Point of View Style

62 Her personality does not give a bad effect on her business. Because of it, Lara becomes a famous real estate developer who owns many building in Chicago. There is no stop for Lara and Lara always tries to make something new in her business.

4. Point of View

According to Barnet 1961: 37, point if view is the way an author chooses to tell his story. The narrator may and may not participate in the story, and the narrator who participates in the story is called “first person narrator”. The first participant may be a major character or a minor character. Sidney Sheldon in The Stars Shine Down uses non-participant point of view third person narrator. He is outside in this story. He just tells about the characters as they are. He introduces himself as a narrator that describes each character and has characteristics as omniscient.

5. Style

According to Koesnosoebroto 1988: 124, style is “usually confined to mean element of language: words, syntax, punctuation, and soon, everything from the simple mechanics to the rhetoric that may reflect an author’s originality in writing”. Generally style consists of grammatical structure, sentence construction, diction and figurative language. 63 a. Grammatical Structure Grammatical structure is the suggestion of the sentence structure. Sidney Sheldon in The Stars Shine Down uses standard language in the narration. Lara got a glimpse of different world, a world where children had mothers and fathers who gave them presents and birthday parties and loved them and held them…….TSSD: 29 b. Sentence Construction In The Stars Shine Down the sentence constructions are short sentence in a form narration and dialogue. Both of them reflect a simple unadorned description about the events that happen in The Stars Shine down. The example of long sentences: It was the final game of the World Series and Wrigley field was packed with 38, 710 screaming fans. ‘Its the top of the ninth, with the score Cubs - 1, Yankees – 0. the Yankees are up at bat, with two outs. The bases are loaded with Tony Kubek on first, White Ford on second, and Yogi Berra on third.’ As Mickey Mantle stepped up to the plate, the crowd roared. ‘The Mick’ had hit 304 for the season and had 42 homeruns under his belt for the year. Jack Brickhouse. The Wrigley Field announcer said, excitedly, ‘Oh, oh….it looks like they’re going to change pitchers. They’re taking out Moe drabowsky…..Cub manager, Bob Scheffing is talking to the umpire…….. TSSD: 84 The example of short sentences: ‘This is quite a resume.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘How much of it is real?’ ‘I’m sorry?’TSSD: 13 64 c. Diction Diction is a certain word that is chosen by the author. Sidney Sheldon uses easy words so that the readers are easy to understand. He also uses some borrowings from Dutch, Germany and Mexico. For example: 1. ‘the cry became,”Mo thruaighe ort a thir, tha’n caoraichmhor a’ teachd : TSSD: 36 2. I’d like to go to bed with you. Quid pro quo. TSSD: 53 3. Uccidi quell figlio di puttana’ TSSD: 129 4. He is an uomo rispettato- a man of respect and power. TSSD: 132 5. The music is going from piu vivo to piu mosso. TSSD: 190 6. ‘Lei era magnifico, Maestro’ Moito gentile da parte sua , ‘Philip replied. ‘L’ho sentita suonare il anno scorso. Bravo’ ‘Grazie, ’Philip smiled. TSSD: 252 7. ‘What a pleasure to see you, signore. And signorina. Please’ TSSD: 256 8. ‘Sie waren wunderbar, Herr Adler’ Philip smiled. ‘Das ist sehr nett von ihnen. Danke.’ ‘Ich bin ein grosser Anhanger von ihner.’ Philip smiled again. ‘Sie sind sehr freundlich.’ TSSD: 258 65 d. Figurative Language Figurative language indicates the arrangement of word, the trick of the structure. The prominent of figurative language can be described further in detail below: 1 Simile Simile is direct comparison and explicit mark using like, as if, resemble and other. According to Short 1977: 133, simile is “directly states a comparison between two things of different nature that nevertheless have something in common”. Usually, simile is indicated by some connective words, such as, like, as, and than. For example: There were four of them, diminutive and polite, with mind as sharp as the edges of samurai swords. TSSD: 9 ….and managing to look as though he had just got out of bed… TSSD: 10 She works harder than everyone I’ve ever known. TSSD: 14 ….and there were circles under his eyes, as though he had not been sleeping well. TSSD: 269 2. Personification Personification is a figurative language that threats something as human being. It attributes human being to animal, object, or a concept. It is seen from the following sentence: The iron butterfly is a bitch on wheels,’ she had been told. TSSD: 13 Lara listened with her eyes, seeing him at the piano, handsome and elegant. TSSD: 202 66 3 Metaphor Metaphor is one of figurative language that compares two things that are basically unlike. This following dialogue is used to show something different from literal meaning. She was caught up in a nightmare. TSSD: 58 The sky had become a delicate curtain of dancing snowflakes. TSSD: 202 4 Repetition It is a literary style that is a repetition of words or sentence that is considered important to give emphasize Abdul Rani, 1996: 151. She stood there, frozen. ‘is he….is he going to live?’ TSSD: 38 ‘No…no….he’s going to be alright, Lara. TSSD: 41 I hate him , Lara thought. I hate him TSSD: 43 ‘Be careful. Be very careful.’ TSSD: 155 Bill Rogers had been right. Location, location, location. TSSD: 101 e. Imagery Image is used to describe something, so that the readers can feel as if they were in the story. It takes place as if they are presented all the events in the story. For example: Her lips were on his and they were in bed, and he experienced something that had neve r happened to him before in his life. He felt as though his body was on fire. They were making love and it was without a beginning or an ending, a river that swept him along faster and faster, and the tide began to pull at him, sucking him down and down, deeper and deeper, into a velvet 67 darkness that exploded into a thousand stars. And the miracle was that it happened again, and once again, until he lay there panting and exhausted. TSSD: 150 Slowly, Lara took off her blouse and skirt and shoes. She was wearing a brassiere and panties. McAllister looked at her figure and walked over to her. ‘You’re beautiful, you know that baby?’ she could feel his male hardness pressing against her body. McAllister kissed her on the lips and she feels disgust. ‘Get the rest of your clothes off,’ he said urgently. .He walked over to the bed and stripped off his shorts. His penis was hard and red. ……Lara walked over to the bed and sat down. McAllister squeezed her breasts hard and she cried aloud with the pain. ‘That felt good, didn’t it? It’s time you had your self a man.’ McAllister pushed her down on her back and spread her legs. TSSD: 58

6. Theme