Learning English to Young Learners

3. Learning builds on things the young learners know, because it makes sense to them. It also helps young learners to memorize the lesson easily. 4. Learning is active and experiential, because it can make young learners interest and enjoy the lesson. 5. Learning has a purpose for young learners, especially in increasing their intelligence and creativity, so that they can achieve their best academic achievement in the school. www.teachingenglishgames.com3-5.htm Briefly, it can be concluded that learning English to young learners is very beneficial for them, because their brain are more adaptable than adults in learning something. The roles of teacher, family, friends, and environment give great influence and contribution in creating optimal learning condition for young learners

D. Method of Language Teaching

1. Definition of Method

Edward Anthony cited by Douglas Brown 2001:14, “method is the second of three hierarchical elements, name ly approach, method, and technique.” An approach, according to Anthony, is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning, and teaching. Method is described as an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach. Techniques are the specific activities manifested in the classroom that are consistent with a method and therefore are in harmony with an approach as well. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that method is a system used by a teacher in teaching second or foreign language to students. A teacher has to decide the most appropriate method in teaching and learning process, so that the lesson can be done well.

2. Kinds of Method

There are some methods of language teaching methodology according to Douglas Brown, i.e.: 1. Grammar Translation Method This method is used for gaining a reading proficiency in a foreign language. This method is focused on grammatical rules as the basis for translating from the second to the native language. The characteristics of this method are: a. Most of languages used in the class are the mother tongue. b. Students are introduced to read difficult English texts early. c. In grammatical analysis, the content of texts has little attention. d. Teachers teach translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue with drills. e. Pronunciation is not given high priority. 2. Direct Method The direct method has basic premise that second language learning should be more like first language learning, especially learning how to communicate in foreign language. The characteristics of this method are: a. Classes were taught in the target language all the time. b. Only daily vocabulary and conversation were taught. c. Oral communication skills were conducted in small, intensive classes by exchanging question-and-answer between teachers and students. d. Grammar was taught intensively. e. Both speech and listening comprehension were taught. f. Correct pronunciation and grammar became the major priority. 3. The Audio Lingual Method The Audio Lingual Method is focused on oral skills. The method concerns in oral activity: pronunciation, pattern drills, and conversation practice. The characteristics of this method are: a. The material is taught by dialogue b. Teachers only make students being familiar with grammar, because they does not always explain it, so that students do not really master in the language. c. Tapes, language labs, and visual aids are very important to support teaching and learning activity using this method. Brown, 2001:18-23 From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the most appropriate language teaching method, used to teach Elementary school students is Grammar Translation Method. It is used because this method uses both the mother tongue and the target language in teaching and learning process. It will help students in understanding the English subject easily, because English is something new to them.