Limitation of the Study Formulation of the Problems Objective of the Study Significance of the Study

B. Limitation of the Study

To limit the problems it will be discussed in this “skripsi” the comprise of: a the difficulties are faced by the students in learning gerund, and b the reasons why the students find the difficulties in learning gerund. The aspects to be discuss above just focus on 2 two aspects. Meanwhile, the other aspects do not related to aspects above is beyond the writer’s responsibilities.

C. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background of the problem above, it is necessary to analyze the students’ diff iculties in learning gerund at the first grade students of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi. The general question of this study is “Do the first grade students of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi find difficulties in learning gerund?”. This main problem is formulated into more specific problems stated as follows: 1. What are the difficulties faced by the students at the first grade of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi in learning gerund? 2. Why do the students at the first grade of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi find the difficulties in learning Gerund?

D. Objective of the Study

As it has been stated in the formulation of the problems, the general objective of this study is to find out the evidences of students’ difficulties in learning gerund at the first grade students of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi. More specially, the writer aims this study at analyzing: 1. To describe the difficulties faced by the first grade students of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi. 2. To describe the reasons why the students of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi find difficulties in learning gerund.

E. Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected to provide useful information for 3 people they are; a The students, b English teacher, and c Further researcher. For the students, is the result of this study will give an input to the students to improve their knowledge. For English teacher of MTs Darul Amal Bekasi, is to inform the teachers new information about some kind of students’ difficulties in learning gerund and to improve their quality of teaching English. Finally, these findings of this study can be used by other researcher to deliver useful information for other researchers who are interested in English.

F. Operational Definition