B. Data and Source of Data

The source of data refers to the subject from which all the data of a research are obtained (Arikunto, 2002:107). The data may appear in the form of discourse, sentence, clause, phrase, word or even morpheme (Subroto, 1992:7). The data in this research are dialogues uttered by the characters which generate flouting maxims in ‘Forest Gump’ film based on the Grice Cooperative Principle.

There are some reasons for taking this film as a data source. Firstly, this comedy drama film has a lot of messages about moral values. This film also wins many Oscar nominations, such as the best actor, the best picture, the best director There are some reasons for taking this film as a data source. Firstly, this comedy drama film has a lot of messages about moral values. This film also wins many Oscar nominations, such as the best actor, the best picture, the best director

C. Sampling and Sampling Technique

Sample is a part of population that will be investigated (Arikunto, 2002: 109). He also defines that population is all subject of the research (ibid: 108). Furthermore, sample should be collected by using a specific technique of sampling. According to Sutrisno Hadi (1986:75) sampling technique is a technique of choosing samples of data. Furthermore, he also says that qualitative research is not aimed at generalizing the population but it is aimed at describing specific things found in data.

Based on the definitions and explanations above, this research employs total sampling technique. Surakhmad states that total sampling is a technique where the whole data becomes the sample (2004:100). Thus, the researcher takes all dialogs

containing flouting maxims employed by the characters of the film “Forest Gump” found in the data as the sample of the research.

D. Equipments of The Research

Lincoln and Guba in Sutopo (2006:36) state that in qualitative research, the most important equipment is the researcher himself, since human being are considered to have the ability of reaching and deciding the meaning of various interactions. However in conducting the research, the researcher needs some supporting equipments such as VCD of the film and a set of computer to play the VCD of the film.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The data of the research are collected by doing the following steps:

1. Replaying the VCD of ‘Forest Gump’ film by using a set of computer for a couple of times.

2. Finding the transcript of the movie from the internet. (

3. Describing the data by transcribing the dialogues containing the flouting maxims from the film into the form of dialogues list in order to match them with the transcript of the film.

4. Identifying the flouting maxims in the dialogues by giving marks to each flouting maxim.

5. Classifying the data of flouting maxims based on Grice’s Cooperative Principle.

6. Coding the flouting maxims in the dialogues by giving numbers to each flouting maxim.

F. Data Coding

In this research, the researcher gives some codes in the data to make the analysis of each datum easier. The data coding was based on the number of datum, the speaker that flouts the maxim, and the number of disc where dialogues occur.

The example of data coding in the research is as follows:

Data 09/FG/ 1/FQR

Data 09: refers to the number of datum FG : refers to the speaker that flout the maxims

It can be: - FG: Forest Gump - JC: Jenny Curran - MG: Mrs. Gump - EP: Elvis Presley - DR: Doctor - BD: Bus driver - LD: Lieutenant Dan - FC: football coach - BB: Bubba - PK: President Kennedy

1: refers to the number of disc where dialogue occur It can be: -

1: disc number 1 (the first disc) -

2: disc number 2 (the second disc) FMQt: refers to type of flouting maxims: Flouting Maxim of Quantity It can be:

- FMQl: Flouting maxim of Quality - FCM: Flouting Class between Maxims (there is more than one maxim


G. Technique of Analyzing Data

The technique of collecting data is carried out as follows: 1. Describing the data in the form of dialogues which contains the flouting maxims.

2. Describing the context of situation in the dialogues of the film 3. Describing how the Cooperative Principle is employed by the characters in the dialogues of the film “Forest Gump” based on Grice’s theory. 4. Analyzing the kinds of the flouting maxims employed by the characters in the dialogues of the film. 5. Drawing conclusion from the analysis of the data.