Review of Relevant Studies Conceptual Framework


C. Research Procedure

figure 2. the flow of research procedure This research used guidance provided by Borg Gall 1983: 775. However, there were some modifications to the procedure of the study. The modifications that happened were to comply the nature of a research and development research in Yogyakarta State University rule. The study was up to operational product revision without preeliminary field testing and main field testing, as both are replaced by experts’ judgement. To comply that the developed product was good to be applied in field, the product must be in compliance with national standard set by national education standardization commission. There were some steps to complete this study, namely: research and information collecting, planning, developing the preliminary form of product, experts judgement and writing the final product. The steps of research were as follows. Research and Information Collecting planning Developing preliminary product Experts’ Judge e t Developing the final product 36 1. Research and Information Collecting The first step of conducting the research is research and information collecting. In this step, the need analysis was done. It aimed to find out targets’ needs and learning needs. To make need analysis feasible, the questionnaire was distributed to students. The results of questionnaire was analyzed. The data of analysis results then was used in second step, Planning. 2. Planning The next step after collecting datainformation is planning. In this step, there were two activities: designing the course grid and designing the lay out of the materials. The course grid consisted of core and basic competences, unit title, indicators, grammar focus, vocabulary list and activities. In designing the lay out, the data from analysis was converted to the actions. 3. Developing Preliminary Product After done in planning stage, the next step is to develop the first draft. The draft was derived from results of the planning stage. The preliminary materials consisted of three units. Each unit consisted of warm-up, main activities, reinforcement and reflection. Tasks of each unit should be appropriate for use. Adapting and adopting process of material inputs is related to topics. 4. Expert Judgment The first draft of the materials then was evaluated by an expert. This was done to find out the appropriateness of the developed materials. in evaluating the materials, the expert was asked to fill in the questionnaire which was based on 37 learning material evaluation Instrumen Buku Teks Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK provided by National Education Standarization Agency BSNP. 5. Developing Final Product The final step of this research is to develop the final products. This process was basically revision of the preliminary product. The first draft of the materials that was evaluated by the expert was revised based on expert’s guidance. After revised, the first draft of the materials became the final product of the materials. The materials were expected to fulfill students’ needs and learning needs of automotive engineering department.

D. Data Collection Technique

The data needed was gathered using questionnaires: one was for assessing targets’ needs and learning needs and the another was for experts’ judgement. The following is the organization of the first questionnaire used to collect students’ needs and learning needs. Table 3. The Organization of Need Analysis Questionnaire No Aspects Item Numbers Purpose of the Questions References Target Needs

1 Necessities

6 To find out students’ needs in target situations Hutchinson Waters 1987:55

2 Lacks

5 To find out the gap between students’ existing knowledge and the required knowledge level Hutchinson Waters 1987:55

3 Wants

1 To find out students’ wants related to Teaching Learning Hutchinson Waters 1987:55