Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study Definition of Terms

In this undergraduate thesis, the object that is discussed is the main character named Sherlock Holmes in all Sherlock Holmes stories that written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is chosen as the character that is analyzed because in some movies and TV series, he is described as an anti-social person. He does not like to have an interaction with other people if it the interaction is not related to his case. Defense mechanisms are the main foci of this study. To find what defense mechanisms that Sherlock Holmes does in the stories are, The writer had to find Sherlock Holmes ‘ unusual action.

B. Problem Formulation

Questions that are going to be answered in this study are: 1. Under what circumstances does Sherlock Holmes use his defense mechanisms? 2. What kind of defense mechanism does Sherlock Holmes use?

C. Objectives of the Study

Sherlock Holmes has some defense mechanisms. The concern of this study is to find Sherlock Holmes‘ defense mechanisms. The main concern of this study became a foundation of the problem formulations, which were answered in this study. The first purpose of this study is to find when Sherlock Holmes uses defense mechanisms. The first step is finding Sherlock Holmes‘ denial, which is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the first characteristic of defense mechanisms. Every kind of defense mechanisms begin with a denial, it is one of the characteristics. Finding Sherlock Holmes‘ denial means looking for when Sherlock Holmes uses defense mechanism. Denial is just like the first step of defense mechanisms. So, it is important to find Sherlock Holmes‘ denial in the first place. After Sherlock Holmes‘ denial is found, second question is to classify Sherlock Holmes‘ act, what kind of defense mechanism it is. It will be done by matching the Sherlock Holmes‘ act to the characteristics of each kind of defense mechanisms.

D. Definition of Terms

Defense Mechanisms here are the idea proposed by Sigmund Freud where people defend themselves from the event that makes them feel threatened. We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise because we feel threatened, or because our id or superego becomes too demanding. They are not under our conscious control, and are non-voluntaristic. With the ego, our unconscious will use one or more to protect us when we come up against a stressful situation in life Mcleod, 2009. Consciousness is the part of our mind that takes role on our act toward something in everyday life. It is simply known as thoughts that a person wants to do something. As stated by Ryan, ―Refer to your awareness of yourself and of the world – your ―thought process‖ as you move through any day 2012: 45.‖ Unconsciousness is the place where our desires, bad experiences, and shameful thoughts are gathered and repressed. it refers to the part of the mind that is unavailable to consciousness. The unconscious contents simple yearnings and desires such as ―I hope I do well in exam‖ or ―I hope he loves me.‖ But also consist of repressed feelings and ideas that the conscious mind cannot tolerate Ryan, 2012: 45. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6