The English Teaching Process to the Fourth Grade Students

1. Brainstorming In this step, the writer guided the students to the topic. It could motivate and develop studen ts’ thinking, especially the idea about the new material. The writer brainstormed students by greeting, reviewing the previous material, and attracting them to the new material. a. Greeting Greeting is used to start the lesson. Familiarizing greeting to students is good for them, because they can apply their English skill directly. It also can be their daily habit. The writer greeted students after entering the classroom, as follows: Teacher : “Good morning, students?” Students : “Good morning, miss.” Teacher : “How are you today?” Students : “I am fine. Thank you, and you?” Teacher : “I am fine too. Thank you.” The students always said greeting enthusiastically and loudly. It made the writer and the students have high spirit and motivation to start the lesson. After that, the writer checked students attendance one by one based on the name list. By checking students’ attendance, the writer could know and memorize each student’s name. b. Reviewing After greeting, the writer reviewed the previous lesson by asking some questions about the previous topic. It helped the writer to check whether the students remember the previous lesson and had difficulties or not. c. Warming Up In introducing the new materials, the writer gave ideas about the topic to the students by asking some questions while showing pictures. The topic was about clothes. The sample questions are as follows: Teacher : “What are you wearing?” Students : “I am wearing uniform.” Teacher : “What the color is it?” Students : “Red and white, miss.” Teacher : “Ok. Good” “You are clever students.” After giving the questions, the writer told the students that the topic for that day was about clothes. The writer also informed about the lesson objectives. After that, the writer asked students to mention kinds of clothes in Indonesian first, and then in English. By asking some questions like this, the writer could make students interested to know more about the topic. 2. Explanation The next step is explaining the material. The writer used both English and the mother tongue. Most of language used was Indonesian with little English, because it helped students accepting the material fast. The writer showed clothes flash cards to explain the material, so that the students interested and understood the lesson deeply. The writer also repeated the material more than once to improve their memory. After giving the explanation, the writer gave opportunity to students to ask questions, if they found difficulties in accepting the material. 3. Exercises This step is the time for students to apply and practice the material taught by the teacher. The students had to do some exercises based on the writer’s instructions. The writer gave the instructions clearly and checked students’ work one by one. The exercises given was taken from students’ English handbook or made by the writer. The exercises were also divided into several activities, such as: a. Listening activity Listen and repeat In the listening activities, the writer said words or sentences first, and then students repeated what the writer said. The writer said words and sentence once or twice until the students could say it correctly. For example: T-shirt – T-shirt It is a yellow T-shirt - It is a yellow T-shirt. b. Writing activity Describing Pictures In this exercise, the writer divided students into six groups. Each group got one picture. The students had to describe what the people in the picture were wearing including the clothes name and color. They could discuss with their friends about it, but they had to write it down in a piece of paper individually. Arranging Puzzle The students were asked to arrange a dialogue puzzle in a good order. c. Speaking activity Practice the dialogue In this activity, the writer asked students to practice the dialogue in pairs in front of the class. The other students, who did not get turn to practice, asked to pay attention, so that they did not repeat the mistake again if they got turn. The writer also listened to every word said by students and corrected if they made any mistake. d. Reading activity Matching Pictures In this reading activity, the students had to match a sentence with the correct picture by giving checklist in the picture. Reading Simple Text The writer read a simple text loudly, so the students could hear clearly, and then the writer asked them to read the text together. The writer also gave correction if the students made mistakes in reading the text. After that, the writer and the students translated the text together. During the lesson, the writer gave some various ac tivities to increase students’ interest, attention, and motivation. The activities also could help students to understand the material easily. Moreover, it could prevent students bored fast. The activities could be described as follows: Games The writer used games to teach English to the students. Playing games could make students paying attention fully to the lesson and help them accepting the material fast. Games also could motivate them in learning English. The games were guessing word, describing pictures, arranging puzzle, etc. The writer also gave motivation and encouragements when students played the games. It could create fun activities for them. Songs Singing songs is very beneficial for students to improve their vocabularies and pronunciation. Firstly, the writer wrote the lyrics in the white board, and then translated it together with the students. After that, the writer and the students sang the song together until the students could sing the song correctly by themselves. 4. Ending the lesson Before ending the lesson, the writer reviewed all the materials that have been taught, so that the students could refresh their memory. The writer also gave opportunity to students, if they had any question about the materials. After that, the writer gave homework to the students, so they could learn more the materials at home. Finally, the writer closed the lesson by saying “Thank you for your attention and see you” to the students.

D. The Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth Grade Students in

SD N VII Wonogiri During the job training in SD N VII Wonogiri, the writer found some problems faced both by the students and the teacher in English teaching process. The problems of the English teaching could be described as follows:

1. The Students’ Problems

a. Attention Their attention span is short, so sometimes they did other activities during the lesson, i.e.: speaking with their friends, walking around in the class, busy on their own activities, and asking permission to go to toilet or to throw the waste in the waste basket outside the class. b. Self Confidence Their self confidence in English is low. It made them afraid in expressing their opinion or answering the teacher’s questions. They were also scared if they made mistakes, although they knew the correct answer. c. Memory Their memory is less. They often forgot the material that has been taught by the teacher in that time, so that they just imitated their friends’ answers, if the writer gave questions orally.

2. The Teacher’s Problems

a. Teaching Aids There were no English teaching aids in the classroom, so that the teaching and learning activities only depended on students’ English handbook. b. Handling the Students The students like playing than studying in the classroom. They did something that was unrelated with the lesson. It was difficult for teacher to make them focus and concentrate during the lesson. c. Limited Time Teaching English to elementary school students in the class was the first experience to the writer. It made the writer difficult to manage the time, because the writer faced different students’ characteristic and should explain the materials well.

E. The Solutions to the Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth

Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri 1. The Solutions of the Students’ Problems To solve the problem of short attention, the writer used interesting and challenging games in teaching English that could make them busy with the activity in the games, i.e.: guessing words, describing pictures, arranging puzzles, etc. Games could help students learning English easily in fun activities, so that they could concentrate and enjoy to the lesson automatically. To solve the problem of low self confidence, the writer always gave motivation and encouragements to the students, so that they had high self confidence in expressing their opinion in English. The writer also tried to increase students’ courage to practice English in the class every meeting. To solve the problem of less memory, the writer repeated the material more than once until students really understood it and reviewed the material again before ending the lesson. The writer also used games, pictures, flash cards, and songs to improve their memory. 2. The Solutions of the Teacher’s Problems To solve the problem of no teaching aids, the writer bought or made the teaching aids by herself, i.e.: flash cards, pictures taken from magazine or newspapers, and puzzles. Teaching aids were very important for the writer and the students, because it could help her in explaining the materials and help them in developing their thinking.