Task-Based Learning Theoretical Description 1. Instructional Design Models: Jerrold S. Kemps Model


B. Theoretical Framework

A teaching learning process needs an instructional material to guide it. It is needed especially by the teacher to make the teaching learning activity be more organized. The teacher would be more ready in handling the class when teacher has prepared the instructional materials. First of all, the researcher uses Research and Development as the method for doing the research. There are five steps of Research and Development that the researcher will be used. In addition, the researcher not only uses Research and Development but also uses Instructional Design. Here, the researcher adapts Kemp’s Instructional Design Model because the researcher tries to make it in linear step, not circular. Those two guidelines of design will complete each other so that the researcher can make a good design. However, the researcher still needs theory of learning in teaching. Then, Communicative Language Teaching is chosen because it helps the researcher to provide the principle to develop activities that are integrated in the materials. The focus of this study is speaking. Speaking activities can express students own ideas, wishes, opinions, attitudes, and information. Communicative Language Teaching is appropriate for this study because both teacher and students have roles in order to speak communicatively. Teacher should be the facilitator and participant in the classroom while the learners should be the negotiator. Other skills like listening, writing and reading can be included in the materials because those skills support the learning process. The role of the materials is so helpful to the teaching learning process. The researcher uses task- 21 based materials. This kind of material is advantageous for the students because they are student-centered. The topics of the material can be chosen by getting learners’ characteristic. These are the steps of designing the materials that the researcher uses: Step 1. Conduct the Learner Analysis The researcher conducts the learning analysis to know the students interest, needs, and difficulties in learning English so that the researcher could design the suitable materials for them. Step 2. Identify the Competence Standard The researcher identifies the competence standard because it is the basis for the rest of the steps. Step 3. Formulate the Basic Competences Specify the basic competences to be achieved in terms of measurable student behavioral outcomes. Step 4. Formulate the Indicators The indicators can be used as the guide to choose the learning materials and decide the learning experiences. Indicators are adapted from the basic competences which are used in the level of study. Step 5. Select the Learning Content Select the learning content which is suitable with the learning experiences and can be used to achieve the standard competence and basic competences and also indicators. Then, the researcher creates the syllabus.