To Face Difficulty Wisely

describe the persona‟s feeling towards his hometown and also his self- actualization. He realizes that Africa is far away from the place he lives and he needs long time to be back there. The third poem is entitled “Pay Day”. It tells about a man who feels upset because he has to pay all the expenses without any contribution from her woman. Yet he realizes that he should pay it by himself. The poem can be read in datum 102SD02. This poem tells about a man who comes to his self-actualization. He realizes that this long time he should pay all the expenses. That time he comes to a decision that he will live by himself and make use of his pay check for his own needs. He realizes that he does not need woman who can only spend his money for buying furniture and jewelries. It comes to his mind that he wants to live freely. The writer only figures out a multiple negation in this poem. It can be seen in the sentence And I wont need no furniture living alone. This sentence implies that the man realizes that he does not need any furniture since he wants to live by himself afterward. Hughes wants to emphasize the self-actualization from the man that he realizes his woman is bad and he wants to leave her alone. Overall, the subject displacements and multiple negations appear in this function. Hughes uses them to emphasize the self-actualization of the persona towards the problems they face. The decisions that were made by the persona are also the results of hisher self-actualization.

g. To show the other problems faced by African-American

Besides those six purposes discussed previously, Hughes uses syntactic deviations to tell about the other problems faced by African-American, such as relationship problems, desperate feelings of African-America, relationship between African-American and their God, and many more. The writer figures out eighteen poems that deal with the other functions that contain syntactic deviations. Among those eighteen poems, the writer selects eight poems to be discussed and their titles are 1 Midwinter Blues, 2 Fortune Teller Blues, 3 Ma‟ Lord, 4 Homecoming, 5 So Long, 6 Casual, 7 Late Last Night, and 8 Evil Woman. The first poem entitled “Midwinter Blues”. In this poem, the persona is described as a broken hearted woman who was left by her man, but she still loved him. The poem can be read in datum 100SD01. The persona is broken hearted. She trusts her man so much. Now that he leaves her, she realizes that all the words spoken previously were just lies. She is left in the night before Christmas though the night before Christmas should be a great day for Christians. She is so upset for being left. She feels like she will live lonely afterward. Thus, she buys rose seeds and plants them on her backyard. She says that when she passes away someday, people do not need to buy her flowers since she has planted them. Hughes uses multiple negations, such as That aint no time to go and So when Im dead they wont need no flowers from the store, to describe the feelings of the persona when she is brokenhearted. The persona realizes that if a man loves a woman, he will never leave her. She feels desperate. She says that she will only love that man until she dies. The true love is shown clearly through her decision of planting rose. She is sure that she will not love any other man, so she better plants rose and when she dies people will not be burdened since she has a garden of rose to be put in her coffin later on. The second poem is entitled “Fortune Teller Blues”. This poem tells about a pitiful persona‟s life that is told by the fortune tellers. Every time she goes to a fortune teller, she never receives any good news. The poem can be read in datum 107SD01. The persona has gone to several fortune tellers. She asks for her fortune, but she never receives any fortunate news. The fortune tellers always tell her the unfortunate news. She is so upset that she concludes that fortune tellers never tell her pleasant things. They only show her something painful, especially about her love relationship. The writer only figures out multiple negations in this poem. They can be seen from the sentences These fortune tellers Never tell me nothin kind; I say fortune tellers Never tell me nothin kind and If my man leaves me I wont live no mo. The first two sentences imply that she is always told that something bad will happen to her life. The last sentence implies that she does not want to live her life again if her man really leaves her. Hughes uses multiple negations to show how desperate a woman who falls in love is. Besides being tortured on the account of their race, African-American is also seen as the unfortunate one. They are predicted that they will never live happily, even with their loved one. The third poem is entitled “Ma Lord”. This poem tells story of a man who is very close to his God. He described his Lord as someone who is kind and someone who always supports him. The poem can be read in datum 179SD01.