Research Procedures Designing instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta.

Note: ∑ = sigma sum of X = Scores After measuring the close-ended questions, the researcher analyzed the close ended questions by elaborating into paragraph. The results were used as feedback to revise and improve the designed materials to be a better version.

3.6 Research Procedures

In this section, the researcher elaborated the steps using in conducting this research as follows: 3.6.1 Information and data collection The research first collected all information needed by doing library study and need analysis. The library study was to find related theories that were used in conducting this research. The need analysis was done by distributing questionnaire to eighty students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta grade eighth, and the English teacher who taught the eighth graders. 3.6.2 Planning After obtaining the data and information, the researcher then planned to design the materials. The researcher first analyzed the result of the questionnairre and interview to find out the learner characteristics and context. The result of the data analysis was then used as basis for selecting topics, choosing and sequencing the objectives and also selecting the learning activities. Then, the researcher also determined the learning goals, and general purposes which were based on the Standard Competence and Basic Competence of the School-Based Curriculum 2006, which was used by the school. The researcher also specify the the instructional objectives which were stated as indicators. The clear leaning objectives had two beneficial roles for the instructional designer. First, the learning objectives gave the general framework of what the students had to master. Second, the learning object ives can be used to measure the students‟ achievement toward the designed materials. 3.6.3 Developing Preliminary Form of Product After making the design plan, the researcher began to develop the instructional materials. In this step, the writer first made the outline of the subject contents of teaching and learning activities in the designed materials. The learning strategies in the designed material were selected based on the three cycles in Task- based Learning, which are Pre-task, Task Cycle, and Language Focus Willis, 1996. Moreover, the tasks were also chosen from the types of tasks according to Pattinson, as cited in Nunan 2004. The researcher also picked some movies related to the students‟ interest which would be used in the designed materials. 3.6.4 Testing Preliminary Field In this step, the writer distributed questionnaire to three English teacher of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogakarta along with the designed material in order to validate and evaluate the designed materal. The comments and feedback from the experts would be used to revise the designed material so it would be more appropriate to the students. 3.6.5 Main product Revision PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI This is the last steps in this research procedure, in which the researcher did the final revision of the designed materials based on the evaluation result in the previous steps. After doing the revision, it is expected that it will improve the designed materials quality, so that the designed material is ready to use.


This chapter presents the research findings and discussion of the two research questions stated on Chapter One , which are, “how are instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta designed?” and “what do instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta look like?” This chapter is divided into two main parts, which are Research Results and Discussion. The first part elaborates the research results and findings from the