this novel, Lara is a helpful woman. She always tries to make all people around her feel happy. She thinks that without them she will not become like this, she also feels that they are her true family. Her employees were her family. She worried about them, and was generous with them. They were all she had. She remembered her birthday and anniversaries. She helped get their children into good schools, and set up scholarship funds 85 for them. When they tried to thank her, Lara was embarrassed. It was difficult to express her emotions. TSSD: 183 It is shown when Kathy, her secretary, is sick. She sends her to her doctor to be examined, to know how far the disease that Kathy has. The second situation that shows how helpful Lara is when she knows that Jerry Townsend father has a Huntington ’s chorea. Lara sends Jerry’s father to Switzerland to take care more effective and she handle for all of the expenses.

6. Creative Self