Theoretical Significance of the Study

7 theories, or relevant approach, such as history approach, sociology, psychology, and textual approach. 19 Moreover, qualitative researchers focus on subjective meanings, definitions, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of specific cases. 20

3. The Techniques of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

The process of data collecting is important in this research. The technique used in this research is bibliography technique teknik pustaka. According to Subroto, bibliography technique uses written sources to obtain the data. 21 By this technique, the process of analyzing the data is done in some steps: 1 The first, the researcher reads the Comic thoroughly. 2 The second, the researcher chooses and notes down the utterances which contain the illocutionary act. 3 The next, classifying types of illocutionary act and determine the way of the illocutionary act successes or not in each dialogue. 4 Then, describe the result by using the appropriate theory. 5 The last, give the conclusion of the result

4. The Unit of Analysis

Detective Conan is chosen as the unit of analysis. Detective Conan is one of Japanese Comic which is written by Oyama Goushou. This unit analysis is taken from an online comic reader, and this comic is translated by Stephen. Furthermore, the unit analysis of this research focuses on the Detective Conan Comic Volume 2. The researcher takes 53 fifty three speech acts which 19 Muhammad Farkhan. Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta: Adabia Press, 2011, p.43. 20 W. Lawrence Neuman, Social Research Methods; Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, USA: Allyn Bacon, 1997, p. 328. 21 Edi Subroto, Op.Cit, 1992., p.42. 8 happens in the conversation of Detective Conan Comic volume 2. The 53 fifty three data comes from 13 speech acts of all the speech acts. As the unit of analysis, the researcher chooses the each data randomly.

5. The Instrument of the Research

The research uses a data card as the instrument of the research. This instrument is used to classify the speech act happened in the Detective Conan Comic Volume 2. The relevant data is written in a data card and the main problem which is as the target of the research will be written in the card as the head entry. 22 Thus, this instrument makes the researcher easy to classify the data. 22 Edi Subroto, 1992, Op.Cit., p.43.