Acronym Blending Conversion Data Presentation Based on the Morphological Forms

word Saucer n. The stem is fly v and attaches the suffix –ing. Below is the tree diagram of word Flyin Flying Flyin Flying Adj V Af Fly -ing Table 8. Tree Diagram of Flyin Flying

c. Acronym

There is an acronym that is found in the data, which is NASA. It is the agency of United Stated of America government that focuses on space program and aerospace research. The name is taken from the initial letters of National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hornby, 2000: 773.

d. Blending

The writer finds three blending brand names. They are Aspirin, Instagram, and i-Pad. Aspirin was coined by German dentist, Heinrich Dresser in 1899. Aspirin comes from Latin words, Acetyl Spiraea Salicylic Acid Ine Cheng, 2007. The initial a from Acetyl is cut and combines with first syllable of Spirea and then it is added with suffix –ine. The letter e is omitted. The suffix –in -ine is a suffix which is commonly used to form words from a chemical substances Harper: 2014. Other similar examples are chymosin, a kind of enzyme, that comes from chyme + ose + ine and formalin, a chemical substance, comes from formaldehyde + ine Hornby: 2000. Instagram comes from the word Instant and gram. The letters nt are deleted in the process. Gram itself comes from Latin word which has meaning a thing written or recorded Hornby, 2000: 517. Other similar examples are logoram, which comes from Latin word logos means word, speech, discourse, combines with gram and hologram which comes from Greek word holos means whole combines with gram Harper: 2014. i-Pad consists of two words, which is i and Pad. i-Pad is a certain product from Apple. The i itself was created by advertising veteran named Ken Segall who also created the Apple’s slogan “Think Different”. He stated in an interview that the i is not just for internet, but whole words that has i initial such as intelligent, innovative, and imaginative.

e. Conversion

The writer finds there is one brand name created from conversion process which is Thai. Thai is converted from an adjective which means connected or related to the country of Thailand into a noun which is the national aircraft company of Thailand which was formed in 1960.

f. Onomatopoeia