Close to Slow down Keep in mind Listen to Try out

• Types : Semi idiomatic meaning

2. Interested in

• Sentence : It seemed too strange to think I’d have the very disease I was so interested in p 159 • Literal meaning : Interested :wanting to give your attention to something and discover more about it. In : before or at the end of particular period • Idiomatic meaning : Giving a lot of attention to someone or something because you want to know more about himher. Robby Lou p 148 • Types : Semi Opaque meaning

3. Close to

• Sentence : The group found that the three most popular combinations— 1234, 1111, and 0000—account for close to 20 percent of all four Digit passwords. p 68 • Literal meaning : Close : not distant in position or time To : in the direction of something • Idiomatic meaning : Very near • Types : Opaque meaning

4. Slow down

Universitas Sumatera Utara • Sentence : After a few days, that data can begin to slow down how fast pages load p 66 • Literal meaning : Slow : doing, moving or happening without much speed Down : in or towards a low or lower position, from a higher one • Idiomatic meaning : Go more slowly Robby Lou p 93 • Types : Opaque meaning 4.1.11 Other Categories of Idioms Found in Reader’s Digest Magazine Verb – Preposition – Noun Combination

1. Keep in mind

• Sentence : More than 240 total is considered high cholesterol – more than twice the risk as the desirable level, keep in mind. p 98 • Literal meaning : keep : to have or continue to have in your possession : In : at a point within an area or a space : Mind : to be annoyed or worried by something • Idiomatic meaning : Remember Robby Lou p 129 • Types : Opaque meaning

2. Listen to

• Sentence : Then he rolled out my grandmother’s piecrust and filled it with Universitas Sumatera Utara apples, all while listening to my dissertation on the importance p 48 • Literal meaning : listen : to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them : To : in the direction of something; towards something • Idiomatic meaning : To listen Robby Lou 153 • Types : Semi opaque meaning

3. Try out

• Sentence : Just to earn the right to try out for the legendary program, a candidate must be exceptionally tough, in body and mind. p 143 • Literal meaning : Try : to test something to see if it is suitable or useful or if it works Out : used to show movement away from the inside of a place or container • Idiomatic meaning : To test, use during a trial period Dixon p 77 • Types : Semi idiomatic meaning Universitas Sumatera Utara Conjunction – Preposition Combination

1. Because of