Semantic Deviation Language Deviation

English morphemes; i.e., ill-formed morphemes, is referred to as a deviant morphological construction. Actually, there are two researchers who analysed morphological deviations; Basheer Matrood and Masanori Miyata. Though, both of them have the same idea of morphological deviations, thus the researcher summarizes it to complete each other. Therefore, they conclude that there are six kinds of morphological deviations, they are adverb ending in –s, confusion of affixation, comparison of adjective, adjective used adverbially, conversion of verbs, and conversion of function words. 2 Syntactic Deviations According to Miller, J 2002: 12, syntax is the subfield of linguistics that studies the internal structure of sentences and the interrelationships among their component. Syntax deals with how words are put together to build phrases, how phrases are put together to build clauses or bigger phrases, and how clauses are put together to build sentences. According to Thoms, G. 2010: 31, to give a descriptive overview of types of syntactic deviations that are found in poetic language in English, he divides the kinds of deviation into several parts. a Type of Syntactic Deviations 1 PP Displacement Preposition phrases PPs have a wide distribution in English. PPs can give informations to the reader about place, time, position of things, etc. In poetry, authors often displaces PPs to make the poems rymed, metred, or to be artistic Thoms, G., 2010: 22. Table 2. Examples of PP Displacement. No. Examples of PP Displacement Author 1. Children in the street Watch him go by. “Is that the thinnest shadow?” They to one another cry. By:John Ashbery, ‘The Thinnest Shadow’ 2. one, the smallest, to the water goes. By:Robert Creeley, ‘Beach’ The two examples are taken from John Asbery’s collected poems 2008 and the collected poems of Robert Creeley 2006. They are interesting because there is a displacement between preposition and verb. Both of examples have a Subject-PP-Verb pattern, and obviously the result from the displacement of a PP from a standard S-V-PP one. This PP displacement occurs in many other configurations in poetic texts. 2 NP Displacement Thoms, G. 2010: 35 states that the distribution of noun phrases or NPs is different from PPs, and the specifics of Np distribution are tied to certain aspects of their semantic interpretation in a certain sentence.