Research Design The Data and Sources of Data

37 distinctly was walking around the neighborhood at night. My parents were asleep along with the rest of the houses. Michael looked into all the windows. It was dark and quiet.

E. The Data Analysis

In analyzing the data from Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the researcher employed a content analysis technique. As mention by Tesch via Wahyuni 2012: 122, content analysis technique focuses on the characteristics of language as communication with attention to the content or contextual meaning of the text. A content analysis method was the most appropriate method used in this research in order to help the researcher describe and interpret the data of the research. The researcher needed to do several steps in analyzing the data from Chobsky’s The Perks of being a Wallflower in order to get the data interpretation as well. The steps are presented as follows. 1. Reading and re-reading Chobsky’s The Perks of being a Wallflower in order to get a deep understanding of the data content. 2. Classifying the data, which were related to the research questions, namely about traumatic experiences and the effects of traumatic experiences toward human psychosocial development. The insignificant data were dropped. 38 3. Interpreting and scrutinizing the meaning of the data in line with the topic discussion in this research. The interpretation and analysis of the researcher were important to achieve the research objectives. 4. Checking the measure of trustworthiness by triangulation process. 5. Making some conclusions based on the analysis that had been done to the data of the research. The conclusion aimed to know whether the research objective is really achieved or not.

F. Trustworthiness

According to Guba, via Shenton 2004: 63, the trustworthiness of the data is important to be demonstrated during the research process in order to make sure that the research is trusted. The criteria to check the trustworthiness are credibility, dependability, transferability, and conformability. The credibility is aimed to measure the intention of the research. The research is credible when the data of the findings are in accordance with the research objectives. The dependability refers to the instrument or the data itself, whether it can be used to multiple occasions or not. Transferability is the prospect whether the research can be applied on the other same phenomenon or not. Meanwhile, conformability is to make sure that the researcher is neutral and the research is objective. The researcher also applied triangulation to check the credibility of the data whether the research is on the right line or not. In observing the credibility, the researcher conducted peer review. In this research, the researcher chose three of her