Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

C. Theoretical Framework

The theories that are used here are denial and parapraxis. The denial is used to determine what feelings that threatened Sherlock Holmes and when it happened. It is used because denial is the characteristic of defense mechanisms. The way that the writer finds his denial is by seeing and analyzing Sherlock Holmes‘ actions and statements. Whenever he does something unusual, the writer marks his action. Unusual here means could be mean contradictive to human nature. Therefore, whenever he did something unusual, there was a big chance that he tried to repress something. The parapraxis is also used in this study to help the writer in finding things that threatened Sherlock Holmes in the story. It is because Freud believes that parapraxes are the reason behind everyone‘s unintended action and it reveals the unconscious realm of someone. After the denial is found on Sherlock Holmes, the writer uses the theory of defense mechanisms to determine what kind of defense mechanisms that Sherlock Holmes uses. The types of defense mechanisms itself that used in this study are repression, reaction formation, displacement, fixation, regression, projection, introjection, and sublimation. Each type of defense mechanisms has their own characteristic and that help the writer to understand each characteristic of defense mechanisms. So, to determine in which kind of defense mechanism that refelcts the acts of Sherlock Holmes, the acts of Sherlock Holmes is matched by the characteristic of each defense mechanisms. 20


A. Object of the Study

Sherlock Holmes is one of many famous detective stories. It was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle at late 19 th . The first story of Sherlock Holmes was published in 1887, titled Study in Scarlett and then followed by the second book titled Sign of Four that was published in 1890. In the first book, Study in Scarlett, it is about how Dr. Watson met Sherlock Holmes and about their first case together, which is about a murder crime. In the second book, Sign of Four, it is about finding a lost treasure that also involed a murder crime. After the first two novels, the story of Sherlock Holmes became popular. In 1891, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the first short story of Sherlock Holmes titled ―Scandal in Bohemia‖ and published it at The Strand Magazine. It was followed by 11 others short stories and finished in 1892. Then, it was published in one book titled The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes. After it was published, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle still published short stories of Sherlock Holmes in The Strand Magazine until 1893 and published in a book titled The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Then, he ―killed‖ Sherlock Holmes. That are the book that is analized in this undergraduate thesis. Those books are chosen because those books are the first original story before Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stopped to write Sherlock Holmes stories for the first time. Even though the