Setting Data Gathering Technique Data Analysis Technique

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C. Setting

This research was conducted in the eighth grade of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta which located in Jalan Sultan Agung no.4 Yogyakarta. The information collection was done in SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta and Sanata Dharma University.

D. Research Instrument

In order to obtain the data for the research, some instruments were used in the research and information collecting and evaluation.

1. Instruments for Research and Information Collecting

There were two kinds of instruments used for research and information collecting:

a. Questionnaire

According to Borg and Gall 1983:228 , “Questionnaires are printed forms that ask the same questions of all individuals in the sample and for which respondents record their answers in verbal form”. A well-designed questionnaire that is used effectively can gather information on both the overall performance of the test system as well as information on specific components of the system. Therefore, the researcher included questionnaire as the data gathering technique. Based on the steps of RD used in this research, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta to obtain the information needed about the materials by the students. The questionnaires were used in the first step of RD. ` 29

b. Interview

As cited by Cahyaningsih 2010, Connel and Khan 1968 stated that interview is a two-person conversation initiated by interviewer for the specific purpose of obtaining research-relevant information and focused on content specified by research objectives of systematic description, prediction, or explanation. Based on the steps of RD used in this research, the researcher interviewed the English teacher of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . The interview was conducted in order to obtain more information regarding what kind of Task-based learning design material the researcher should create. The interview was conducted informally.

2. Instrument for Evaluation

After designing materials, the researcher also distributed second questionnaire to the English teacher, English lecturer, and language institute teacher. This was done in order to obtain some feedbacks, suggestions, and recommendations which can be used to improve the designed materials. This was done as the fourth step of RD, preliminary field testing.

E. Data Gathering Technique

This research was using RD as its method. The research was done on April 2012 in SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . According to the first step of RD, firstly the researcher distributed questionnaires to the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . Secondly, the researcher conducted an interview with ` 30 the English teacher of the same school. These were done in order to find out the students’ needs in learning English. After that, the researcher designed the materials. After the designed materials were completed, as the preliminary field testing, the researcher once again distributed some questionnaires. The respondents of these questionnaires were an English teacher of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta , an English lecturer of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, and a language institute teacher. After the data were collected, the researcher used these data to make revision and improvement for the designed materials.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, the researcher used two instruments of gathering data, questionnaire and interview. Questionnaire and interview were used to find out students’ needs. The result of the questionnaire obtained then presented in form of number and percentage. Later, these data were used as the basis of the researcher deciding the topic and objectives of his designed materials. After finished design the materials, the researcher used another questionnaire to check whether the materials were appropriate enough or not, an need suggestion and feedback for improvement. The researcher gave the participants five options representing their agreement, disagreement, or doubt for each statement. ` 31 Table 3.1: Degree of Agreement Points of Agreement Meaning 1 Absolutely Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Undecided 4 Agree 5 Absolutely Agree The result was formed into descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics were used to characterized or describe a set of numbers in terms of central tendency Brown, 2002: 123. There are three characteristics can be used to find central tendency, namely mean, median, and mode. In this research, the only characteristic used is mean. Mean is the sum of all values in a distribution divided by the number of values. The formula of mean is written below: Mn = X N Where: Mn = mean average scores X = sum of scores N = number of respondents The data would be presented in the form of following table: Table 3.2: Tendency of Respondents’ Opinion No Statements Frequency of the Points of Statement N Mn 1 2 3 4 5 From the respondents’ degree of assessment in the questionnaire, the researcher determined the average score or mean from them individually and totally. The assessments of the mean were classified as follows. ` 32 0.0 X  2 : the designed-materials were poorly designed 2.01 X  3 : the designed-materials were fairly designed 3.01 X  4 : the designed-materials were already good but need some improvementrevision 4.01 X  5 : the designed-materials were well designed In the end the researcher made the improvement of the materials based on these data. Suggestion and feedbacks were important as the main source of data in this research.

G. Procedure of the Study