In this research, the writer will use two kinds of pre-reading activities, those are: background knowledge strategy by brainstorming and showing pictures. Brainstorming about the related text will help the students to be introduced in some knowledge which they have already known. Then showing them pictures related the text will make them easier to predict the text. It can be base to better understanding. In this research the writer will conduct treatment to experimental class using brainstorming questioning and pictures, while the writer will not conduct treatment to controlled class. Before reading activity is started, the writer will show them the pictures and brainstorm their knowledge about the text by questioning about the text. The writer will ask them some questions related the topic. Then, the writer will read aloud the text to the students and showing them some pictures. When the writer finishes her reading aloud, she will ask one of the students to read aloud in front of the class while. She also corrects their pronunciation. The wrong pronunciation of words will be written on the whiteboard and the writer will give them the right one. After pre-reading activity is completed, the writer let them to read individually. Then, the writer gives the students reading comprehension test related to the text.

D. Previous Study

Several studies were conducted by some researcher about pre-reading activities. Thus, in this section some research findings of the effectiveness of pre- reading activities in teaching reading comprehension. Those will be elaborated briefly to give support to this study. Sari on her study with the title “The Effectiveness of Pre-Reading Activities to Improve Students‟ Reading Comprehension: A Case Study at the second Grade of Budi Mulia Senor High School in Ciledug 20062007”. The population of this research is second year students of SMA Budi Mulia. There were 7 classes while the writer took randomly 2 classes as the experiment class and controlled class. There are 30 students in each class. The research was conducted in four meetings. The writer used reading comprehension tests as the instrument of the research, which is 20 multiple choices. There were 5 items for each meeting with one theme. In pre-reading stage, the students in experiment class are taught using pre-reading activities by asking them some questions related to the theme and by showing the pictures to students. After pre-reading stage, the teacher asked few students to read aloud the text and correct mispronunciation. Then the teacher asked the students about the difficult word or she gave a clue. Then, the teacher gave the students about reading comprehension test. The writer used t-test in analyzing the data with df or db= Nx+Ny-2. The result is there is significance difference between the result of teaching using pre-reading activity and without pre-reading activity. The mean score of the students who are taught using pre-reading activity is 74,3 and the mean of the students who are taught without pre-reading activity is 63,2. 50 Secondly, A research, “The Effectiveness of Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Pre-Reading Activities by Using Semantic Mapping: A Case Study at Third Grade Students of Junior High School MTs. Al-Kautsar, Depok by Eka Kartiwi. The research was conducted to the third year students of Junior High School which is held about three weeks. The population of the research is four classes and the writer took one class as experiment class consists of 30 students. There were six meetings in this research including pre-test and post-test. In each meetings, there are pre test and post test which for each test consist of 5 multiple choices items. So, there were 10 multiple choices items in every meeting. Therefore, the total number of test is 30 multiple choices items of pre test and 30 multiple choices of post test. The writer held the pre-reading activity by using semantic mapping. T-test is using to find the difference between two mean differences. The result is there is a significant difference on students‟ reading achievement after they were taught using semantic mapping technique. 50 Sara Puspita Sari, “The Effectiveness of Pre-Reading Activities to Improve Students‟ Reading Comprehension,“ Skripsi of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2007, not published. The result of “t” test to = 13.4 is bigger than the result of the “t” table viewed from both significance level; of 5 and 1. 51 Another research is “Effects of Pre-Reading Strategies on EFLESL Reading Comprehension ” by Kei Mihara 2011. This study focuses on two pre- reading strategies: vocabulary pre-teaching and comprehension question presentation. Researchers have claimed that a vocabulary strategy is less effective than any other pre-reading strategy. There were two purposes in this research. The first goal is to examine the effects of the two pre-reading strategies; the second is to discuss the relationships between students‟ English proficiency and their reading comprehension. The participants in the present study were asked to perform a pre-reading strategy, read a passage, and then answer comprehension questions. They read four passages altogether. Three weeks after they read the fourth passage, they were asked to answer a questionnaire. The study involved 78 Japanese first-year university students. The present study suggests that for Japanese university students, vocabulary pre-teaching is less effective than pre- questioning. Even when one of the pre-intermediate classes performed the pre- questioning strategy and the upper-intermediate class learned the key vocabulary first, the upper-intermediate class did better on the reading comprehension test. The present study indicates that although vocabulary pre-teaching is less effective as a pre-reading strategy, this method is likely to be preferred to EFLESL students. This result would suggest that it might be worth investigating whether a vocabulary strategy works well as a post-reading strategy. This research showed that pre-reading activity is effective to build student‟s prior knowledge about text, and it can be a technique to help students in reading text. 52 51 Eka Kartiwi “The Effectiveness of Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Pre-Reading Activities by Using Semantic Mapping ”, Skripsi of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2005, not published. 52 Kei Mihara, Effects of Pre-Reading Strategies on EFLESL Reading Comprehension, Tesl Canada JournalRevue Tesl du Canada 51 vol. 28, no 2, 2011.

E. Conceptual Framework